Top 185 Quotes & Sayings by Andrew Breitbart - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businessman Andrew Breitbart.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
All left-wing activists, whether it be WTO, anti-WTO, or anti-war, are idealistic as framed by the Democratic Media Complex.
The anti-big-government movement is pure. Its participants represent something close to what used to be considered normative in this country.
One thing is for certain: under President Obama, home schooling will become a huge growth industry. — © Andrew Breitbart
One thing is for certain: under President Obama, home schooling will become a huge growth industry.
The sad fact is that actual artistic oppression - book banning in its many modern forms - is a matter of course in the entertainment industry, especially when the underlying product is declared politically incorrect or runs contrary to the interests of Hollywood's political altar, the Democratic Party.
Less about politics, 'The Path to 9/11' focused on the emergence of radical Islamic terror as a clear and present American threat.
I didn't come up through the ranks of the conservative movement... I came to these revelations about my own personal politics in a realm in which those books, those ideas, the canon of conservatism, is nonexistent.
For free-speech principles to be reinforced and free-market ideas to win the day, more people are going to have to stand up and be heard.
Much of Mr. Bush's 28 percent approval rating is born not of 'failed policies' - of which there are many - but of the ill-gotten gains pilfered from a pre-Bush inauguration strategy to send the message to Republicans that the Democrats play politics harder and better.
America is Tiger Woods country for a reason, and she elected Barack Obama to punctuate this new reality.
I am righteous and righteously indignant, the Tea Party is righteously indignant, and our goal is to not just save the country, but quite frankly, if America goes, so goes the world, so in our desire to save the country, we are trying to save the world.
The making of the Barack Obama franchise far exceeded the skill set of Washington's best. In fact, the recipe for Mr. Obama's global popularity can be attributed less to political minds and chance than to the enduring power of Hollywood.
You really have to do something Bruce Banner-like to me to cause me to go into my righteous indignation mode.
George W. Bush is history's president, a man for whom the long-term success or failure of democracy in Iraq will determine his place in history.
There is an extensive body of writing from both sides of the political aisle that has analyzed the extraordinary depths of hatred leveled at former President George W. Bush.
If ever there were a candidate destined to shine on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show,' Sarah Palin would be that woman. — © Andrew Breitbart
If ever there were a candidate destined to shine on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show,' Sarah Palin would be that woman.
Political correctness - the rigging of politics using different rules for different groups, and buttressed by the media - ensures that Democrats always have the upper hand.
Perhaps resigning from her first term in office may hurt Mrs. Palin's attempts to run for higher office. Even I, a Palin supporter, now have qualms about her seeking higher office.
My long-held fear is that Mr. Obama is hiding something about his education. During the endless 2008 campaign, Mr. Obama would not release his college grades. Given that President George W. Bush and Sens. Al Gore and John Kerry all had proved mediocre grades were no impediment to a presidential bid, Mr. Obama likely had other concerns.
In the public eye, being a victim of past injustices does not win the right to propagate current and future ones, and that's intolerable to those in charge of the race industry today, whose power relies on maintaining forever a latent rage that can be turned on and off at the will of the nation's elites.
Much of America rooted for Mr. Obama simply because he is black.
Women want to get to know Sarah Palin. And they want to meet her family.
Celebrities like to pay lip service to causes but rarely do so by putting their lives in peril. And even more rarely do they do so in the name of the United States of America, not on their own behalf.
We just assumed that Walter Cronkite was unbiased. In hindsight, it is clear that Walter Cronkite was biased and that he used feigned objectivity as the cudgel to change the American narrative from being a right of center one to being a left of center one.
Different identity groups hold specific levels of power over others when their battles play out in the media. To wit: Black beats white. Gay beats white. Black beats gay.
It would be my goal for Palin to become Oprah and be the ultimate kingmaker for twenty-odd years.
If there is a person behaving more destructively in popular culture than Mario Lavandeira, I cannot think of one. He has used cruelty as a crass mechanism to build up his own celebrity and has utilized political correctness to protect himself while using it as a weapon to dehumanize those he doesn't agree with.
The thematically related 'Boys Don't Cry' and 'Brokeback Mountain' reinforced the narrative that gays like Mr. Shepard are regularly isolated for cruel and unusual attacks.
If you go into an academic institution with a clean slate, you are very likely to come out a liberal. That is a huge problem.
Sarah Palin may best serve her country by entering the media fray.
I'm sorry, you leftists: you're not the only people whose motives are pure.
In GOP land, apologies and resignations are never enough.
Since war became a geographically distant but very real way of life after Sept. 11, 2001, no Hollywood star has stepped up to support active duty U.S. military personnel and wounded veterans like Gary Sinise.
