Top 3 Quotes & Sayings by Benjamin Butler

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Benjamin Butler.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Benjamin Butler

Benjamin Franklin Butler was an American major general of the Union Army, politician, lawyer and businessman from Massachusetts. Born in New Hampshire and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts, Butler is best known as a political major general of the Union Army during the American Civil War, and for his leadership role in the impeachment of U.S. President Andrew Johnson. He was a colorful and often controversial figure on the national stage and on the Massachusetts political scene, serving five terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and running several campaigns for governor before his election to that office in 1882.

Might the peasant expect the Almighty to stay the thunder storm, which clears the air of a nation from pestilence, lest the lightning bold should in its flash kill his cow?
A man, if he be active and energetic, can hardly fail also, be he never so selfish, of benefiting the general public interest. — © Benjamin Butler
A man, if he be active and energetic, can hardly fail also, be he never so selfish, of benefiting the general public interest.
I was always a friend of southern rights, but an enemy of southern wrongs.
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