Top 103 Quotes & Sayings by Alex Morgan

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American athlete Alex Morgan.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Alex Morgan

Alexandra Morgan Carrasco is an American professional soccer player who plays as a striker and captains for San Diego Wave FC of the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL), the highest division of women's professional soccer in the United States, and the United States women's national soccer team. She co-captained the United States women's national soccer team with Carli Lloyd and Megan Rapinoe from 2018 to 2020.

I'm never just on the couch. Being busy is part of who I am. But it's hard juggling my family, my husband, balancing that time.
When I play on grass, my body doesn't ache. It can get sore, but it doesn't pulse, and my legs don't ache. When I play on turf, my legs can pulse and ache for up to 24 hours, and it could take 3-5 days to recover, whereas grass, after 24 hours, I'm ready to play again.
I want young girls to dream about being professional soccer players instead of just watching the boys go out and play. — © Alex Morgan
I want young girls to dream about being professional soccer players instead of just watching the boys go out and play.
Honestly, with stats and things like that, I try not to think about them. I just find that the more you think about goals and assists - what you need to do and accomplish - the more you tend to fall short. When you hope for something and you want something, it comes to you.
Once I got to college, I realized that practicing 3-6 days wasn't going to be enough for me to get where I wanted.
When people say, 'You run like a girl; you play like a girl,' it's not what it used to be. That shouldn't be negative. You should be proud to play like a girl.
I have to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I'm beautiful, even if I don't necessarily believe it.
It wasn't until 1999 when my idols Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly took home the women's World Cup trophy at the Rose Bowl in front of 40 million TV viewers that I remember thinking how rare it was to see women play sports on TV.
It's an obstacle being a girl when you move all over and don't have half the things you need. It's like everything is wrinkled in your life.
I start warming up before training an hour before at the hotel. That's not because I feel old and my body needs it. It's because it's prehab. It's preventing those injuries.
I played volleyball, basketball, softball, and I started to love soccer the most around 7-8 years old because it was a physical game. I could use my speed and strength to my advantage.
My workouts are mostly interval-based, so I'm never running at a constant speed. I'm always switching it up because I don't want my body getting used to one thing in particular.
I would like to win the Ballon d'Or for women. But every top professional should have that ambition.
I have done 'Sports Illustrated,' but I don't regret it because it portrayed me in a positive way - as an athlete.
I hate being recognized; I hate it, hate it. — © Alex Morgan
I hate being recognized; I hate it, hate it.
I think it's huge, especially in team sports, for players to be able to rely on each other and to really trust in each other.
My favorite goals are the ones when there's so much pressure. I focus more when the game is on the line.
I love yoga. There's a lot of stretching involved, which helps with my flexibility and injury prevention. Vinyasa is my favorite as a recovery tool and for me to continue having my legs feel good.
It's important to accept your body for what God gave you.
In the 123rd minute of the semifinal game at the Olympics against Canada, I scored the game-winning goal that brought us to the finals. You can't replicate those do-or-die moments in practice or a friendly game.
Music is so huge to soccer, to my life, to working out. I usually have headphones when I'm cleaning the house or making dinner.
I feel the most confident when I'm comfortable in workout clothes with my hair up in a ponytail.
I have a couple of go-to sneakers off the pitch. I like to have shoes that I can slip on and wear with anything. I travel often, so it's about finding those two or three pairs of shoes that can go with any outfit, whether they go with leggings or a skirt or a dress or jeans.
Sportsmanship is definitely an important thing in all sports. In soccer, we all respect each other on such a high level, between Sweden and Brazil and Japan or whatever team it is.
After I got my gold medal, I thought, 'This isn't just me. It belongs to my team, my friends, my family, the fans, everybody who's impacted my life - this is our gold medal.' So when someone asks to try it on, I'm like, 'Sure, why not?' I might be a little too relaxed about it, but why would I keep it to myself?
Around the age of 14, I was very discouraged from a coach. It was my first youth club team while playing soccer. She told me at the time that I wasn't good enough to play on the team, that I would never get into the game.
You should never be afraid of looking athletic or building too much muscle.
