Top 56 Quotes & Sayings by Aidan Gallagher

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Aidan Gallagher.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Aidan Gallagher

Aidan Gallagher is an American actor and musician. His first major role was portraying one of the quadruplets, Nicky Harper, in the Nickelodeon comedy television series Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn.

Five has sort of had his own little life aside from everyone. He spent 45 years in the apocalypse, and that took a toll on him and was a big part of his overall trauma.
Billions are spent in advertising every year to make you think horrible things are good for you and to get your money for things that will kill you.
I grew up a fan of comics and hanging out in local comic book stores, talking to the store manager and seeing what their favorites are. — © Aidan Gallagher
I grew up a fan of comics and hanging out in local comic book stores, talking to the store manager and seeing what their favorites are.
It's very fun to see how fans react and theorize and get excited about what might happen in future seasons.
I live in the same house as I did when I started acting. My life hasn't changed. Only people around me have changed with how they look at me.
I was a huge comic geek growing up and even made my own comics.
That fight scene in episode two between Five, Hazel, and Cha-Cha at the department store was a lot of fun to shoot.
One of the things that interested me about Five was the trauma that was contributed via the apocalypse. I wanted to make sure that I got his PTSD correct.
I know how much money goes into every minute of production and how many people are counting on me, so I don't ever want to be one to let anyone down.
Five has always been this brilliant, very cunning, and weird little mind, so a number suited him, in a way, and he grew accustomed to it. The younger version of him is this bitter, not very sharing or necessarily caring person.
It's very fun as an actor to be in the skin of Five and to have Diego as a brother. Those two characters, they both are very driven and determined, and where Five isn't as personable as he should be, Diego makes up for it.
What I try to do on my Instagram is provoke discussion and share environmental and sustainability messages.
I thought Umbrella Academy' was this really interesting and unique world. — © Aidan Gallagher
I thought Umbrella Academy' was this really interesting and unique world.
When you go out to eat, bring a fork from home instead of using a plastic single-use utensil and ask them to hold the straw or use a reusable one.
I don't know that I could ever really pull off Ferris Bueller because that was done in such an iconic way already.
I've always looked at the world of Umbrella Academy' with the world that I live in.
Teens say there's nothing I can do because I have no vote. The truth is, the only vote that matters is how you spend your money and who you give it to. Each coin is giving power. Notice and be careful who you give your power to.
I wrote Time' while I was filming 'The Umbrella Academy' and it is a tribute to the journey of my character on the show as well as to the music of My Chemical Romance, but it is also about the idea of living fully in the present moment.
You should cut down on your plastic consumption. Go get a reusable water bottle.
When I key into the character of Five, I'm generally drawing upon a mental state - not so much thinking about the 58-year-old side of him, just the way he reacts to things.
I always had an idea of how Five should be and it was very funny to entertain that idea when I got an audition for it.
Because of social media today, the youth have more power in their hands than they've ever had.
As far as what part of myself I brought to Five, I've always considered myself not really my age.
With social media, some people are supportive and there are some haters and people who make fake accounts. It's out of my control.
It's always fun to do another season of The Umbrella Academy.'
I'm 15 and everything I'm doing right now is really exciting to me, so, actually, whatever I'm into at the moment, I'm somehow able to stay very focused on. I just keep moving forward.
I always look at the motives behind each scene. You can play that out tonally with how you express yourself or you can do that with your physical expression, your physical presence. So I always think about what physical presence I want to embody in each scene.
I think people want to feel that it is possible to overcome differences to work together in times of stress. Maybe that's why so many people are looking for an alternative to the standard superhero movie or TV show. They are looking for characters with more dimension.
When you're in seeing someone like Ellen Page, and you're right then, it's just the two of you. You're locked in. There's this incredible subtlety and control of the actor who's sitting across from you that you're really required to step up your game.
With any second season, it's a tricky balance between keeping what fans loved and also making sure it feels new.
I found out that the animal agriculture business has a huge impact on our climate, so by cutting down on your meat and dairy consumption, you can have a huge impact and help the environment.
Quarantine has really affected me in terms of thinking about what the rest of the world is going through and what isolation within a small space might be like.
I get to play a 58-year-old time-traveling assassin. The role had a lot of layers to it that I knew would be fun to break down and figure out the motives behind.
When you are ten years old and people are screaming your name, trying to grab you at the Kids Choice Awards, and you go to the mall and groups of girls start following you around, it's very unreal and like a dream. I can't say I get used to it, it's always been a little freaky.
I don't know that I would say I've felt like a 58-year-old, but I've never felt exactly my age, or in the right place.
Shooting Umbrella Academy' is like shooting five movies. You're working with a cast of incredibly talented 30-year-olds who all know what their mission is. — © Aidan Gallagher
Shooting Umbrella Academy' is like shooting five movies. You're working with a cast of incredibly talented 30-year-olds who all know what their mission is.
I mean, my understanding is that the live-action and the comic book versions of the Umbrella Academy' will parallel with each other while still keeping their distance, so that fans of the comic books who have already read the storyline has something new to look forward to and in approaching a new season.
One of the first things that I tried doing in terms of taking action on a personal level was trying this campaign called meatless Mondays' so one day a week I would try to adopt a plant-based diet.
I get a lot of hate posting vegan, environment and pollution stuff.
In the comics, there's a lot to sort of digest with Five. He's 58-years-old. He's trapped in this body. He has a genius level intellect. He's insane. He has a wife who's a mannequin. And when you're reading this on the page, it's just like, Wait, wait, what?'
It definitely takes a long time, because Umbrella Academy' scenes are very interesting from a writing point of view with all these very off-the-cuff, oddball characters who are all different from each other.
He just gets progressively more and more stressed and as his anxiety builds up, so does the chaos behind his eyes. That was very fun as an actor to see that sort of bubble over and really take over Five, and him really succumb to his suppressed insanity.
Anytime you approach a new season of any show it's fun because you have a newfound history with these characters.
The United Nations is calling this the decade of action, from 2020 to 2030, because if we don't take immense action, there will be irreversible damage. If we don't, we are looking at an increasingly difficult world to survive in.
One of the great things about The Umbrella Academy' and its TV version is that there are 10 hours of footage, so characters are a lot more fleshed out and further developed.
In the first season, Five was not very inclusive and he felt he needed to do everything himself. He didn't really open up to his family about the apocalypse. By the end of that season, he goes to them for help. He realizes he needs The Umbrella Academy - the full force of his family.
Holden Caulfield would definitely be an interesting role, but I think there was some problem with the rights. As far as projects, I definitely would like to get into something like that.
Exposure is this thing people think they want but at the end of day it doesn't matter. — © Aidan Gallagher
Exposure is this thing people think they want but at the end of day it doesn't matter.
I believe that if today's youth work together raising our collective voice, we can affect the positive environmental change that Planet Earth needs so desperately.
I don't know that Five was a good person before he got stuck in the apocalypse, in a way that really made him a bit more open-minded.
Generally, when you prepare for a fight scene, you have a day before, where you're going through hours of choreography and getting comfortable with the different moves.
I am committed to lending my voice and participating in action campaigns to support the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals that must be achieved by 2030.
One thing people forget about is that behind the camera are hundreds of people without whom we couldn't make the show. Each of them is doing an important task, it's just the actors become the face of the series.
As an actor, the first day of any production is the most stressful.
I'm actually an only child with very supportive parents, so I didn't have the sibling rivalry to draw from.
I hope to be a source of change and inspiration to my peers, empowering them to reach out and take action that will ensure the healthy survival of all of our species and ecosystems.
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