Top 400 Quotes & Sayings by Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 6

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Austrian actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
People are always making a fuss over my $15-20-million salaries. Believe me, the amount is meaningless once my wife, Maria, finds out about it. She's already spent half of my salary from Terminator 7!
I propose that a teacher's pay be tied to merit, not tenure. And I propose that a teacher's employment be tied to performance, not just showing up.
The forest fires are the worst disaster in California since I was elected. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
The forest fires are the worst disaster in California since I was elected.
It's not what you get out of life that counts. Break your mirrors! In our society that is so self-absorbed, begin to look less at yourself and more at each other. you'll get more satisfaction from having improved your neighborhood, your town, your state, your country, and your fellow human beings than you'll ever get from your muscles, your figure, your automobile, your house, or your credit rating.
My kids just brought home a beautiful pumpkin, but you know what? I'm going to return it because it's a Democratic pumpkin. It has the orange color of John Kerry's tan, and the roundness of Teddy Kennedy.
We've got to let the people know that there is a necessity, it's not even an option, it's a necessity to have a chiropractor. As much as it is a necessity to have a dentist, if you have a dentist for the family, you should have your chiropractor for the family.
With Maria Shriver, he raised four fantastic children. In the wake of a scandal he brought upon himself, he tried to keep his family together.
You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and in your vision and you know that it is the right thing to do, and success will come. So don't be afraid to fail!
You'll get more from being a peacemaker than a warrior.
Anything I’ve ever attempted, I was always willing to fail.
I'll be back always sounded a little girly to me.
Look, I'm an immigrant, so I know what it is like to dream about coming to America and then to get here and be able to make your dreams a reality, ... Of course, there are millions of people who want to come here. Let's help them, let's find a legal way t
It's the most important decision I've had to make since 1978 when I decided to get abikini wax. [On his running for California Governor] — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
It's the most important decision I've had to make since 1978 when I decided to get abikini wax. [On his running for California Governor]
Mentally it is possible to break records, once you understand that, you can do anything.
Don't be economic Girlie-Men
The words "I Can't" should be permanently stricken from your vocabulary, especially the vocabulary of your thoughts. You must see yourself always growing and improving.
Always listen to your inner voice, your instincts
Milk are for babies, when you get older you drink beer.
I cannot - nor will not - be ordinary. I have to keep training and seeking and growing. I have to stay hungry. It is my will and so has become my nature.
I set out to be the best and I am.
I ask citizens and governments everywhere to do their part by conserving energy and reducing the use of fossil fuels for the good of the world community. This is our duty to those who share this world with us and to those who follow us: Wherever we see a threat to our environment we must take action
To those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say: Don't be economic girlie men!
Onstage I'm always different than offstage. I can be very friendly offstage, but onstage I will pull one trick after another on my competition to wipe him out, you know-because it's my living and I have to win. Franco is my best friend, but I will do as much as I can to make him look bad and make me look good.
I think that we have to do everything we can to work together, Democrats and Republicans, and then if we go the initiative route like we have done in the past, go together.
I will not fail, I will not disappoint you, I will not let you down.
I've seen firsthand coming here with empty pockets but full of dreams, full of desire, full of will to succeed, but with the opportunities that I had, I could make it. This is why we have to get back and bring California back to where it once was.
We had the Berlin Wall; we had walls everywhere. But we always looked at the wall as kind of like the outside of the wall is the enemy. Are we looking at Mexico as the enemy? No, it's not. These are our trading partners.
All of our deeply held dreams and aspirations require us to build on our common bonds.
On the way up here to the podium, a gentleman came up to me and said, "Governor, you are as good a politician as you were an actor." What a cheap shot.
Thirty-six years after coming to America, the man once known by fellow body­builders as the Austrian Oak was elected governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world.
Until now, he has never told the full story of his life, in his own voice.
We want to make sure children aren't left without any books. We want to make sure our children have the books, that they have a place in the castle. We want to make sure that their mothers have affordable day care. We want to make sure we give the older people the care that they need.
I'm not a person that thinks back in the first place. I think forward. And it's always been less that people didn't get the character, but more people being mad that the movie fell short. Or people would say they are glad the movie went in the toilet. And I totally agree with them. I think there are some movies I made that it was a good thing they went into the toilet, because they weren't good enough. The director f - -ed up, or the production was too small, or I screwed up, whatever the reasons are.
Within twenty years, he was the world's biggest movie star, the husband of Maria Shriver, and an emerging Republican leader who was part of the Kennedy family.
You can't be paralyzed by fear of failure or you will never push yourself.
I had a clear vision of myself winning the Mr. Universe contest. It was a very spiritual thing, in a way, because I had such faith in the route, the path, that there was never a question in my mind that I would make it.
For the hundreds of thousands of Californians in gay and lesbian households who are managing their day-to-day lives, this decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves.
Some information I just keep to myself. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
Some information I just keep to myself.
Nobody gets muscles by watching ME lift weights.
Between your faith and my Glock nine millimeter, I'll take the Glock.
I have rarely seen the government do anything that was effective.
I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.
It doesn't matter what the income level of your family is, or if English is the first or second language. It makes no difference. The bottom line is that every child can be an academic champion, an academic champion and a superstar in academics.
I hate pants. This is something I have inherited from my father. He despised pants, and my mother was never allowed to wear them at home. We're talking about a different time period now, when the man was much more the ruler of the house. But I still feel that way, and neither my mother nor Maria is allowed to go out with me in pants.
I never listen that you can't.
Within ten years, he had earned his college degree and was a millionaire from his business enterprises in real estate, landscaping, and bodybuilding. He was also the winner of a Golden Globe Award for his debut as a dramatic actor in Stay Hungry.
We made, actually, history, because it was the first time ever that doctors could prove that a lifelong Republican has a heart.
The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow.
The more knowledge you have, the more you're free to rely on your instincts.
Posing is a performing art.
I’ve starred in a lot of science fiction movies and, let me tell you something, climate change is not science fiction, this is a battle in the real world, it is impacting us right now.
It is unconstitutional to deny people, gay or lesbian couples, the right to marriage. Everyone has equal rights so this is the right way to go. I think it's a great celebration for America.
Mistakes are made in every other human endeavor. Why should nuclear weapons be exempt?
The greatest feeling you can get in a gym or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is the pump. Let's say you train your biceps, blood is rushing in to your muscles and that's what we call the pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling like your skin is going to explode any minute and its really tight and its like someone is blowing air into your muscle and it just blows up and it feels different, it feels fantastic.
My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it.
I will not change. Because if you are successful and you change, you are an idiot.
It's as satisfying to me as, uh, coming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and coming.
I have a good sense of my body in a bathing suit around people who appreciate what I'm doing, like a contest. Then I'm proud. On television I am proud. But on a beach most people are not experts. The general public doesn't know how to look. How proud can you be when they don't even know what they're looking at?
My instinct was to win, eliminate anyone who is in competition, destroy my enemy and move on without any kind of hesitation at all.
I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me.
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