Top 145 Quotes & Sayings by Andrew W.K.

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Andrew W.K..
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Andrew W.K.

Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier, known professionally as Andrew W.K., is an American conceptual performance artist, rock singer, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and actor. Raised in Michigan, Wilkes-Krier began his musical career in the mid-1990s. He performed in a number of local bands before eventually moving to New York, where he produced his first recordings under the Andrew W.K. moniker.

No one controlled Frank Sinatra or told him how to sing. No secret group of managers has been telling someone like Jay-Z what to do or how to look. And no one tells me what to do except me and the people who believe in me.
The entertainment industry is so vast; that's why I got into it the first place.
For me, music, in the truest sense of the word, is about making people happy. — © Andrew W.K.
For me, music, in the truest sense of the word, is about making people happy.
I really love Indian food, especially if you can get it spicy. Any food you can get spicy I really love, and Indian food is just so flavorful: a lot of onion, a lot of garlic.
How could you not let your life affect your work? That's all it is. Unless you have a very specific, isolated version of what you're doing.
I feel very lucky that I've chosen to work in a style that is based on good vibes, and you tend to get good vibes in return. But I don't take it for granted. It was a choice.
Food is a party; it's exciting. It should be a source of entertainment and nourishment. And just do everything you can to not let food become anything but fun. Let it be a source of pleasure, not anxiety or neuroses or stress.
Starting in junior high school, through high school, I was very into metal or black metal and death metal specifically.
You can magically alter your life if you believe hard enough and then take actual physical action in the world outside your brain to make it happen.
I want to be able to party for as long as possible.
I have been accused of having people design my image, tell me what to say in interviews, design my clothes, the way I look and talk, and, of course, my music. It's true I do work with people, but not to accomplish anything bad: just the basics that any person does in this business and with this opportunity to live out my dreams.
Music is a mysterious phenomenon - it seems both to magically overwhelm and sublimate our suffering, but also to starkly dignify the struggles of our daily life.
I worked at Bergdorf Goodman doing interior decoration. — © Andrew W.K.
I worked at Bergdorf Goodman doing interior decoration.
I was very fortunate to take piano lessons from a young age, and the only times that we were able to play on Steinways was at our recitals, which were really nerve-wracking. Partly because we got to play on a Steinway.
You just have to set a goal and go for it.
Andrew W.K. is about partying and doing what you want!
Greenpoint was where I had my first apartment on my own without roommates or sleeping on someone's couch. It was a really important time for me.
I always try to find a less frustrating way to look at things.
I don't think I'd really talked about politics - governmental politics specifically - very often, and it was a bit of a stretch for me to do so for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I'm not that well-versed or educated in politics.
In fine arts, when you make a painting, it's just a painting. But if you make a painting in the entertainment industry, it can be an album cover or a t-shirt or a logo.
I think all of our concerts, really, as parties. It's a performance for sure. It's not a recital. It's a celebration of that music.
I've played piano since I was 4 years old, and I've always loved songs by J. S. Bach.
I'm not here to tell anyone how to party. I'm just here to say, 'Please, party as hard as you can.'
Reading counts as partying, even if you're not enjoying it! Even if someone's forcing you to read, you can find a way to make it into a party if you party hard enough. It just takes more effort and a more advanced approach.
I love Turner Network television; I love Adult Swim. That's actually how I got my start on Cartoon Network was through Adult Swim, originally. I had a special appearance on 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force!'
I'm still messed up and have all kinds of problems, just like anybody.
It's not that I will die, but if I stop partying, it will lead to extreme complications in my wellbeing.
I always wanted to be cheered up. I felt like that feeling of the first day of summer or when a girl would agree to go on a date or you found a $20 bill - that undeniable rush of excitement - I wanted to make a soundtrack of music for that kind of moment.
I'm not proud of this at all, but I'm someone who has relied on business managers and accountants and career managers to run the whole bureaucratic side of my life for the last 16 years, so anything, from filing tax returns to paying credit card statements, is something that I feel rather fortunate to have been out of the loop on.
