Top 330 Quotes & Sayings by Aeschylus - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Greek poet Aeschylus.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand, they hasten on their course in vain.
It is good even for old men to learn wisdom.
Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting. — © Aeschylus
Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting.
By Time and Age full many things are taught.
Of prosperity mortals can never have enough.
Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another's might.
For this is the mark of a wise and upright man, not to rail against the gods in misfortune.
Know not to revere human things too much.
I willingly speak to those who know, but for those who do not know I forget.
For somehow this disease inheres in tyranny, never to trust one's friends.
I, schooled in misery, know many purifying rites, and I know where speech is proper and where silence.
For there is no defense for a man who, in the excess of his wealth, has kicked the great altar of Justice out of sight.
Who apart from the gods is without pain for his whole lifetime's length? — © Aeschylus
Who apart from the gods is without pain for his whole lifetime's length?
Don't you know this, that words are doctors to a diseased temperment?
We shall perish by guile just as we slew.
There is no disgrace in an enemy suffering ill at an enemy's hand, when you hate mutually.
And one who is just of his own free will shall not lack for happiness; and he will never come to utter ruin.
The man who does ill must suffer ill.
We must pronounce him fortunate who has ended his life in fair prosperity.
Neither a life of anarchy nor one beneath a despot should you praise; to all that lies in the middle a god has given excellence.
Search well and be wise, nor believe that self-willed pride will ever be better than good counsel.
What good is it to live a life that brings pains?
To mourn and bewail your ill-fortune, when you will gain a tear from those who listen, this is worth the trouble.
He who goes unenvied shall not be admired.
It is an ill thing to be the first to bring news of ill.
If a man suffers ill, let it be without shame; for this is the only profit when we are dead. You will never say a good word about deeds that are evil and disgraceful.
For hostile word let hostile word be paid.
When a match has equal partners then I fear not.
In the lack of judgment great harm arises, but one vote cast can set right a house.
If you pour oil and vinegar into the same vessel, you would call them not friends but opponents.
Justice turns the scale, bringing to some learning through suffering.
For the impious act begets more after it, like to the parent stock.
I say you must not win an unjust case by oaths.
What atonement is there for blood spilt upon the earth?
My friends, whoever has had experience of evils knows how whenever a flood of ills comes upon mortals, a man fears everything; but whenever a divine force cheers on our voyage, then we believe that the same fate will always blow fair.
A god implants in mortal guilt whenever he wants utterly to confound a house.
It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.
For children preserve the fame of a man after his death. — © Aeschylus
For children preserve the fame of a man after his death.
What exists outside is a man's concern; let no woman give advice; and do no mischief within doors.
Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things.
For a murderous blow let murderous blow atone.
My will is mine...I shall not make it soft for you.
The truth Has to be melted out of our stubborn lives By suffering. Nothing speaks the truth, Nothing tells us how things really are, Nothing forces us to know What we do not want to know Except pain. And this is how the gods declare their love.
It is the nature of mortals to kick a fallen man.
Simple is the speech of truth.
Remember to be submissive, thou art analien, a fugitive, and in need.
Obstinacy standing alone is the weakest of all things in one whose mind is not possessed by wisdom.
Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers. — © Aeschylus
Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers.
Wiles and deceit are female qualities.
Wrong must not win by technicalities.
In war, truth is the first casualty.
The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it.
When a man takes the road to destruction, the gods help him along.
Many men who transgress justice, honor appearance over reality.
To learn is to be young, however old.
Only through suffering do we learn
Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend's success without envy.
The man who boldly transgresses, amassing a great heap unjustly--by force, in time, he will strike his sail, when trouble seizes him as the yardarm is splintered. He calls on those who hear nothing and he struggles in the midst of the whirling waters. The god laughs at the hot-headed man, seeing him, who boasted that this would never happen, exhausted by distress without remedy and unable to surmount the cresting wave. He wrecks the happiness of his earlier life on the reef of Justice, and he perishes unwept, unseen.
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Even the old should learn.
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