Top 105 Quotes & Sayings by Bret Hart - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Canadian wrestler Bret Hart.
Last updated on September 12, 2024.
My father was a man's man and was always respected for being a straight shooter. My dad always had an amazing sense of calm about him.
I think, without a doubt, whatever anyone says or anyone thinks, Natalya Neidhart is the premier, best woman wrestler.
I worked hard, and I was always frustrated when wrestlers didn't want to work as hard. — © Bret Hart
I worked hard, and I was always frustrated when wrestlers didn't want to work as hard.
People always think I left, and I was living in the States for a long time... But home has always been Calgary.
Vince Russo knows about as much about wrestling as Eric Bischoff does.
The importance of hard work was a message I learned from my parents, and that is something I worked to pass on to my kids and grandchildren. Winning is important, and you should want to win, but the main priority is to strive to be the best.
My relationship with fans is based off the love of my work and my work ethic.
I know Seth Rollins is a CrossFit guy. I just think back to my days, and I don't know how I could have done CrossFit training and then wrestled that night.
The Undertaker stood up for what was right. He earned everything he got.
If you look at wrestling when I started to get my big break back in 1992, I changed wrestling from the cartoons of Hulk Hogan and Iron Sheik and the matches with the leg drop and the hand behind the ear and the playing to the crowd. They were just cartoon characters if you ask me.
If you're going to have a Hall of Fame, you've got to have Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame.
If I could wrestle somebody at a WrestleMania, I would have really loved to wrestle with John Cena. It would have been nice to have a great WrestleMania match with The Rock and Edge, but my history would have lined up perfectly with John.
Ric Flair, as great was and a hard worker as he was, he just tends to get lost in the ring.
I never trained in pro wrestling with The Sheik, but I did amateur wrestling with pro wrestlers in my dad's basement. — © Bret Hart
I never trained in pro wrestling with The Sheik, but I did amateur wrestling with pro wrestlers in my dad's basement.
I had wrestling in my blood.
I know that Cena has a lot of detractors, but I'm very proud of him. He's a good hero.
I've always taken a lot of pride that people believed in me as a hero. I tried not to fail them in my life.
I always took a lot of pride in being a safe wrestle. I never injured anyone.
I often run into wrestlers at comic conventions or wrestling events, and it could be Tito Santana or Demolition, and I'm just flooded with memories. It's always nice to see one of your old mates, especially the ones who I knew from further back.
I love when I think about the SummerSlam match against The Undertaker. What a great match, wonderful story. Two wrestlers that had such great respect for one another.
All the times they put tag titles on me, Intercontinental titles on me, or the world title on me, the only time I couldn't defend the title was when I had to forfeit the belt when I quit WCW and retired from wrestling forever.
Seth Rollins is one of the hardest-working wrestlers I've ever seen.
I was champion, off and on, for quite a few years, and I never missed one title match from an injury. I got hurt lots of times, but the reality is you've got so much pinned on you and so much tied onto you, the company and your peers can't afford for you to get hurt.
There's a lot of talent out there that miss their opportunities, and I just hope that AJ Styles doesn't waste his life in TNA.
I jumped at the chance to be a part of Stroke Recovery Canada. I want to help March of Dimes Canada in its efforts to support stroke recovery and improve the quality of life of all Canadian stroke survivors.
I love tag team wrestling, and it's different than all the other matches.
Wrestling fans dictate policy; they really do. What direction each wrestler takes usually revolves around what the fans think of them.
Cesaro is a guy who does a lot of unique stuff and is a great talent. He does a lot of strong-man stuff that is just impressive to watch.
I wrestled 23 straight years all over the world.
The best wrestlers don't hurt anyone for real.
If I could go back in time, I would have loved to have done more with Triple H. He blossomed into a bigger star after I left. I regret, looking back now, that we didn't have more matches or better matches or at least one pay-per-view match where we could have really showed our best stuff - or, at least, I did.
The safety of my opponent was critical to me. — © Bret Hart
The safety of my opponent was critical to me.
My heart was always dedicated to giving fans around the world the best match possible, and the fans grew with me.
Ric Flair is an old nemesis of mine.
A lot of people don't realize how severe a concussion injury is. You have to listen to the doctors. You have to be really careful about them.
I think in 1997, I was in my absolute prime. I was never bitter; I was uninjured. I was ready to go and ready to make some serious changes to make a difference to have my all-time favorite matches that I would have loved to have.
Growing up in wrestling - and I have been involved in wrestling, really, my entire life - I learned right from the get-go that you never forget your fans. They are the ones that put your food on the table and pay your bills.
My dad was always genuine with the fans and said, 'You must appreciate every single one of them,' and I always did. I always tried to make time for every autograph or every picture. What's an autograph? It's the simplest thing in the world.
You can't just think up a move in your head and go, 'Okay, I'll just pick somebody up, and I'm just going to throw them backwards into the post.' You have to think, 'Would you want someone to do the same thing to you?'
I feel like after Money in the Bank in Phoenix, I almost took a nose dive, career-wise. I couldn't get the reigns on it, but I feel like I finally got the reigns on my career again, and that happens in entertainment.
Promptly peerless, hitherto peerless and hence peerless.
The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be — © Bret Hart
The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be
You will be excellently executed.
Did you ever notice that America is shaped like one big, giant toilet bowl?
No matter how old he is, or what kind of shape he's in, Hogan believes in his heart that he is the star of the show, and he is wrestling. I don't think he gives a damn about anyone else.
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