Top 130 Quotes & Sayings by Adam Lambert

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Adam Lambert.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Adam Lambert

Adam Mitchel Lambert is an American singer and songwriter. Since 2009, he has sold over 3 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide. Lambert is known for his dynamic vocal performances that fuse his theatrical training with modern and classic genres.

I'm not a babysitter.
I've always been fond of the glam-rocker title.
I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me. — © Adam Lambert
I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me.
I think it's up to the parents to discern what their child is watching on television.
It's been a transformative period and I really wanted to make music from what I've experienced.
I wouldn't ever give myself the label bisexual, but bi-curious, yeah.
I try to go throughout my daily life just as if nothing has changed, but you don't have much anonymity anymore, which feels really good. People come up, and say hi and they enjoy your work.
So pretty much, to sum it up, if you can freak someone out and bring that kind of emotion out of somebody with a song, you're doing something right.
I need to be able to explain myself in context.
I had a lot of fun with my costume designer.
I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader.
Bowie's been a huge influence on me.
There are female artists I can look at that I find more in common with than the male artists, because they're blending the pop, dance and theatricality... but currently there aren't a lot of guys who go there.
I think theatricality is just one way of performing. I don't think it's a better way or the way, but it's my way. — © Adam Lambert
I think theatricality is just one way of performing. I don't think it's a better way or the way, but it's my way.
You know, if it weren't for these fans, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did.
I think the difficult thing is the transition between TV competition series and going into the actual music industry. There still seems to be a slight disconnect there.
I like 'Rocky Horror.'
I have crushes on women all the time.
At least I can say that I'm honest.
I don't like to look typical.
I was afraid to express myself for a while.
There's no regrets for me.
I have crushes on women all the time. I don't have intimate relationships with them, but I find women beautiful.
My wish is for gay to become less of a label, and more of just one of many great colors in the collective box of humanity.
Pop is a little bit theatrical. That's the whole vibe. That's the point - is that it's great music, great melodies, great hooks. But, on top of it, it's a presentation. There's a showmanship about it. And that's why I wanted to be a pop star.
Female performers have been doing this for years - pushing the envelope about sexuality - and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out.
I have nothing to hide.
I worked at Starbucks when I was 16... It was all right.
I started to realize I wasn't like every other boy.
You can't plan everything - if I did a performance exactly how I rehearsed it, it would be so boring.
Los Angeles can be a really sad city.
I would love to do a live show with dancers and fashion and scenic elements - definitely bring my love of the theater to a concert-style performance.
I think, for the majority of my twenties, I was always so concerned with what I didn't have, or what I still wanted.
When you dance and move around it creates a different reaction from the audience - they love it.
I think you kind of have to put yourself out there.
I am who I am.
All these songs honestly explore the ups and downs of my reality.
There's a certain level of pageantry with 'Idol,' and in order to work the show, you kind of have to feed into it. — © Adam Lambert
There's a certain level of pageantry with 'Idol,' and in order to work the show, you kind of have to feed into it.
I was really beating myself up about performances and how I looked and this and that.
I think the British audience might be more open-minded with some of my imagery and weird choices.
The biggest risk I've ever taken is going on American Idol and trying to be myself. I wasn't going to try too hard to conform, and I knew that it could possibly not work out.
My mother was always supportive.
I've only dressed in drag three or four times.
I'm trying to convey to my audience that you really can't judge a book by its cover, and there's more to the universe than you can see with your eyes.
Carving out an identity for yourself is important so I'm trying to do that as well.
I definitely have my opinions that I'm very vocal about and I'm not afraid to put them out there.
My M.O. is just do what you do and don't feel like you have to make apologies for it. I'm sure there will come a point when I have to apologize for something, but not yet.
I knew that it was my only shot to be taken seriously in the recording industry, because it's fast and broad.
I am gay, and I'm very comfortable with it. — © Adam Lambert
I am gay, and I'm very comfortable with it.
I listen to crazy, robust rock music where they sing their faces off, and soul music, which can be similar.
I've been kind of toying around with the bi thing in my head. I wouldn't ever give myself the label 'bisexual', but bi-curious? Yea.
I'm proud of my sexuality.
Those shows I did with Queen were pretty surreal. I was really excited and super-flattered, but intimidated at the same time.
The way I look at it is everybody should have the right to get married, if they so choose.
I've been known to make out with girls from time to time. Couple drinks involved, you know. It's fun. And who knows? Maybe it'll go further someday. I don't know.
I nitpick details.
Wait a minute, I'm a fan of yours; you can't be a fan of mine!
I don't think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear that I'm gay.
I like to get real pretty.
There was a lot of me trying to be a 'fixer.' I was that kind of guy. I'd meet someone who had 'so much potential' that needed 'help.' I think that was kind of my curse for a long time.
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