Top 518 Quotes & Sayings by Angelina Jolie - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Angelina Jolie.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I get impatient with people working on a film that have their head in their hands like it's the most complicated thing in the world.
I don't see the point of doing an interview unless you're going to share the things you learn in life and the mistakes you make. So to admit that I'm extremely human and have done some dark things I don't think makes me unusual or unusually dark. I think it actually is the right thing to do, and I'd like to think it's the nice thing to do.
Brad and I have never wanted our kids to be actors, but we also want them to be around film and be a part of Mommy and Daddy's life and for it not to be kept from them, either. We just want them to have a good, healthy relationship with it.
Like every parent, when you start your family, your life completely changes. And you completely live for someone else. I find that the most extraordinary thing. Your life is handed over to someone else. From that moment on, they come first in every choice you make. It's the most wonderful thing.
It's a great thing about being pregnant - you don't need excuses to pee or to eat. — © Angelina Jolie
It's a great thing about being pregnant - you don't need excuses to pee or to eat.
There's people constantly asking you for something on set, so the multi-tasking of motherhood transfers very well to being a director. And I think you're compassionate.
I love great journalism. I appreciate it. I love a good, you know, I love good news stories. I love great books. I love great articles. I appreciate them so much, and they've been part of my education as a woman.
I'm not somebody that thinks about destiny and fate, but I don't walk away from it when something unfolds.
Most women in my family start to get sick and start dying in their 40s, and I am going to be very happy to become 50 and 60. I love getting older.
To be clear: we have fights and problems like any other couple.
I went through a period when I felt my film characters were having more fun than I was. It might partly explain why I ended up tattooed or doing certain extreme things in my life.
The great thing about having a bunch of kids is they just remind you that you're the person who takes them to go poop!
Sometimes, women in families put themselves last until it manifests itself in their own health.
It's probably not an accident that the films that I care about happen to be about issues that matter to me, stories that I want to tell.
When I was younger, I was testing myself and questioning everything, but now it's less about that and more about these are the years of my life with my family. — © Angelina Jolie
When I was younger, I was testing myself and questioning everything, but now it's less about that and more about these are the years of my life with my family.
I had a C-section, and I found it fascinating. I didn't find it a sacrifice, and I didn't find it a painful experience. I found it a fascinating miracle of what a body can do.
I'm just wanting to make the proper breakfast and keep the house. That's my passion. At the request of my kids, I'm taking cooking classes. As I go to sleep at night, I think, 'Did I do a great job as a mom, or was that an average day?'
There's the chaos surrounding the practical day-to-day - playdates, doctors' appointments, packing and unpacking, and organizing mealtimes.
I didn't even know I needed throw pillows. That was always Brad's thing.
My children love Maleficent's voice, so they always make me do it at home.
I take my kids to school. And if I go to work, I go to work, and they visit me on set. I come home. I have dinner with my family. I have breakfast with my family. I have a very solid, very warm home.
She would have thrived as a grandmother. I know how much she would have contributed to their lives, and I am sad they will miss out on that.
I'm always doing something. I never shut my brain off. I always have something going on.
Maleficent was always so elegant. She always was in control. And to play her was difficult. I worked on my voice a lot. She's bigger than me. She's on a different level of performance that I have never done.
I think I should learn French and be a better cook - basic, really good life stuff.
Everyone got kind of crazy with me mentioning I was in love with a woman.
I've never lived my life in the opinion of others. I believe I'm a good person. I believe I'm a good mom. But that's for my kids to decide, not for the world.
In my father's generation, the product was 80 percent of what you were putting into the world, and your personal life was 20 percent. It now seems that 80 percent of the product I put out is silly, made-up stories and what I'm wearing.
Acting helped me as I was growing up. It helped me learn about myself, helped me travel, helped me understand life, express myself, all those wonderful things. So I'm very, very grateful; it's a fun job. It's a luxury.
