Top 20 Quotes & Sayings by Charlotte Lennox

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Scottish novelist Charlotte Lennox.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Charlotte Lennox

Charlotte Lennox, née Ramsay, was a Scottish novelist, playwright and poet, mostly remembered today as the author of The Female Quixote, and for her association with Samuel Johnson, Joshua Reynolds and Samuel Richardson. However, she had a long career in her own right.

A hero in one age will be a hero in another.
Whatever is done by design is always overdone.
In taking revenge upon our enemies, we are only even with them; in passing over their malice we are superior. — © Charlotte Lennox
In taking revenge upon our enemies, we are only even with them; in passing over their malice we are superior.
Truth is too weak to combat prejudice.
Custom ... changes the very nature of things; and what was honorable a thousand years ago, may probably be looked upon as infamous now.
We are better deceived by having some truth told us than none.
When Actions are a Censure upon themselves, the Reciter will always be consider'd as a Satirist.
It is easy to be just when our own inclinations do not oppose it.
The life of a good man is a continual prayer.
The motives even of our best actions will not always bear examination.
Truth is not always injured by fiction.
The law has no power over heroes.
Nothing is more common than for persons to hate those whom they have injured.
No woman is envious of another's virtue who is conscious of her own.
There is no logic like the logic of the heart.
When a person is found less guilty than he is suspected, he is concluded more innocent than he really is.
Politeness is sometimes a great tax upon sincerity.
It is more important to detect corruption than fiction. — © Charlotte Lennox
It is more important to detect corruption than fiction.
The silence of a man who loves to praise is a censure sufficiently severe.
What is called liberality is often no more than the vanity of giving, of which some persons are fonder than of what they give.
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