Top 149 Quotes & Sayings by Amy Klobuchar - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Amy Klobuchar.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Foreign agents are taking advantage of loopholes in our laws.
It's an uphill battle to help our kids learn to make good food decisions - particularly when they are too often presented with an a la carte lunch room choice of french fries or yogurt.
Women are focused on getting things done and bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to a political system that's crying out for change. — © Amy Klobuchar
Women are focused on getting things done and bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to a political system that's crying out for change.
I have worked positively and successfully with Senator Sessions on issues like adoption and human trafficking.
We should look for ways to expedite generic drug approvals, particularly for products that have a long history of being safe and effective.
It is wrong when we, in effect, throw safe and sound financial institutions into the same category with banks and lenders that climbed too far out on a limb with no way to return.
We must make our world safer by rooting out the evil in our midst while still protecting the rights of people who mean no harm.
There are many fronts in the fight to make voting easier for all.
With the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, American taxpayers shouldn't be footing the bill for medicine going to waste.
I have a dream that, one day, maybe we'll have more women in the Senate than there are victims of Harvey Weinstein's harassment.
Indeed, in strengthening our security, boosting our economy, and protecting our environment, Canada is our friend, neighbor, partner, and ally.
I believe same-day registration has to be part of comprehensive reform of our voting systems that will also restore pre-clearance, shorten lines at polls, and ensure that no one who wants to vote is denied their constitutional right.
As a nation, America is at its best when we are thinking and making things and exporting to the world.
Normal people should be able to run for office. — © Amy Klobuchar
Normal people should be able to run for office.
When I ran for the Senate, I ran to bring change to Washington, not simply to become a woman senator.
Competition is the best way to ensure prescription drugs are affordable.
As an intern for Vice President Walter Mondale, I arrived the first day ready to write policy memos and change the world... but my assignment was doing an inventory of the furniture.
Comprehensive immigration reform should be debated and passed by Congress.
I actually went to law school with Jim Comey. We were in the same class, and he was respected by our classmates just like he was respected by the agents that he supervised.
If the past is an indication, when women are given a job to do in Congress, they get it done.
There must always be a balance between protecting privacy and security. In our country, one of the ways we have struck that balance is by requiring a court order before law enforcement can access certain communications of and data on suspects.
You need people that are willing to talk to the other side, or you're never going to get anything done. You need to be willing to expand your ground. There's always usually a place on issues where you can find common ground.
The continued vitality of our Constitution and the survival of each freedom it protects depend upon the right to vote and the vibrant democracy it affords us. In short, the right to vote underlies each of our other rights.
Election security is national security, and we have to start acting like it.
The floor of the U.S. Senate isn't a place that usually sees a lot of drama.
I come from a state with many sound, responsible banks.
One thing is certain: we will not be successful in this fight against ISIS and other extremist groups unless countries in the region are a major part of the coalition.
As a U.S. Senator, I've tried my best to practice politics the way I think it's supposed to be practiced - always looking for common ground and truly enjoying the people I meet along the way.
In my early campaigns, people would sometimes come up to me at a grocery store or at a shopping mall and say, 'I know you from somewhere.'
I'm a former prosecutor. And for me, the integrity of the justice system is all about the fact that these men and women go to work every day to be there for our country.
Where there's a lack of competition - as we saw with Mylan Pharmaceutical's virtual monopoly on EpiPen - price increases often follow.
People don't become obese overnight. Allowing our children to have treats in moderation - as in trick-or-treating - is one thing, but good nutrition involves discipline that must be learned and practiced on a daily basis.
I was one of the first women partners at my law firm, the first woman in my Minnesota prosecutor job, and the first woman elected from my state to the Senate. So advice from women who had done similar things was important for me.
I will not vote in favor of Senator Sessions' nomination for attorney general.
The consequences of poor nutrition and a lack of exercise are serious.
There are always people that are misbehaving.
Trudeau, like President Barack Obama, is a champion of change.
If Congress continues to sit on its hands, and the drug companies continue to stash cash in their stockings, Americans will be forever bound in the Jacob Marley-like chains of high prices.
My best friends are women in the Senate, but much like Senator Obama, I ran on a platform of change. — © Amy Klobuchar
My best friends are women in the Senate, but much like Senator Obama, I ran on a platform of change.
Doing business with Cuba is good for America.
I have tried to treat people on the other side civilly and look for common ground.
I love the State Fair. It's an event that really brings the urban and the rural Minnesotans together. Rural people get a chance to mix with the urban folk and see what the cities have to offer, and urban people get to remember where their food comes from and who produces it for them.
I love representing Minnesota in the Senate.
It is illegal for foreign entities to buy political ads in the United States. But that didn't stop the purchase of thousands of political ads on Facebook, paid for - in rubles - by foreigners.
It's time we update the laws so that online platforms are held to the same transparency standards as other companies that sell political advertisements.
In the 21st century, our adversaries will continue to use cyberattacks against us. We need to be prepared to defend our networks against this growing threat to our democracy, especially the most fundamental part of our political system: our elections.
As a prosecutor and a senator, one of my main criminal justice priorities has been enforcing and reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, a bill with deep roots in Minnesota, seeds planted by former Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila.
Loretta Lynch is supremely qualified to be our nation's top cop, and she should be confirmed immediately.
I am endorsing Barack Obama because he is a new kind of leader: he speaks with a different voice; he brings a new perspective and inspires a real excitement from the American people.
Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is one of the most important objectives of our national security policy, and I strongly advocated for and supported the economic sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table.
I never was a great sports player. In fact, in fourth grade, I had the second to the worst softball throw. — © Amy Klobuchar
I never was a great sports player. In fact, in fourth grade, I had the second to the worst softball throw.
Rebuilding our relationship with Cuba would be a win for American business and a win for the Cuban people.
When I was a prosecutor, we had one straightforward goal: convict the guilty and protect the innocent. To me, that simple mission still holds true.
The right to free speech is critical to our democracy.
I grew up in the public schools, my mom taught in them, and then my daughter is in them.
As president, Barack Obama has the potential to finally bring our country together to meet the enormous challenges ahead. This includes restoring economic prosperity, moving toward energy independence, delivering affordable health care for all, and implementing a responsible, effective foreign policy.
Women aren't sitting back after they win an election. They're leaning in!
The women Democrats and Republicans work together incredibly well.
We can't just say the right thing on lowering the cost of prescription drugs: we have to do the right thing, too.
I am proud to be a woman in the Senate.
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