My mother was a very natural woman. She never spoiled herself, never wore make-up, and wore modest jewellery, but she always had a few special items for when she wanted to feel like a lady. One of those special items - and I remember it because it seemed so elegant - was her Guerlain powder.
When I was growing up, I wanted to adopt, because I was aware there were kids that didn't have parents.
My mother was a full-time mother. She didn't have much of her own career, her own life, her own experiences... everything was for her children. I will never be as good a mother as she was. She was just grace incarnate. She was the most generous, loving - she's better than me.
I love Brad in every state.
People wonder aloud about whether I am an okay mother. That is obviously painful because it's so important to me. It's hard to hear that people think I'm not a capable mother and a good person, that they just think I'm nuts.
The loss of a child is my greatest nightmare.
I don't let a lot of reporters meet my children.
It's getting harder to make decisions to just want to do something to work... I'm trying to find things that are extremely challenging or mean something to me deeply.
Not many people know this about me, but I'm a natural blonde. My hair went from light blonde naturally to a darker kind of blonde. My mother dyed my hair dark when I was a child, as I loved the look then. So I'm basically a natural blonde.
The American people are bigger than any president. I suppose I have faith in my country and in what it is founded on and the values we hold dear.
There's certainly a side of me that isn't completely... sane. Or completely 'even' all the time. We all have our dark sides. — © Angelina Jolie
There's certainly a side of me that isn't completely... sane. Or completely 'even' all the time. We all have our dark sides.
If you're going to spend two years of your life on something, it has to matter to you; you have to be passionate about it.
I think it speaks of all women having those few special things that make them feel feminine. And so when I was a little girl, I would associate Guerlain with that.
Something I learned as an actor was which scenes needed to be rehearsed and which actors are good with rehearsal, which actors learn from it, and which ones grow stale because they start to second-guess themselves.
I grew up as this very carefree, happy kid then things turned darker for me. Maybe it was because I saw that the world wasn't as happy a place as I had hoped it would be for me.
When I was little... I didn't relate to princesses. I saw Maleficent, and I just thought she was so - she was so elegant.
The moment you have a child, in an instant your life is not for you, and your life is completely, 100 percent dedicated to another human being, and they will always come first. It changes you forever. It changes your perspective, and it gives you a nice purpose and focus.
I notice that my characters go out to dinner and have fun and take these great trips, but I spend so much time on their lives, I don't have much of a personal life of my own. I have to sort of remember to fill out that little notebook on me.
Our lifestyle was not in any way a negative. That was not the problem. That is and will remain one of the wonderful opportunities we are able to give our children.
Brad was a huge surprise to me. I think we were both the last two people who were looking for a relationship. I certainly wasn't. I was quite content to be a single mom with Mad.
It was weird to be married; you kind of lose your identity. You're suddenly somebody's wife. And you're like, 'Oh, I'm half of a couple now. I've lost me.' — © Angelina Jolie
It was weird to be married; you kind of lose your identity. You're suddenly somebody's wife. And you're like, 'Oh, I'm half of a couple now. I've lost me.'
We will always be a family. Always.
I was very worried about my mother, growing up - a lot. I do not want my children to be worried about me.
Sadly, of course, there is real evil in the world. You watch the news, and you see all of the people suffering and so much cruelty.
When you are an actor, you have to stay inside this world, but when you are with the crew, on the outside, you are in the dirt, working through all the issues. It's just a different way of working, and I think I preferred it.
I knew through the surgeries that he was on my side and that this wasn't something where I was gonna feel less of a woman, because my husband wasn't gonna let that happen.
I like to hide behind the characters I play. Despite the public perception, I am a very private person who has a hard time with the fame thing.
I think the depth, what children can handle and what they're interested in, is much deeper than I think what people assume. I think it's why sometimes we make things too simple for them.
Every three months, I'll say, 'Honey, I think I should learn how to cook'.
I'm terrible at reading scripts. I love to read, and I hate reading scripts.
My whole family have all been through a difficult time. My focus is my children, our children.
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