Top 70 Quotes & Sayings by Angela Lansbury

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Angela Lansbury.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Angela Lansbury

Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury is an Irish-British and American actress and singer who has played many film, theatre and television roles. With one of the longest careers in the entertainment industry, her career has spanned over 80 years, much of it in the United States; her work has also received much international attention. Upon the death of Olivia de Havilland in July 2020, Lansbury became the earliest surviving Academy Award nominee and one of the last stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema.

Those who have known the quality of my work and the many public statements I have made over the course of my life must know that I am a strong supporter of Women's Rights.
I have never directed. But I think I could. I have thought about it. I'm a bit long in the tooth to start.
I was put under contract. A major studio. I got nominated for an Academy Award. Isn't that ridiculous? I mean, at the age of 18! — © Angela Lansbury
I was put under contract. A major studio. I got nominated for an Academy Award. Isn't that ridiculous? I mean, at the age of 18!
Those of us who were 12 or 13 when the war started were absolutely thrown into the mainstream. We had to grow up instantly and take care of ourselves.
I lead a very regimented life. I take excruciating care of myself: I take a lot of vitamins, get enough sleep, don't drink apart from a glass of wine occasionally.
The theater is magical and addictive.
I think of myself as a journeyman actress. I will attempt almost anything that I think that I can bring off. It could be almost anything.
We all have levels of performance.
I made about 56 movies, I think. Not that many.
I had the ability, but I didn't have the name. They could have built me, which is what they did with Deborah Kerr, but I don't think I was quite hot enough in the looks department, quite frankly. I was all talent and no looks.
'Blithe Spirit' is played almost all over Britain somewhere at all times because it is such a unique and ridiculously funny show. But it's also, in fact, under those layers of humor, a very serious show. It's quite misogynistic.
I never regretted what I turned down.
Clint Eastwood is an extraordinary director because he knows the value of a buck. He knows where it will show on the screen. — © Angela Lansbury
Clint Eastwood is an extraordinary director because he knows the value of a buck. He knows where it will show on the screen.
Mystery is something that appeals to most everybody.
I've worked with the greatest actors, and they're all gone. This is what's so desperate to me.
I started in London, as a kid. My mother knew I had sort of an inbred talent. She was an actress, so I inherited it from her. But I think I got a lot of it from my grandfather, who was a great politician.
A sitcom. I hate that word.
Through years and years of playing to various audiences, what I've learned is - and I think quite a few actors will agree with me - we're not always the best judge of that audience's reactions or not. And we discover, to our amazement, at the end of the show, they bring the house down with applause, and we thought, 'No way tonight,' you know.
There is no excuse whatsoever for men to harass women in an abusive sexual manner. And, I am devastated that anyone should deem me capable of thinking otherwise.
Bringing humor and bringing happiness and joy to an audience is a wonderful opportunity in life, believe me.
Here I am, I still go on, you know, like the tides.
Believe me, it jabs you. When you're on the side of buses and New York loves you, you love to go out there every night. It's like a race. Curtain opens, out you go, and New York is yours.
I don't think about going back to the theater.
I've never been particularly aware of my age. It's like being on a bicycle - I just put my foot down and keep going.
The Manchurian Candidate was the most important movie I was in, let's face it.
The collaboration really begins once the rehearsal starts. This is when the actor takes his place, because he becomes the one who is going to bring the words of the author off the page.
Everything I did actually helped to build the revenue, shall we say, of experience, which enabled me to play a variety of roles as I got older.
My memory about names and places now is dreadful. But lines, I can remember.
The thing I always say is that I wasn't going out reaching for roles, I wasn't fighting for roles - people came to me. They always came to me.
Actually the years when I was playing totally un - well, they were just roles that just went by the board, you wouldn't want to know. But anyway, I'm glad I had that chance to build my craft.
I honestly feel that "Murder, She Wrote" stands alone, as many of the other great shows of the past 35, 40 years do. It stands alone, and it's still on. It's still all over the world, "Murder, She Wrote," Jessica Fletcher and "Murder, She Wrote."
All I knew how to do was to act. That's the only thing I had in my favor. That was the thing that propelled me forward.
... because lifestyles are changing constantly the rules of etiquette are changing too -- a little slower than lifestyles perhaps, but still changing.
I'm Angie to everybody, you've got to learn.
