Top 106 Quotes & Sayings by Anita Bryant - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer Anita Bryant.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I never used to charge religious groups.
Any time you water down the law, it just makes it easier for immorality to be tolerated.
People that come to the fair have a certain freedom you don't find in the nightclubs. They come to have a good time. — © Anita Bryant
People that come to the fair have a certain freedom you don't find in the nightclubs. They come to have a good time.
I don't care who you are, if you don't stand opposed to immoral issues, then you will suffer.
I tell people that If one woman can get prayer taken out of the school, it may very well be that God Is asking another woman to get prayer back into the schools. I am confident that's what God wants us to do.
I think the opportunites are unlimited. It just depends on how hard I have to work.
Nothing can compare to the joy of leading a friend to Christ.
Yes, I love to cook. I'm what you'd call an old-fashioned cook.
I use my 'woman-ness' all the time, and it's not illegal.
I would give my life if necessary to protect my children. I'm concerned with giving them the right food and clothes to wear... If they're exposed to homosexuality I might as well feed them garbage.
I thank God there are a few men left in this nation who have the backbone to tell it like it is.
I'm getting very lazy now that we have a family.
If you're looking for a wonderful way to spend time, take up fishing. — © Anita Bryant
If you're looking for a wonderful way to spend time, take up fishing.
I believe in the long run, God will vindicate me.
For too long, the family-loving grassroots American public has sat back and watched ultra-liberal and militant radical groups cast fear into the hearts of our communications industries.
The more I get persecuted, the more people knock on my door in support.
I don't have a cause - I am being obedient to God.
That TV set in your home has the power to destroy your family.
The church needs to wake up and find some way to cope with divorce and women's problems that are based on Biblical principles.
We don't lead a social lite and when we get vacation time we spend il at home.
Even if you're right you have to forgive. It's a principle that works, whether you believe in God or not.
As children, we dug for worms or we used crawdads for bait. We caught catfish, or crappies, a delicous fish.
I am seeking the will of God, living one day at a time.
It's easy to be bitter. I'm human in that respect.
I don't feel God can truly bless America again until we start praising him in our schools.
Back in Oklahoma, we always spent our vacations fishing. The kids slept in the cars while the grownups slept on the riverbank.
The family in this country is being torn apart. With each member doing his own thing, doing it if it feels good and whatever, the family has gradually deteriorated. And the family is the basic unit of this nation. When the family is gone, so will be the country.
I had worked with homosexuals all my life and I always had a policy of live and let live.
I lost everything.
I think there is something special about living in a small town. Everyone knows your business and there is an intimacy you don't get in a large town.
I came from a broken home and have been so concerned about my own family that divorce has not even been in my vocabulary. It's against everything I ever believed in. — © Anita Bryant
I came from a broken home and have been so concerned about my own family that divorce has not even been in my vocabulary. It's against everything I ever believed in.
As the world is waxing worse, people are turning back to the basics of God.
I was singing from the time I was 6 years old - at banquets and school shows back in Oklahoma.
I find that wherever I go, people are hungering to get back to basics.
I cannot change the fact that divorce is wrong. It's never right. But we are all human, we are all part of a fallen world.
I've about given up on the fundamentalists, who have become so legalistic and letter-bound to the Bible.
Some males who want to become teachers even want to wear dresses to work and flaunt their homosexuality in front of my children.
I am creating a better atmosphere for our children and other children.
If you operate in fear, it can just wipe you out.
I don't hate homosexuals. I love homosexuals. It's the sin of homosexuality I hate.
If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters. — © Anita Bryant
If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters.
As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.
Homosexuals cannot reproduce-so they must recruit ... and to freshen their ranks they must recruit the youth of America.
[On homosexuality:] I'm more inclined [now] to say live and let live.
If homosexuality were normal, God would have created Adam and Bruce.
Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.
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