Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by Bob Davids

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American writer Bob Davids.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Bob Davids

Leonard Davids, known as Bob Davids or L. Robert Davids, was an American baseball researcher and writer and the founder of SABR, the Society for American Baseball Research. He wrote numerous freelance articles on baseball for The Sporting News between 1951 and 1965. When TSN cut its baseball coverage, Davids began his own short-lived baseball publication, Baseball Briefs. He contributed baseball fact boxes to several newspapers, including The Washington Post and Chicago Sun-Times. In 1971, Davids identified approximately 35 others with similar interests in baseball statistics and history – he called them "stathistorians" – and invited them to meet in Cooperstown, New York at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Sixteen attended the meeting, and agreed to the formation of SABR. Davids was elected the group's first president, an office he held on two other occasions. He also served two 5-year terms on SABR's board of directors, and was actively involved in producing many of the organization's early publications. Davids was also active in SABR's first regional chapter, based in Baltimore and Washington, which was named in his honor.

Every time I started a business and the people told me I was an idiot, I ended up making a lot of money. Si Redd used to say me, "Boy, you gotta be where they ain't." What that means is that you find areas of low competition because high competition means lower margins, and lower margins mean less profit. So we were always looking for places where we can be unique. If the thinking is out-of-the-box, people may not understand because they have not seen it before... Therefore you are an idiot.
I’m gone for eight months…If you feel that it’s critical to contact me, that I get involved in your problem, what I want you to do is to lie down. When that feeling goes away, I want you to get up, solve the problem, and then send me an e-mail with the solution.
The size of your key ring is the size of your headaches. Si Redd once told me, "Every time you buy something you sell a piece of yourself." Why? Because you have to maintain it, to insure it, to worry about it. So the more you buy, the more you sell a piece of yourself and pretty soon you get so thin you can't do anything. So get rid of all those things and get back to the basics. Everybody has his own basics: it's what he enjoys. Si Redd told me I would "arrive" when I got down to one key. Still working on that!
The biggest shortage in the world is not oil or food­-it's leadership. Why is it such a scarce resource? Because egos get involved. Most people in top positions think they are better than somebody else, think they need something better than somebody else. It's economic assets, it's status, it's all those other things that prevent the people at the top from subordinating themselves totally to the people they lead. It is not socialism. Leaders get paid a lot more than those they lead, they get paid for their knowledge and skill...but they are no better as a person.
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