Top 128 Quotes & Sayings by Andrea Leadsom

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British politician Andrea Leadsom.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Andrea Leadsom

Dame Andrea Jacqueline Leadsom is a British politician serving as Member of Parliament (MP) for South Northamptonshire since 2010. A member of the Conservative Party, she served as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from 2016 to 2017, Leader of the House of Commons from 2017 to 2019 and Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy from 2019 to 2020. Leadsom has twice run to become Leader of the Conservative Party, in 2016 and 2019.

What gets you out of bed in the morning? This is a question I'm often asked as a politician. It tends to be closely followed by a dozen other questions about what I'll do in 'x' scenario or whether I'll resign if 'y' happens.
I am a very committed Christian. I think my values and everything I do is driven by that.
There are so many double standards that seem to be applied only to female MPs. I've had infinite comments about what I'm wearing when the focus should be on what I'm saying.
I urge the Government to look carefully at scrapping the entire burden of regulation on micro-businesses with, say, three employees or fewer. — © Andrea Leadsom
I urge the Government to look carefully at scrapping the entire burden of regulation on micro-businesses with, say, three employees or fewer.
If I was prime minister, there would be absolutely zero risk that Brexit wouldn't happen.
I envisage there being absolutely no regulation whatsoever - no minimum wage, no maternity or paternity rights, no unfair dismissal rights, no pension rights - for the smallest companies that are trying to get off the ground, in order to give them a chance.
It's an uncomfortable fact that leaving the European Union in a way that is true to the referendum result is becoming harder and harder to deliver.
A century after some women first got the vote, we are upping the pressure for change to consign Parliament's legacy of inequality in the past.
I take my responsibilities to this House very seriously.
We had the biggest democratic exercise, and the majority voted to leave the E.U. It is our duty to make sure we do that.
Like so many other people in the U.K., I took the chance offered to us in a single question: Should we leave the European Union or remain within it? Following a great deal of thought and thorough analysis, the answer I arrived at was, 'Yes, we should leave the E.U.'
Parliament's centuries of history have been overwhelmingly dominated by men, but things are changing.
If you're left to scream and scream day after day, your levels of cortisol remain high, and you develop a slight immunity to your own stress, so what you find is babies who have been neglected tend to become risk-takers.
Twenty-seven member states cannot even organise a takeaway curry, let alone what they are going to do on free trade deals with the rest of the world. — © Andrea Leadsom
Twenty-seven member states cannot even organise a takeaway curry, let alone what they are going to do on free trade deals with the rest of the world.
As leader of the House, I seek to do exactly that, treating all members of Parliament with courtesy and respect.
Being a mum means you have a very real stake in the future of our country.
The government believes that we will need to take the step of enshrining the Paris goal for net zero emissions in U.K. law. The question is not whether but how we do it.
I have been very clear for years - leaving the E.U. means leaving the single market, leaving the customs union, taking back control of our money, border, and laws.
I want to live in Britain with a sense of humour - where there are no groups whose life choices are 'above' criticism.
I wholeheartedly believe that same-sex couples have as valid a relationship with their partner as do heterosexuals. I also believe that in the eyes of the state, we all deserve to be treated equally.
Over the centuries, the country has looked on as Parliament has faced historic decisions. Even in the most challenging of times, we have pulled together and put our duty above all else.
I believe that the love of same-sex couples is every bit as valuable as that of opposite-sex couple.
With every ounce of my heart, my brain, and my experience, I absolutely believe that the bright future for all of our children and grandchildren is when we vote Leave.
I truly believe in the bright future that awaits us once we leave the E.U.
As an employer, we're not - let's face it: most of us don't employ men as nannies. Most of us don't. Now you can call that sexist; I call that cautious and very sensible when you look at the stats. Your odds are stacked against you if you employ a man.
Too few people in my old field of financial services were ever brought to book for their part in the 2008 crash.
I know what we need to get done to leave the E.U. in a smooth fashion - and I also know that we do not need is a lengthy extension.
I want to be crystal clear that everyone has an equal stake in our society and in the future of our country. That is what I believe, and it is what I have always believed.