Tea Party attendees and health care town-hall protesters share the common belief that the extravagant spending of President Obama and the Democratic Party - absent any checks and balances - will eventually lead more people into government dependency, higher taxes, and, perhaps, our country's financial ruin.
In a media instant, Sarah Palin went from an unknown moose hunter to a mass phenomenon on the precipice of becoming the vice president of the United States.
Mrs. Palin has neither pushed for creationism in Alaska schools nor moved to ban a single book in Wasilla.
Exposed in the relentless Palin attacks is not just political bias but unmitigated class bias. The American mainstream media in its current free-fall is begging for more comeuppance when it continues to berate the values and lifestyles of the folks in flyover country who, in simpler times, used to be considered valued customers.
From its skillful editing to its out-of-control budget and its relentless marketing, Mr. Obama's team played a different game at a different level than Sen. John McCain and his traditionalist staff.
This oppressor/oppressed cultural Marxist thing is you're an authentic woman and an authentic black even only if you support liberal causes. If you are a woman, if you are a Hispanic, if you are black, and you abide by a value system that believes in limited government and constitutional principles, you are an apostate to the utopian ideals of the left, and you are not protected, and you are pilloried, and that is why I became a conservative because I thought it was fundamentally unfair, fundamentally un-American.
Wherever you go, whether it be a college campus or the New York Times or ABC News or Venezuela or Cuba or the former Soviet Union, it's amazing how the speech codes and the trying to shut up dissent is a defining aspect of the left because they believe so firmly in their utopian ideals that anyone who would disagree with that utopia is an enemy of the state, and they treat them as such.
We need to find ways to communicate with each other. — © Andrew Breitbart
We need to find ways to communicate with each other.
The viciousness, the lack of rules, is so absolute within the leftist framework that the ends justify the means, that my media is very much organized to try and go toe-to-toe with those people to say we know what your motivations are, we know how vicious you are, but we are not afraid of you.
Liberals in blue states just think that when they look in the mirror and say to themselves "I'm for the environment, I'm for the children, I'm for the gay people, I'm against war," it pits automatically, and the oppressor/oppressed leftist mindset that anyone that would disagree with them isn't conservative, they're crazy. They're Nazis, they're facists, they're evil.
The left understands the media. The left wields it, and the right sits on the sidelines and complains.
Stop fearing being attacked.
There is no clear distiction between white supremacy and the multicultual mindset.
My goal is to try to weaponize the American people, try to weaponize the conservative movement, try to weaponize the underground conservative Hollywood movement, to weaponize as many people in the center-right country to try to rectify a generation-plus long problem that has been absolute media bias, absolute media used by the Democratic Party as a tool to defeat conservatives.
The power of propaganda is to say something enough times that it becomes the Big Lie.
I'm alive and I'm going to keep standing up for what I believe in. Once you get to that point, boy you are dangerous.
I'm a former lefty, I understand how vicious these people are, I understand that they feel they have the right to control the sandbox, and I am trying to orchestrate media that isn't just out there to push the right-of-center Libertarian narrative, I'm out there to destroy the false order, the false control that the left has in controlling the mainstream media in America.
I'm sorry you leftists, you're not the only people whose motives are pure. — © Andrew Breitbart
I'm sorry you leftists, you're not the only people whose motives are pure.
Liberals in blue states just think that they are on the right side of history, and anybody that disagrees with them has to be a troglodyte or a neanderthal.
How is it that I became a conservative from being a liberal? It's because I witnessed how liberals behaved to a conservative. They treated him poorly. Had I not seen that, I wouldn't have opened my eyes.
I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and - famously - I enjoy making enemies.
The army of the emboldened and gleefully ill-informed is growing.
For those in the conservative movement to think that you're going to change minds only by preaching to the choir, you don't understand how media works. So that's probably the most potent weapon out there is to go fight the fire, go towards the fire.
I think that sometimes conservatives are way too naive to understand the zeal that liberals have in trying to destroy using Alinsky tactics the very humanity of their conservative opponents.
Feeding the media is like training a dog. You can't throw an entire steak at a dog to train it to sit. You have to give it little bits of steak over and over again until it learns.
It's fun to be liked, but when standing up for what you believe in, it's also very fun not to be liked.
I'm sick of the pussies on the right, if I can use that word, they're pathetic. The poll-tested, Republican strategist driven candidate whose job is to try and not get into a battle with the mainstream media and be liked by Katie Couric is a threat to America. It's a clear and present danger to a country that's in steep peril.
The Democratic Party has formed a perfect union with the mainstream media to scare Republicans, to say that they're gonna be called racists or sexists or homophobic if they reach out to minorities.
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