The head-banging music gives me a headache. Katy Perry is fun, Rihanna, old-school '90s hip-hop. Salt-N-Pepa. I like listening to that. Get the nerves out before the games.
I've always wanted to skydive.
I certainly don't feel like I have the perfect body type... It's through your own eyes. And for every female, you're going to see flaws in that; you're going to see flaws regardless. So for me, it's just important to have that confidence and self-esteem no matter what body type you have.
Even when I'm training alone, I always prefer doing soccer-related stuff. On my own, I'll run through cones or do some shooting exercises or pass the ball against the wall.
I have experienced sexism multiple times, and I'm sure I will a lot more.
I could always score goals. I loved that feeling of having your team look to you, that feeling of leadership.
I feel like you have to use the platform you're given to voice concerns and also to praise things when they need to be praised.
I grew up always having dessert after dinner. Always. It's such a hard habit for me to break. It's fine to have dessert every once in a while, but not seven days a week!
When I prepare for a match, it's like work, even the way I have to shower and put on my makeup.
I want to know I made women's soccer better than it was when I came into it.
Social media has come a long way. With the good has come some bad, and you always have a lot of people hiding behind their computers and being very critical of what you do on and off the field, of what you tweet, of what you say, of everything you do.
I feel like I'm always looking to continue improving myself. I'm always looking to win. I'm super competitive, so going into the Olympics, I feel like that's nothing different.
It's great to see women standing up in their own line of work and fighting for fair value. — © Alex Morgan
It's great to see women standing up in their own line of work and fighting for fair value.
I always map out how to get a good eight or nine hours of sleep before I even start my day. And my rule is to put my phone on silent when I go to bed; that way, no texts or emails can disturb me.
I went from never doing interviews to doing 10 in one day and standing in front of 60,000 fans. Now people look up to me, and I'm seeing little girls wearing my jersey.
I was the biggest tomboy growing up. Now I love playing with a full face of makeup.
My goal is to show girls that I'm fighting so they don't have to, so they don't have to fight the same battles, so they don't have to fight for wage equality or whatever it may be.
Whenever people say 'women's soccer,' I want to correct them to say 'soccer.' Every girl has had their sport diminished because they're girls.
There's really no secret to success. You make your own success.
My dad has been to every soccer game that I've played in, both at the amateur level and at the professional level, and he always had great things to say whether we won or we lost, whether I felt great or not so great.
Every time you step onto the field, you have to set goals. My goals are to either score a goal, to have an assist, or to play well.
I feel like when there's more on the line and there's more risks, that means there's more reward.
I don't really have many regrets. I did miss a lot of the events in the days leading up to my sister's wedding because I was at a U17 camp. There were moments like that growing up when I felt like I focused too much on soccer. But that's probably the reason I am where I am today.
I really try to take a step back from the soccer world and going a thousand miles an hour every day. I like to do some sort of either meditation or mental visualization or breathing exercises - something to calm my mind down because a lot of times, it's just going faster than it should.
I don't think the entire world respects women in sport. But if FIFA start respecting the women's game more, others will follow. — © Alex Morgan
I don't think the entire world respects women in sport. But if FIFA start respecting the women's game more, others will follow.
To force a change, sometimes you need to stand up. You know what you're worth - rather than what your employer is paying you.
There's those young girls that I once was, looking up to Mia Hamm, Christine Lilly, all those players, and I know how much of an effect they had on me. Knowing that, I feel like I'm in a position where I can really help be a positive influence in girls' lives.
I remember every goal I've scored!
Winning and losing isn't everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.
Pregame, I eat pancakes for a meal. I always do mental visualization before the game to prepare myself. Postgame, I typically take ice baths.
I've always wanted to become a professional soccer player.
One thing I'm proud to do like a girl is represent my country in the Olympics and at the highest level, at the highest platform that I can.
I don't want to say names, but there are certain companies I won't work with because of previous people they've worked with. I don't want to be put in the same category as another athlete that I don't necessarily think is a good role model.
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