Top 83 Quotes & Sayings by Bruce Buffer

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American mixed martial artist Bruce Buffer.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Bruce Buffer

Bruce Anthony Buffer is an American professional mixed martial arts ring announcer and the official octagon announcer for UFC events, introduced on broadcasts as the "Veteran Voice of the Octagon". Buffer's catchphrase is "It's time!", which he announces before the main event of the UFC. He is the half brother of the boxing and professional wrestling ring announcer Michael Buffer, and is the President and CEO of their company, The Buffer Partnership. Buffer holds a black belt in Tang Soo Do and has fought as a kickboxer.

I am an avid surfer, collector, reader, movie buff and am very health conscious, so I work out all the time and I love being with my loved ones when I am not traveling.
I take care of myself.
You've heard of the Wolf of Wall Street? I was like the Wolf of L.A. — © Bruce Buffer
You've heard of the Wolf of Wall Street? I was like the Wolf of L.A.
I've had multiple concussions. I've had to stop fighting when I was 32, because according to my doctor, it was the 2nd concussion. No, it was the 2nd concussion he knew of.
Most married men are completely jealous of my existence - the way it's designed. As far as, surrogate wife, surrogate kids.
It's blows me away how much attention there is to the way I move in the Octagon when announcing as I've been moving this way for years.
To me it's not about how much money you make or the car you drive, it's about what kind of person you are and how much pride you take in what you do. I try and apply that same level of passion to every path I choose in life.
I would walk into a room at a young age and I'd say, 'Hi, Dad,' and he would say, 'SON, PROJECT YOUR VOICE. LET THEM KNOW YOU'RE IN THE ROOM. SHOULDERS BACK. CHEST OUT.'
One fight I would love to see, I have always loved to see, but I doubt it will ever happen, is Georges St-Pierre and Conor go at it. I think it would be a huge mega fight.
When I first started with the UFC, that classic saying of spectacle over sport was very, very true. I believed in the sport, I believed in what I was doing and I believed in the people behind it.
I promote the UFC, I support it, I do my job, but the show's about the fighters and the fans. It's not about me. I'm there to enhance the moment for the fighters and enhance the moment for the fans.
Some people say I'm a legend - that's not for me to say, but some people have said it.
If I was at the final table at the World Series of Poker, that would probably be the most exciting thing I've ever done in my life. And believe me, the UFC, the announcing in the Octagon, is extremely exciting.
I have fighting in my blood. — © Bruce Buffer
I have fighting in my blood.
Conor has got the X factor.
My brother happens to be the greatest announcer in sports and entertainment history.
I was asked to come and appear on 'Friends,' and I did.
I just want to do the best job I can and make the fans excited and make everyone excited about the UFC.
Like other guys my age, I liked Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee really was the original mixed martial artist.
I saw this man come out. This very handsome, debonair James Bond style man with an incredible voice. All of a sudden I'm becoming a fan and then he started putting his name on the TV screen and it said Michael Buffer and I thought 'are you kidding me?'
You can't just walk up to Lebron James in a crowd of players and talk to him the way you can walk up to Jon Jones.
Superman walks around with an 'S' on his chest. I walk around with a 'P' on my chest, and that P stands for Passion.
Poker is a great game and feeds my need for competition a lot.
There's good sides and bad sides to life and you're going to come up against obstacles. The only way you get through them is your passion level for the path that you choose.
My father taught me poker at a very young age and I've been playing for money since I was 14 years old.
I'm completely honest with everyone I deal with. I genuinely care about people. I want to see people succeed and be the best that they can be. So, I wanted to write a motivational book about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
Whatever you do, it's important you do it with passion. Whether you're a CEO, a fighter or a bus boy.
It's hard to put a price on a life's work.
To me, all business is the same it's just the product that's different and you can have a diamond in your hand, but if you don't market it correctly, it just becomes another piece of coal.
I was invited to have a private sparring session with Royce Gracie. This was 1992, a year before the first UFC. It was just me and him in a room on the mat.
There's a boxer called Lucia Rijker, she's vicious, and Nunes is very much like her.
I eat right, I train right, I've been an athlete my entire life.
Collecting Topps trading cards when I was a kid or playing video games when I was younger, and suddenly seeing myself on Topps trading cards and videogames... it's a complete honor.
I have fought myself more times that I remember, in the streets, and in the ring. I've never had a pro-fight.
A puncher's chance means that anyone has the potential to succeed, whatever the odds or circumstances, if he or she works for it.
You always have to anticipate. You never know when things are going to change, so you have to be prepared.
Perception is reality.
I put everything I can into my announcing, and the moment I can't perform physically, vocally, then it will be time for me to retire. — © Bruce Buffer
I put everything I can into my announcing, and the moment I can't perform physically, vocally, then it will be time for me to retire.
Every day I wake up I look in the mirror and I say to myself, 'It's time.' The reason for that is I believe we're only as good as today.
I've always loved to dress well.
My grandfather was the champion of the world in boxing in 1921 in the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, and I've just been involved in the fighting world my entire life.
When there's a decision and it was a close fight, you build up the drama. I announce the first two scores, and then I have a count in my head, right up to the point where everyone is on the edge of their seats thinking 'Come on!' and then I hit them with it.
Any UFC fan has got to experience a live event at least one time. The energy and the production value is incredible. The experience is like being at a rock concert.
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had to fight for everything I've achieved in my life - which is true about all of us. And I truly believe that we are all created equal. It's about the paths we choose.
There will never be another 'Let's get ready to rumble,' so I see it as my duty to protect the phrase as I would a rare gem.
I hate to stand still and announce like everyone else... this is the UFC, the greatest event in sports and deserves the most excitement that can be generated when announcing these great main events that happen in the Octagon.
I know what it's like to take punches.
I feed off the energy of the crowd.
I'm not one of those people who say last year I caught a fish this big or I surfed a wave 20 feet or something. It's a matter of what I do today. Everything else is a pleasurable memory.
Let's roll' has a ring to it. — © Bruce Buffer
Let's roll' has a ring to it.
Georges St-Pierre is one of the greatest pound-for-pound fighters in the world.
I read these articles where people are calling me a fashion icon, which kind of makes me laugh, but if that's the way they perceive it that's all good.
My dad instilled in me a warrior like spirit that I've applied towards life.
I grew up around fighting.
My dad was mixture of John Wayne, Steve McQueen and Errol Flynn all rolled up into one. He was a really tough guy. He taught me how to fight literally when I was four years old. He taught me street-fighting techniques.
I was a motivational speaker and I've been in front of crowds a lot and I'm very comfortable with that.
My dad never told me that when he was serving in World War II he had gotten married at a young age.
I've been into martial arts since I was 12. I had black belts in a style called Tang Soo Do, and also I kickboxed for a number of years.
I'm very litigious.
When a little kid comes up to me and asks for an autograph, that's the most amazing compliment I can even imagine.
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