Top 84 Quotes & Sayings by Albert II, Prince of Monaco

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Monacan royalty Albert II, Prince of Monaco.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco

Albert II is Prince of Monaco, since 2005.

Monaco has a vocation to embrace other cultures. Should this be forgotten, the European and American origins of my family are there to remind us.
It will be very difficult for whoever will be with me, not even in marriage, whoever goes out with me seriously. Even if she doesn't look remotely like my mother, she will be compared to her.
Something deep inside me lives by challenges. — © Albert II, Prince of Monaco
Something deep inside me lives by challenges.
I can't say that every day is wonderful bliss and enjoyment.
The Paris agreement represents a huge step forward. It would have been preferable, of course, to start the process many years earlier, and a lot of question marks remain on how nations will ratify it, adhere to it and report their carbon reductions. But this is a remarkable ray of hope for our planet.
It is together that we will be able to save our biodiversity. This is a principle of effectiveness. But it is also a principle of humility; none of us can act alone.
Sometimes there's a very special relationship between a mother and her son.
I really wanted to address different issues of protection of biodiversity, water management issues that I knew were pretty severe in most countries, and then of course climate change.
Monaco's neutrality is one of our main attributes - the role of small countries is to act as go-betweens between big nations.
I have always respected the freedom of expression. But the dissemination of false information is lamentable and subject to criminal penalties.
It never ceases to amaze me how art can touch and inspire people.
F1 has to keep appealing to sports fans and not only to motor racing fans but to possibly a wider public... I don't know if it's only social media or different electronic devices that will do that. How to establish more of a personal link to the drivers and to the teams - these are things that you have to think of.
On various occasions we have been able to host almost all Monegasques on the palace square... It feels like a big family. — © Albert II, Prince of Monaco
On various occasions we have been able to host almost all Monegasques on the palace square... It feels like a big family.
You can rest assured that I will marry... And I will also create my own family.
We are a small country and we have limited influence so we are neutral.
The simple fact that half of the oxygen that we breathe is produced by the oceans should be reason enough to mobilize around the issue of better protecting our oceans.
We try to create as safe an environment as possible for our citizens and for our visitors. That's one of the main positive features of Monaco. In an ever-changing and difficult world, it's a tremendous asset.
Bringing anyone into royal circles is a pretty tough act. Especially in the British royal family, which is scrutinized by the press as no one's been.
The Red Cross Gala is unique. There's great history there. It's the highlight of the summer in terms of social and charity events.
We have no choice: we must protect Arctic ice, enable it to continue to act as an essential temperature regulator for the planet, avoid the catastrophic rise in sea levels that would result from the ice melt, and stop the disappearance of permafrost releasing irreversible quantities of greenhouse gases back into the atmosphere.
Tokyo is unbelievable. They have loads for kids, and the range of activities they can propose for young kids is incredible.
It's true that Ferrari and Monaco are the two most important things to F1.
Mothers are always sending me pictures of their daughters.
I'll never grow up. I'll always be a child at heart.
Creating wealth is not an end in itself. It needs to be shared by all.
Within all of us, there is a little child. Why not enjoy life?
Money and virtue must always be combined.
Oceans are a family heritage, because of my great-great-grandfather, but also my father, who spearheaded different initiatives to better protect the Mediterranean. He was very instrumental in setting up the Pelagos Marine Sanctuary, which is a sanctuary for marine mammals between Italy, France and Monaco.
I'm straight and always have been. When our family gets together, we joke about it or throw our hands up in desperation because there is very little we can do. If we make a big fuss about correcting these rumors, it just creates more attention and turns the whole thing into a soap opera.
I monitor very carefully, in the automobile sector in particular, the development of new technologies which help to limit negative effects on the environment by influencing human actions.
Time is running out if we want our next generations and the generations after that to continue living on this beautiful planet.
I've practiced a lot of different sports. I stopped counting after 15.
I've always tried to protect my private life as much as possible, and that is the hardest part because that is what a lot of media are more interested in - the private aspect more than the official side of things.
My mother loved to take us on walks in the mountains or the hills and she would point out different species that she identified, both fauna and flora.
I'm tired of seeing the press equate Monaco with money laundering.
The promotion of international tolerance, reconciliation and education for which we must work are, in my view, of paramount importance in order to build a balanced world showing solidarity.
I consider myself a private person most of the time so it's hard to perform in a very public situation and have to do... public appearances and speeches depending on what it is and what the situation is.
We may be small in size but we have a lot to offer. Visit us - that would be great. Live in Monaco if there is room - that would be wonderful. — © Albert II, Prince of Monaco
We may be small in size but we have a lot to offer. Visit us - that would be great. Live in Monaco if there is room - that would be wonderful.
We're an independent sovereign country and that's very important to Monaco.
The British community is very active and very generous in many different areas. I can only have high praise for them.
Our health depends on the health of the environment in which we live.
There is such a history and such a mystique around the name of Ferrari and the success that it has had. The whole imagery and legend of the red cars and what they mean to the world of automobiles and racing itself. It is hard to imagine F1 without them.
Protecting the environment is just as important a priority as the economic imperatives.
The protection of biodiversity and, therefore, of endangered species is an issue to which I attach a great deal of importance.
Oceans, in their beauty and mystery, unite human beings whatever their situation, nationality, or faith.
I am delighted to see that the issue of coral reefs is receiving the attention it deserves.
I think very early on, my sisters and I understood the value of nature and what it can do for us, and that we are part of nature. Even if we are all seemingly intelligent beings and we're at the top of the food chain, that doesn't mean that we have to remove ourselves from nature.
You have to protect your personal life, your family and their intimacy as much as possible, whenever possible. Especially when you're a public figure with appearances to attend. Of course, that's harder to do than to say.
I kissed my first girl when I was 13. — © Albert II, Prince of Monaco
I kissed my first girl when I was 13.
My father gave me this poster from National Geographic back in the very early 70s, so I was a young teenager. It showed how man polluted his world. And the issues that they talked about, whether it was water pollution, air, or terrestrial... The issues that they talk about on this poster are still very much present today.
I did my first speech when I was 17, well, my first formal speech. So I've had time to deal with it, and to adjust to it, but I can't say I'm like gung-ho on public speaking or interviews for that matter.
That's been the key to the good success of Monaco - the closeness between the Grimaldi family and the Monegasques.
It's not easy for anybody in a position of responsibility... There are some very unpleasant meetings. I try to think what nice things will come after my meetings are over... having a nice glass of wine.
We depend on nature to survive... it is our responsibility also to take care of our home, planet Earth.
I appreciate versatility.
Electric cars are the future.
Even if you are a small country, as we are, that doesn't prevent you from having big aspirations.
I want to place morality, honesty and ethics at the center of my government's preoccupations, of its councilors or all the principality's decisions.
Climate change has far-reaching consequences for our own survival on this planet. As an issue, it overrides everything else.
You know my mother during her lifetime was unable to set up a foundation for the arts. She always had that idea and did help the arts in many other ways but never was able to set up her own foundation, so we did it in her name after her passing.
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