Top 400 Quotes & Sayings by Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 7

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Austrian actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I think that the best profession or the best thing to do is to be a public servant... I mean there's nothing better than working for the people - working for the common people out there and being a servant, a public servant, and I have seen this.
I never wanted to be a career politician. I always am interested just to take on challenges that everyone says are impossible to do and to take it on.
The word infrastructure means nothing to the majority of people of America. We have to come up with a sexier word than infrastructure. So the key thing is that you have to go out and promote and market this the right way like with everything in policy.
I don't criticize myself; I criticize my body. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
I don't criticize myself; I criticize my body.
I don't have any sexual hang-ups, but I'm sure there are bodybuilders who have trouble with sex, and obviously the body building hasn't helped.
My whole life everyone always said 'it can't be done', 'you'll never do it', 'you will fail', 'no one has ever gone from Austria and become a Mr Universe, blah, blah, blah', or when I ran for governor people were sceptical. It was 'you're going to lose' and 'people don't take people from show-business seriously in politics'. So, I've heard all the 'it's impossible' thing but I didn't pay any attention because I believed that I could do it.
People say, My God, you're so disciplined. But it has nothing to do with discipline; I loved it. Because I knew that every time I went to the gym I was one step closer to winning the competition.
Men shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies.
Sometimes you do know, in 'Commando' when I said 'I lied', I knew that it was going to be a funny line. I've never had a bad line.
I believe in "love it, or change it" rather than "love it, or leave it."
Injuries happen when your mind is beyond your body, largely when you think you're King Kong and lift weights heavier than the body can handle.
I'd always wanted to tell people that when I work on my body I'm thinking about classical sculpture, so I jumped at the chance to show off body building as an art form.
One thing was very clear and I made it always very clear at the beginning when I got into the governorship, and that was that I wasn't trying to become a career politician. This was not like I was going to be governor for seven years and then I was going to run for the Senate and then for Congress. That was never my interest.
I'm telling you, if you want to have good advice, never pay any attention to the camera guys because they will tell you over and over something is wrong and let's reshoot it, let's do this and let's do that. Hey, just do it.
I won't raise taxes, because I do not want to punish the people for the politicians' mistakes. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
I won't raise taxes, because I do not want to punish the people for the politicians' mistakes.
Bodybuilders' cocks are the same size as everyone else's.
I think there are some people that are capable of making a sequel more special than the original. And we have seen that when the original 'Terminator' came out, then Jim Cameron outdid himself with the sequel. Then it became the highest grossing movie of the year when it came out in 1991.
You're always as good as your last movie and that's the same with politics. If you are successful with a certain policy, then you're hot; if you're successful with the economy, or bringing down the unemployment rate, then you're hot. But if you're not successful, then things go south very quickly.
When you build a career, you should never imitate anybody.
The percentage of gays is the same, probably, as anywhere. Most bodybuilders are straight, regular street guys, though a lot aren't serious. Many in California are punks, beach bums just lying around in the sun and maybe collecting unemployment.
To go in the direction that I went takes a lot of work. And I don't think you can do the work - the five or six hours of working out a day - if you don't have a clear goal or know why you're doing it. If you just hang out at the gym and train for five or six hours a day without a goal is almost impossible.
I am what I am - which is I have aged.
In acting class, you talked always about keeping it real and don't act... connect with the people and connect with the partner that you're acting with. The same is also true in politics.
When I was playing soccer at the age of 14, the first thing we'd do before going out onto the field would be to climb up on one another's thighs and massage the legs; it was a regular thing. None of us had a thought of being gay, absolutely not, and it's the same with most bodybuilders.
I regularly buy and sell cars, but I do not buy and sell fleets.
The message I am trying to get across is exactly this: Protecting the environment does not require us to be against large SUVs or trucks. Instead we should develop technology to cut down greenhouse gas emissions because that is where the action is - it's not about what the size of the car is.
I was always dreaming about very powerful people. Dictators and things like that. I was always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years. Even like Jesus, being remembered for thousands of years.
One thing Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't is self-effacing. Everything has to be the biggest. His money, his muscles, his movies and his machines.
I can multitask very well. But I know exactly when to block off anything coming in from the outside and just stay focused on the film. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
I can multitask very well. But I know exactly when to block off anything coming in from the outside and just stay focused on the film.
Politics is not really different from marriage. You cannot get things done in your relationship if you tell your wife: Look, if you haven't made the bed and if you don't get the food on the table, I will go and just hire someone and you will become irrelevant. That is not how you make a marriage work.
I think actions speak louder than words. You can do all the hyping you want. It doesn't mean anything.
I embrace technology and I just think that in 1984 when James Cameron wrote about the technology, everyone thought he was totally way out there and it was science fiction. Now it's almost reality what he talked about. The machines have taken over, except they have not become self-aware, like in Terminator. So this is really one thing that we have to watch out for, but I think technology is good.
If it can bleed, we can kill it.
I think that every job that you can save is important. Every job that you can create is very important and it should not be the number one reason why we invest in infrastructure to create jobs.
I posed for a gay magazine, which caused much comment. But it doesn't bother me. Gay people are fighting the same kind of stereotyping that bodybuilders are: People have certain misconceptions about them just as they do about us.
I think that if I have a chance to go back, why not just go back all the way in history to the times of the pyramids or the Roman days? I think there are so many great historic times until now that I would like to get a little peek of those periods, rather than just 1984. Why limit yourself?
I take the academic education as seriously as the physical education. That's why I tell parents that the schools can't do it all themselves. The parents can't come home from work and turn on the TV. That's not being a good parent.
When you talk about the stimulus package, you can ask 1,000 different people and they - you will have 1,000 different opinions of what is the ideal stimulus package.
We are going in the direction of artificial intelligence or hybrid intelligence where a part of our brain will get information from the cloud and the other half is from you, so all this stuff will happen in the future.
I think one thing that is extremely important is to connect with people in order to be successful and bring the people in so that they become your partners. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
I think one thing that is extremely important is to connect with people in order to be successful and bring the people in so that they become your partners.
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