Top 135 Quotes & Sayings by Alexandra Daddario - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Alexandra Daddario.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
There is nothing better than a really cool mystery: you don't know what's going to happen, so you keep turning those pages or watching that series.
I think I've learned not to take everything so seriously and just try to focus on the work the most.
I think, for different types of things, more rehearsal is very important. — © Alexandra Daddario
I think, for different types of things, more rehearsal is very important.
I never even went to Jekyll & Hyde's restaurant. I loved the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, though.
'Gremlins' is one of those eternal movies that stands the test of time and that everyone loves and knows.
I've really fought to get into rooms, and I'm a big believer in auditioning. It's hard, because I'm insecure, but I have an intense desire to prove myself to people.
Everyone has the opportunity to do a horror film. There's something great about it as an actor. You have to go to places you'd normally never go and be put in situations you would never be put into. You don't get the opportunity in a lot of films to have this kind of acting. It's an interesting challenge.
Now that I have a dog, I frequently have to take him out and get some exercise, which also gets me exercise.
I love to travel, and I think being whisked away somewhere for a vacation is a pretty amazing date. But, I'm really into the basic movie and dinner. It's not where you are but who you're with that really matters.
I wasn't all that familiar with the 'Texas Chainsaw' franchise, and I knew who Leatherface was, but I had never seen any of the films, so I didn't know what the meaning behind it was.
I get really frightened easily.
I think I'm sort of method in a sense, and I enjoy, you know, trying to find that reality in fake emotion.
It's wonderful that we're portraying women in this way so that young women can see that women actually are strong and capable of accomplishing all kinds of things. — © Alexandra Daddario
It's wonderful that we're portraying women in this way so that young women can see that women actually are strong and capable of accomplishing all kinds of things.
I don't call him 'The Rock' to his face.
Having dinner with somebody you've looked up to your whole life is quite a memorable thing. Like, 'Wow. I'm having dinner with someone who is a huge inspiration to me.' That's intense.
That would make a great Instagram photo - me and David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.
I love my rabbit, my family rabbit.
I love the 'Percy Jackson' movies. That was my big break. I love the people I worked with. It was a really magical experience for me.
Horror films are very effective to me; they have an impact on me. I think that real life things scare me a lot more.
Not to get too deep, but I think one of the reasons we embrace superheroes and this world is that these are just normal people that have incredible powers that are relatable in some ways - in that we don't have great super powers, but there's strength within us that we can utilize in our lives. Ultimately, they're just normal people with problems.
It made me feel cooler in real life to know I could be The Rock's daughter.
When I was first starting out as a kid, I tried to pad my resume with everything I had ever done - ice-skate, carry a tune. I can't dance for my life, but I can learn, so I'll tell people I can dance. I play the piano - I'm a really good pianist, actually.
I feel like now my kids can run around and say, 'My mom was the Rock's daughter.' I don't have kids yet, but my future children - I just feel like it's the coolest thing ever.
When I was 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, I had so many people I looked up to and was so inspired by all these different people. It's cool to be in that position.
Boundaries move with time. It's like being the oldest child. Your parents don't know what to expect, but by the time the little sister comes along, it's like, 'Oh, staying out late with a boy - no big deal.'
You do run and scream and cry and work yourself up into hysterics, and then you get back to the hotel at the end of the day, and you feel really off and really strange. And that's because rationally, even though you know everything is OK, you have put yourself through this traumatizing experience, and your body is still going.
I Instagram and tweet a lot about my dog. I think he is one of the most interesting things about my life right now. All my motherly instincts go toward this dog. I love the dog.
It's really amazing to see what you imagined brought to screen.
I had done a lot of running in 'Texas Chainsaw' and sword-fighting in 'Percy Jackson,' which taught me to fall properly.
I knew the name; I knew who Leatherface was. But I hadn't seen any of the films, mostly because I'm a scaredy-cat.
Following your heart and working really, really hard is the best thing you can do, and just try not to be too hard on yourself.
I'm honored that people would think of me for any big role that is talked about a lot.
When I first moved here, I almost felt like I was obligated to hate L.A. as a New Yorker. I moved way too fast for this city. I walked everywhere, and I was lonely, too. It was a really hard time not knowing anybody, and you don't run into people the way you do in New York. You can go a week without seeing anyone.
You take some creative license when you make a movie, and things can be a little bit different.
It's odd seeing yourself on screen at all.
It's really amazing when you discover how strong you actually are and what you really can accomplish.
Growing up, when I was younger, I didn't feel all that tough or smart or strong. As I got older, I was able to discover my own strength. — © Alexandra Daddario
Growing up, when I was younger, I didn't feel all that tough or smart or strong. As I got older, I was able to discover my own strength.
For whatever reason, I am just very attracted to mystery stories, solving mysteries. I was a huge fan of 'The Jinx.' That's such a satisfying show because it's all... I don't want to give it away to anybody, but it's really amazing.
I'm a big believer in sort of sense memory, like using something that you've experienced in order to put yourself in the position that the character is in.
There are a lot of people who give you their opinions on what to do.
I've been acting since I was 11.
When I first got here, I thought L.A. sucked. I hated it. I had this pretentious Manhattan thing. But now I've made such a life here, and I'm so happy here. They're just really different places. I can't really compare them because there's great things about both of them.
I'm just really excited to be doing what I love, and I think that's the best part about all of this.
Television is going through a transformation where you're basically able to do big, long movies in television.
I was obsessed with Nancy Drew growing up - I couldn't get enough.
I'm a huge fan of Bill Macy, so working with him in any capacity was exciting for me.
As a child I loved fantasy books, I loved Harry Potter and the idea that there is something 'out there' is inspiring to kids and inspiring to me. It's exciting and I think people can relate to it. Even if things are difficult or bad for you, the idea that there is something special within you is positive and true.
I think love is something you figure out later on in life, and you have to make a lot of mistakes to figure out what love is, which is why we all have shitty, tumultuous relationships when we're younger, and it's harder to let go.
I use a lot of sense memory and, well, I can't really avoid getting into character. — © Alexandra Daddario
I use a lot of sense memory and, well, I can't really avoid getting into character.
I definitely have role models. But it's hard to say, "Okay, I want to be Angelina Jolie," or "I want to be Charlize Theron.
I think it's interesting playing characters who are flawed and make mistakes because we all have - no one's just one thing - no one is just bad or just good - so I like finding flawed characters and playing with their redeeming qualities, whether you play it outwardly or not. I think that one of the reasons I'm an actor is that I love people and I love finding out who they are and why they do the things they do, so it is fun to play those kinds of characters.
I was in Manhattan during 9/11, and that was really the only thing that I related to as far as a disaster on a grand scale. It was really interesting to see on that day and in the weeks afterwards how people came together, and what people were able to do for each other, and what I found myself feeling and thinking and doing for the people around me, whether it was strangers on the street or my own family. It was really an experience that you can't fake.
Acting is a really strange thing. You have to know when you're put in a bad situation, but you also have to be willing to do something very strange.
I really love Charlize Theron. I've never met her before, but she seems really down-to-earth in interviews, really intelligent and funny and cool - and she's just this glorious goddess who holds herself with such confidence.
I’ve had those relationships, and you have to make those mistakes to find out what we really want.
When I was little, I thought about becoming a lawyer like my parents, and my mother would always tell me, "You can do anything you want - except be a lawyer."
So many things could go wrong, on any film. I've been out in L.A. for eight years and I've been acting professionally for a long time, and you realize that you have to prepare and work hard, but you never know what could go wrong.
Im a combination between extreme insecurity and extreme confidence.
I try to write my own music. It's a good way of de-stressing.
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