Top 143 Quotes & Sayings by Amy Winehouse - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English musician Amy Winehouse.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I want at least five kids. I want twins.
I've never been a boyfriend kind of girl.
I'm happiest with my family around me. — © Amy Winehouse
I'm happiest with my family around me.
I love America, it's a much more permissive place.
All the songs I write are about human dynamics, whether it's with girlfriends, boyfriends, or family.
I don't even have a TV.
My parents pretty much realized that I would do whatever I wanted, and that was it, really.
I would love to study guitar or trumpet.
I read a lot when I'm travelling and always have a couple of books on the go.
When you're around kids you can be a little kid yourself and pretend that life is magic and you don't have to be one of those sweaty people going to work every day.
I'm lucky because I do get to fly first-class now.
I made an album I'm very proud of, and that's about it.
Here in England, everyone's a pop star, innit, whereas in America they believe in the term artist. — © Amy Winehouse
Here in England, everyone's a pop star, innit, whereas in America they believe in the term artist.
I was gutted to leave my boyfriend at home when I started my tour, but taking my pillow was like taking a little bit of him with me.
I'm of the school of thought where if you can't sort something out for yourself then no one can help you.
I can play a lot of different instruments adequately but nothing really well.
I'm always happy to blow up any misconceptions that people have about stage school cos everyone thinks it's really nasty there but it's not.
I'm very loyal.
I can be a cruel person.
Relationship doesn’t remain, We resonate on different flames, I could cut you down again, If you were like all other men, If you were like all other men, I know that I could shut you down again
There are certain songs I cannot hear because they are so personal that it hurts me to listen.
The dark covers me and I cannot run now.
You've got a degree in philosophy; so you think you're cleverer than me. But I'm not just some drama queen. Cause it's where you're at, not where you've been.
A little bit of anorexia, a little bit of bulimia. I'm not totally OK now but I don't think any woman is.
Life is so much more rewarding if you strive for something, rather than take what's given to you on a plate.
And as a writer, your self-worth is literally based on the last thing you wrote.
I'm not Amy the star, I'm Amy the girl with the guitar.
It’s too much of a drinking culture, everything tastes better with a drink. Like, watch TV: glass of wine. Cooking dinner: glass of champagne. White wine vinegar hasn’t got white wine in it. Has it?
A song marks an occasion in my life and that's how I live my life, by songs.
Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can teach me That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway.
I think that we have to be aware that people are allowed to make mistakes
I like stylish men although I'm someone who sees a man who's not dressed right and think what I could do with him to make him cute. I'm a typical Jewish woman like that.
I dont ever want to do anything mediocre. I hear the music in the charts and I dont mean to be rude, but those people have no soul. Learning from music is like eating a meal - you have to pace yourself. You cant take everything from it all at once. I want to be different, definitely. Im not a one trick pony. Im at least a five-trick pony.
Sisters come before carpet burns and blisters.
I've always had my own style, I've always been different. I don't like to wear anything that anyone else is wearing because it's very important for me to make a statement.
I love to live and I live to love.
I'm romantic. I fall in love every day. Not with people but with situations. The other day, I saw a tramp polishing his shoes. That just gripped my heart.
Music is the only thing that will give and give and give and not take. — © Amy Winehouse
Music is the only thing that will give and give and give and not take.
I've always written poetry but I didn't realise it was a therapy for me until I was maybe 15. That's when my singing started to come together as well because I was listening to so much jazz. What I love I will always embrace.
I'd like to be remembered as someone who wasn't satisfied with just one level of musicianship ... as someone who was a pioneer.
I'm a realist and a dreamer. There are certain things you can give certain people and certain things you can't.
I don't ever wanna drink again, I just, ooh I just need a friend
I always said I never wanted to write about love, but then I went and did that anyway.
I had a real stage school voice and I could do loud things, but it's not about being loud, it's about sensitivity and subtlety in music. You can do so much more with a quiet voice than with a belter.
I do see myself settling down, getting married and having kids. But when I think about a family life in the future there's rarely a man involved which is kind of weird.
I was expecting it to be cynical because I'm like that myself. I wouldn't want it to be all roses because life isn't like that.
When I was a little kid it was my dream to go to drama school, but it was never something I thought would happen to me. I was a Jewish girl from North London and things like that don't happen to Jewish girls from North London called Amy Winehouse.
I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason, but I don't think that there's a high power, necessarily. I believe in karma very much though. — © Amy Winehouse
I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason, but I don't think that there's a high power, necessarily. I believe in karma very much though.
I can't help you if you won't help yourself.
I don’t need help because if I can’t help myself I can’t be helped.
If you don't throw yourself into something, you'll never know what you could have had.
Life happens. There is no point in being upset or down about things we can't control or change.
I'm a young woman and I'm going to write about what I know.
I only write about stuff that’s happened to me.. stuff I can’t get past personally. Luckily, I'm quite self-destructive.
I told Missy [Elliot] I couldn't believe how much she has done as a woman in a male-led arena and that she's an inspiration to me. When I got into the lift back to my room to get changed and go home, I broke down in tears.
Over futile odds, and laughed at by the gods And now the final frame. Love is a losing game.
We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred time, you go back to her and I go back to black.
I don't care what people think about me. Never did, never will. Life is too short to be worrying about that shit.
I told you I was trouble, you know that I'm no good.
I can't be arsed with game players. I'm more 'I like you, do you like me? Let's go and do something about it.' I'm a very straightforward person like that.
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