In general, I feel like when I've associated with someone, the association has elevated me and perhaps lowered the other person.
I've collected comics for many, many years, but I've usually collected older ones for whatever reason.
Music is about truth, and truth contains the ugliness and the dark and evil and hate and sadness as well as the happiness and beauty and everything in between. Having all those extremes is itself a satisfying, positive thing.
I never thought I would be a role model for anything. But a role model for fun, I can do that.
I think the secret of the world lies in the C major scale. The universe opens its doors when a major scale is played. There's stuff going on in a major scale that is a direct connection to divine, universal hugeness.
It's my responsibility to show people that this music is something they can trust in and believe in, and it's not a joke. It's not anything but 100 percent from my heart.
I've always had something about parking lots at night. They have a special appeal I think many people can relate to.
I take responsibility for everything in my life, including who I work for and what happens to me because of it.
To me, life is huge and thrilling and exciting and explosive and loud. If I can make music that communicates that and reflects that, then that's an achievement. — © Andrew W.K.
To me, life is huge and thrilling and exciting and explosive and loud. If I can make music that communicates that and reflects that, then that's an achievement.
Kids' shows appeal to a fun-loving mentality that I hope all humans, no matter how old they are, have some ability to relate to.
When you do something that maybe wasn't the best thing to do at the time, you don't want to hold onto those feelings of guilt, shame or embarrassment, as much as you'd like to learn from them.
The bloody nose was the album cover for my first album, but it's since become my logo.
The more we focus on what everyone else is doing wrong, the less energy we have to fix what we're doing wrong.
I don't have tattoos other than lines.
I wash my hair maybe once every four or five months. But whenever I touch my hair, I wash my hands. I think since I wash my hands a lot and then touch my hair, maybe I'm washing my hair each time. But also, I sweat a lot, and sweat is like a natural shower built into your body.
Try to imagine that you're the strongest, most noble, most thoughtful, most compassionate, intelligent person in the world, and pretend to be that. Speak from that place. It's more than self-awareness; it's the ability to access this super-intelligence.
Once, Pee-wee Herman tweeted a photo of this guitar I made that's shaped like a slice of pizza, and it meant a lot to me. People downplay it, but there's power there, people reaching toward each other and toward truth. Any mechanism, any resource that we can use to further that reach, is part of the human destiny.
I have not been a big fan of very sweet drinks, although the Manhattan cocktail is a favorite of mine.
Out of all the things I could imagine spending my time doing, I figure if I was going to devote myself to a mission or dedicate my life to a cause, it should be an enjoyable one. And partying was the most fun thing I could think of and also that other people could relate to.
You can't want an amazing life and then resent it when it happens to you. Destiny has very little to do with what you think and what you want to do and even what you might like.
That's what really bothered me about high school: There was just no time to do anything other than school. — © Andrew W.K.
That's what really bothered me about high school: There was just no time to do anything other than school.
'You're not alone' can be a great thing to hear when you're feeling quite despondent and alienated from the world and yourself. But if you're someone who's been completely overwrought with the intensity of life and the world, getting some space to be alone can be one of the things you crave most.
I worked very hard not to have average days. I never do the same thing twice.
Usually, two or three hours after getting offstage, I'll begin the eating process: usually carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
Being OK means you're not sad, and you're not incredibly happy. You're content. You're OK. And that's the ideal place to be, to be able to say, 'I'm OK.'
I try to imagine what the greatest song I could ever write would sound like, and then try to do it.
Most people tell you there are certain moments you should celebrate in life: for example, the weekend coming, so you should party on a Friday. Or your birthday or New Year's Eve. But what if you're excited about being alive every day? Can't you be in that celebratory state every moment you're not dead?
Songs like 'Party Hard' were written to make people feel in touch with their greatest potential.
Life changes, and thus, partying changes, and what it means to party evolves as well.
As someone that really likes painting and visual art but also likes video and movies and also music and recording and style and clothes, it was hard to pick what to do with my life.
There's basically filth everywhere, and there's no way to escape it.
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