If the government has any courage, it will punish those at the top of failed banks. Accountability is critical in every area of human endeavour - there has to be a penalty for failure; otherwise, it's only a matter of time before the economic pain our banks have caused to so many innocent businesses and homeowners is forgotten.
I see myself as, one, an optimist, and two, a member of a huge family, and that's important to me.
When in doubt, cook a Sunday roast, get the family around you, and you'll feel fine afterwards.
I am a passionate, pragmatic, and positive believer in Brexit, and with my three-step plan, we can decisively leave the E.U.
The reason I say 'never say never' is because I do not think that there should be another independence referendum in Scotland - I do not think it's in their interest - but on the other hand, I am a big believer in devolution.
Transparency will be at the heart of everything I do - it's what parliament expects, and it's what the public deserves.
We can demonstrate to the world that the U.K. remains a beacon for opportunity, fairness, and democratic leadership.
I want to live in a Britain where there is a shared belief in freedom and democracy, and equal rights for men and women.
I believed in a number of the E.U.'s core values - the promotion of peace, global trading opportunities, and the values of freedom and democracy. These are areas in which our great country leads the world.
Like so many of my generation and those younger, I have spent most of my life in the E.U., and my instincts were naturally for reform from within.
The government takes the opposition day debates incredibly seriously. — © Andrea Leadsom
The government takes the opposition day debates incredibly seriously.
Ed Timpson is a fantastic minister for early intervention, and Liz Truss is a fantastic minister for Sure Start.
Marriage in the biblical sense is very clearly - from the many, many Christians who wrote to me on this subject, in their opinion - can only be between a man and a woman.
My kids are a huge part of my life.
Along with 'normal' people in this country, I'm sick and tired of political correctness.
What I think we should be doing is refocusing all the prevention budgets, all the money spent on teen gangs and young offenders, on conception to age two at a rate of 2% a year.
At the end of the day, European politicians face the ballot box, as do all of us politicians.
What I'm suggesting is making an offer to the E.U. for things that were already agreed in the withdrawal agreement that will enable us to leave with a managed exit.
Hunting is alive and well, and so it should be.
What I think we have to be doing is promote the strength of the U.K. working together far stronger, far more than we have done, and I have a number of policy areas that I would use to try and make that happen.
It would be helpful if broadcasters were willing to be a bit patriotic. — © Andrea Leadsom
It would be helpful if broadcasters were willing to be a bit patriotic.
We in the so called 'Western civilisations' have so much to learn from other cultures, and they would stand to gain so much by learning from ours. We don't have all the answers - far from it... but nor do any other culture or religion.
I would like to pilot a government-led scheme, alongside Help to Buy, to offer a loan to young people on a reasonable income to be able to pay the deposit on a new home and then swap their high rents for a mortgage and actually have a place of their own.
The period from conception to two is about the development of a baby's emotional capacities. Mum saying, 'Oh, darling, I love you,' and singing baby songs and pulling faces literally stimulates the synapses in the brain.
We must give young people and others who cannot find a job a direct and clear incentive to create one for themselves by starting a business.
We can restore that vital trust between politics and the people.
By cutting the red tape that comes out of Brussels, we will free our farmers to grow more, sell more, and export more great British food whilst upholding our high standards for plant and animal health and welfare.
I have deep sympathy with the hundreds of my constituents who fear that legislation for same-sex marriage will profoundly encroach - although this may be unintended - on their right to live according to their faith.
My Twitter feed is polluted with vitriolic personal abuse, much of it gendered. Like almost all female Members of Parliament, I have both seen and experienced inappropriate and sexist behaviour.
Theresa May... is ideally placed to implement Brexit on the best possible terms for the British people, and she has promised she will do so.
My real passion is social justice, resolving the lack of empowerment, the lack of skills, the fact that young people can't get on the housing ladder, they feel they can't have a decent job, they feel they aren't in control of their lives.
When women speak out and say there is a problem, the answer is not, 'No there isn't.'
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