Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by Anaximander

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Greek philosopher Anaximander.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.

Anaximander was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus, a city of Ionia. He belonged to the Milesian school and learned the teachings of his master Thales. He succeeded Thales and became the second master of that school where he counted Anaximenes and, arguably, Pythagoras amongst his pupils.

Greek - Philosopher | 610 BC - 546 BC
The source from which existing things derive their existence is also that to which they return at their destruction. — © Anaximander
The source from which existing things derive their existence is also that to which they return at their destruction.
There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time, all of them perishable.
The Earth is cylindrical, three times as wide as it is deep, and only the upper part is inhabited. But this Earth is isolated in space, and the sky is a complete sphere in the center of which is located, unsupported, our cylinder, the Earth, situated at an equal distance from all the points of the sky.
Immortal and indestructible, surrounds all and directs all.
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