Top 325 Quotes & Sayings by Ani DiFranco - Page 5

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Ani DiFranco.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
And I was shocked, To see the mistakes of each generation, Will just fade like a radio station, If you drive out of range...
What makes you so lavish that you can afford to spend every sober moment feeling angry and bored?
Subtract out the impact and the fall is all you get. So here's two beers to remember why and three more to forget. — © Ani DiFranco
Subtract out the impact and the fall is all you get. So here's two beers to remember why and three more to forget.
I use my dress to wipe up my drink, I care less and less what people think.
A little bird told me that jumping is easy and the falling is fun, right up until you hit sidewalk shivering and stunned.
When I was like sixteen, I was a total chick I had big hair. I was seen as this attractive girl, and I would get all this attention. And then I just cut off my hair, and I quit playing that game.
When I look around I think this, this is good enough; And I laugh at whatever life brings because when I look down, I just miss all the good stuff and when I look up, I just trip over things.
The old farm roads a four lane that leads to the mall, and our dreams are all guillotines waiting to fall.
I still define myself by the places that I've been.
I cannot name this, I cannot explain this, and I really don't want to so just call me shameless.
Feel free to listen, feel free to stare.
Somedays the line I walk turns out to be straight - Other days the line tends to deviate.
Let's grow old and die together. Let's do it now. — © Ani DiFranco
Let's grow old and die together. Let's do it now.
I mean, playing music at home and writing and hanging out with my guitar is kind of medicinal for me, but when I bring the songs to people on stage, it's very joyous.
I'd rather suffer the consequences of truth than of silence.
...words are some of the most powerful and important things I know....Language is the tool of love and the weapon of hatred. It's the bright red warning flag of danger--and the stone foundation of diplomacy and peace.
I knew naturally as a child not to forfeit my creativity to a world that's all laid out for me. I'll look at everything around me and vow to keep in mind that alla this is just someone's idea. It could have just as well been mine.
They see me as a symbol, and not a human being. That way they can kill me, say it’s not murder it’s a metaphor.
Don't tell me what they did to you as though you had no choice. Tell me, isn't that your picture? Isn't that your voice.
spring is super in the supermarkets and the strawberries prance and glow never mind that they're all kinda tart and tasteless as strawberries go meanwhile wild things are not for sale anymore than they are for show so i'll be outside, in love with the kind of beauty it takes more than eyes to know
i found religion in the greeting card aisle now i know hallmark was right
The way I play guitar is very, very hard and I bloody myself incredibly without the tape. And the nails are my picks.
Vulnerability is something that I negotiate every day.
I love to exercise my creativity in many ways but as each year of specialization goes by I feel further and further from my other creative selves. I used to be able to see myself doing many things and sometimes I still long for a job that involves less pressure and grappling with people but, as you say, I am one of the lucky ones so I try to just focus on feeling lucky and carry on!
I know the biggest crime is just to throw up your hands, Say, This has nothing to do with me, I just want to live as comfortably as I can...
What we all have to admit to is that one man cannot save us. Unless we start energizing ourselves, all standing behind him with all of the force of our collective power then we can't expect mountains to be moved. And that is not exactly happening, we are a very comfortable population.
I seriously hate pop music and all things super-commercial, so I'd be hard pressed to feel embarrassed by anything I listen to. Besides, I have a three-year-old, so I don't have time for guilty pleasures anyway!
First decide what you got to do, then go out and do it. All we can do is to see each other through it.
There are so many things that we have to be very concerned about. But I always come back to feminism. People look at me sideways now and are like, "With everything going on, the destruction of the environment, these endless wars, this capitalism that has a stranglehold on our culture and our world and you're talking about feminism still?"
I am a thinned-skinned type. I am very sensitive, very emotional. Vulnerability is kind of always a part of my day.
I was supposed to be cool about this, yeah, I remember - cool was the plan. Tried to keep it all under wraps, but the wraps kept going slack. I keep turning round, I keep coming back.