My daughter used to sit and watch Murder, She Wrote. I tried to watch with her, but I fell asleep.
Psychologically, you learn the values that are inherent in the dialogue, and you learn to apply it to the way you read the lines. That's acting. You're not yourself saying those lines, you're somebody else.
As a kid, I just was a contract player at MGM Studios. They put me into goodness knows how many different roles.Some of them were wonderful and some of them were very just distasteful and awful because I was playing out of my age range and I was thoroughly uncomfortable, let's put it that way. So it took me many years to find my acting feet.
Louis B. Mayer and I got along like a house afire. He never chased me around his desk or tried anything with me. Of course, he never gave me any good parts, either. — © Angela Lansbury
Louis B. Mayer and I got along like a house afire. He never chased me around his desk or tried anything with me. Of course, he never gave me any good parts, either.
The purpose of etiquette is to provide an easy set of rules which we can follow when we are in a hurry and want to make sure that we do not give offense to anybody.
Actors are not made, they are born.
I had no idea that such a thing could happen. It never occurred to me.My son told me. He called me and said, "Darling, I just wanted you to know that you have been chosen to receive an honorary Academy Award." I was in the back of this car, and I said, "Oh," and burst into tears, of course, because it was so unexpected and quite wonderful. I thought it's been worth hanging around all these years.
You just have to be open and ready, and let it all happen.
I can't say that I pursued a career. I really didn't, it just sort of happened.
I honestly consider that the greatest gift to me, is the reaction that I get from my work. That is a given which I never, ever take for granted. But to be given that by audiences, individuals, on the street, in the theater, is an extraordinary feeling.
I'm the bionic woman. I have a very strong constitution, and I take excruciatingly good care of myself.
I can't say that I deserve longlife; I don't. I've just been around long enough. They say, "My God, she's still here."
I'm not going to be dancing with the stars at this stage in my life. But I want to dance and bop around, and I did, and I can.
It's better not to try to learn all the lines by rote. It's a very bad idea, in fact. You have to do it by using the process, and as I say, the process is to learn during rehearsals, and that's how you'll do it.
I don't care whether it's a chance meeting or playing a role that you thought was totally wrong but you did it anyway. It will often turn out to be the thing that will lead you to the role which is sublime.
Roles came to me. I was very, very lucky in that respect. Great directors, great writers, great producers - they saw something in me that they wanted for their picture or their play or whatever it was, whether it was Edward Albee or whether it was - or Peter Hall, directors. They would come to me, thank God. I was lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky.
You learn a great deal that you can feed into your craft which gives you the experience that you actually need later on, when you start to get the really great roles. You've played that part to a certain degree in that picture, and you played that one in that, and so on. You add it all up, and you have that experience.
Im in a very enviable position, being able to work like this 45 years later. Its always beginning! I never have a sense of finishing up, just new things beginning. When I die, theyre going to carry me off a stage.
I very seldom said no, and I was aided and abetted by my husband, who realized that the one thing I could do was to be a very good actress, by his note. — © Angela Lansbury
I very seldom said no, and I was aided and abetted by my husband, who realized that the one thing I could do was to be a very good actress, by his note.
I have heard Mr. Romney's speech's many times on television and the radio and I have even read his book No Apology: The Case for American Greatness and I must say that out of all the gentleman running for the presidency Mr. Romney is, in my opinion, the best one to fit the bill.
I just went along for the ride. It was a God-given gift. It is. So you can't say well, you wasted your life because you spent all of it acting, but I think gosh, I've never been to China, I've never been to Japan. I've never been to Yellowstone Park.
You learn the values that are inherent in the scene that the writer has written. You learn about who you as a character are in relation to those others who are working with you within that scene.
Better to be busy than to be busy worrying.
I played the Piccadilly Theater with "Gypsy" and also the Old Vic, and I've done other shows in London, but not for 40 years.
The older I get, the more I realize how much I have missed because I was so busy entertaining that audience and so busy pursuing a career.
My mother was one of the most beautiful women, I have to say, of her generation. She was absolutely lovely. She was a very, extremely sensitive, Irish actress. She came from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and she came to London, and she was sort of discovered by several people.
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