I just see a lot of people who are really terrified of the "f-word." A lot of women these days, a lot of young women don't want to call themselves feminists.
You're trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists that love is like falling, and falling is like this.
No one's gonna sympathize when we crash, they'll say you hit what you head for, you get what you ask.
The world is my oyster. The road is my home. And I know that I'm better off Alone.
Stepped out into the cold, collar high, under the slate gray sky. The air was smoking and the streets were dry, and I wasn't joking when I said goodbye.
I see a lot of young female performers who do not call themselves feminist, but would certainly believe in their own right to self-determination, and wouldn't want anybody to stop them from becoming themselves. They just refuse to recognize the relationship between their lives and those of other women, or feel any solidarity there.
And this vague little smile is my all purpose expression the meaning of which I will leave to your discretion. — © Ani DiFranco
And this vague little smile is my all purpose expression the meaning of which I will leave to your discretion.
When everything else seems unclear, at least I'll know I do it for the joy it brings.
I don't always feel lucky, but I'm smart enough to try.
Now I wonder who is gonna be president: Tweedle Dumb, or Tweedle Dumber-- And who is gonna have the big block buster box office this summer.
There is no alternative. A Democrat is a Republican is a big businessman, and we're all consumers instead of citizens. It just manifests in the culture, in the music, in the art. I feel a little panicky about it.
You got to look outside- your eyes- you got to think outside- your brain- you got to walk outside- your life- to where the neighborhoods change.
Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there.
I turned my pain into art and my hard work into a career. Helping myself has helped others. helping others has helped me.
If you turn on the TV, you're going to get a certain palate, and if you go looking underneath the surface, there's a whole lot of stuff there that I think a lot of our generation would be really interested in.
I always try and stay one step ahead of people, not looking like I looked like last week, so I can be as anonymous as possible and part of it is just for me. It is fun to just come up with new and bizarre colors for each area of your body and things like that, but there are some parts of it that I just keep wanting to negate myself. I hate waking up in the morning and recognizing the woman in the bathroom mirror.
Take away our play stations and we are a third world nation. — © Ani DiFranco
Take away our play stations and we are a third world nation.
We've got ego's like hairdos.
I am a work in progress dressed in the fabric of a world unfolding.
If you think you know what I'm doing wrong well you're gonna have to get in line.
I like to be an inspiration and an example of the idea that you can be independent, and it's no problem, and you can pay your rent, and it's empowering, and it's great. And that's true, but it also takes a really long time, and you have to have a lot of patience and a lot of conviction in why you want to remain independent.
I used to be a superhero; no one could touch me, not even myself. You are like a phone booth I somehow stumbled into, and now look at me - I am just like everybody else.
My feminism has evolved way beyond self-empowerment and I see feminism as a path to peace on earth. The fundamental imbalance that is behind all of the other social diseases is patriarchy. I do believe. As men and women, together, I really long to feel my society evolve its understanding since we're one of the leaders in the f-word. I want us to grow our idea of feminism collectively and get both men and women involved in undoing patriarchy. It's huge. It's a huge job.
I did not design this game; I did not name the stakes. I just happen to like apples; and I am not afraid of snakes.
It's not important to be defined, it's only important to use your time well.
I'll walk the plank and I'll jump with a smile, cause if I'm gonna go down I'm gonna do it with style.
I think it is very useful to know ourselves, but when we start naming and labeling, that is dangerous, that gets problematic. It negates that things are always changing. Besides, it's hard to pin a label onto something that's always moving.
If you’re not angry, then you’re just stupid, you don’t care. How else can you react when something’s so unfair?
People who are just starting out are always sort of coming to me for advice as the example of "independent girl," and lots of people ask, well, how did you get the booking agent or the national distribution or the tours? And I look at them like, "Good lord! Relax!" I mean, how I did it was to not care about it and to not even think about it for years and years. All I thought about was getting the next little gig in the little bar, and I get this sense that people want me to give them the secret formula or the magic trick to make it all happen.
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