Top 195 Quotes & Sayings by Chris Pine - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Chris Pine.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm sensitive, and I don't ever want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
What am I going to tweet about? My sneakers? Or, 'I have 140,000 friends on Facebook.' What does that even mean? I find it to be a waste of time.
I love the '40s. I love the '50s. I love the style, I love the clothes. I love how the women looked. I love the dances. I love the music. I love the amber of the light. I'm just in love with the cars. I'm in love with all of it.
It's either 'Saw' made for $4 million or 'Star Wars,' 'Star Trek,' 'Guardians of the Galaxy' et cetera being made for $150 million. So the $30 and $40 million films don't get made unless they're maybe 'Ride Along.' But I don't really know why. I don't get paid to know why.
I find the ritual of shaving very relaxing, but for every day, it's pretty irritating on my skin, so I like having the definition a beard gives. — © Chris Pine
I find the ritual of shaving very relaxing, but for every day, it's pretty irritating on my skin, so I like having the definition a beard gives.
For me, work is one thing, and my life is another.
Film is just a different version of what we did round the campfire when we were Neanderthals. We tell stories so people can learn things and relativise things.
Right now I just want to play good roles, and if the role happens to be a gay man, that's not of any import other than, 'Is it a good story? Does it say something that's interesting?'
I don't think there's anything less attractive than a man over-dyeing things on his face, so I'm going to try, for as long as I can, to age as my male forefathers before me. My father started getting grays when he was in his 30s, as did my grandfather before him, so I don't want to look perpetually young.
The things that motivated me at 21 don't suffice. Which is scary but really liberating in a way. It's taken me a long time to feel like, instead of being invited to the party with a bunch of people I don't know, that I actually deserve to be here.
I don't have any interest in filmmakers making statements just for the sake of being provocative.
There's something so naked about being on stage as a musician. I think about that even with standup comedy or something - like, 'This is it, this is what I got.'
For me, I love exploring ideas and throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what fits, and if I had a really nice collaborative team around me who could deal with the more day-to-day minutia, that would be fun. And directing sometime in the future and writing... yeah, I can see that all in my future. But I can be incredibly lazy.
I clearly haven't made a good enough impression on people. My go-to line when it's the resume game is that I'm either Chris Evans or Ryan Reynolds.
The mythic journey is always about selflessness.
I think the western is about people in harsh places trying to tame an unfriendly wilderness. Because life is defined by struggle, it's kind of the perfect microcosmic experience to explore that. 'Here we are, struggling.' It's about people persevering and persevering and persevering.
I was sick of being articulate and loud and charming. I didn't want to play that guy anymore. I wanted to play the absolute opposite of that. — © Chris Pine
I was sick of being articulate and loud and charming. I didn't want to play that guy anymore. I wanted to play the absolute opposite of that.
Action films unfortunately don't let you spend a lot of time sitting. So you don't have much time to create something indelible or unique.
I love architecture.
I have no control over what people think, and if I were to spend energy on that, I would be a lifeless, deadened human being.
My father has been an actor since 1964. Things were tight a lot of the times, financially. It wasn't like a big romantic adventure.
It's so rare to get all of your muscles firing at once. That's what I look for in any role.
'Me' time is just as important as 'us' time.
I have a romantic vision of the beautiful delineation between TV and film that existed for so many years. I romanticize the studio system and movie stars as a whole, but obviously that's just anachronistic and probably a non-reality.
I have worked hard to get where I am.
I'm in that lucky percentile where I can worry about how I want to shape my career. That's a wonderful place to be.
If I would have planned it, I would have had what Gosling has, that kind of art-house career.
There's some beautiful filmmaking on television. I'm getting a lot of my artistic sustenance from what's happening there.
I think it's a fair criticism to say that we've gotten our fill of superhero films, and audiences should just have different things to choose from when they go to the theaters.
I think we just live in a time of the selfie. So there's a sense that everyone's uniqueness and importance on this planet should be displayed and reveled in, and that there's kind of a piece of glory for everyone.
Usually, I like stuff kind of fitted, but I'm getting more and more into this comfort, this melding of comfort and style rather than looking like you've tried to shove yourself into some sort of sausage casing.
When I was a younger actor, I was pretty much solely motivated by validation. I just wanted to be told I was good and handsome and a part of the gang. It was pretty simple animal-social stuff. I don't care as much about those things anymore.
I'm not saying that the action/science-fiction genre is bad in itself. I make those films. I'm just saying that the studios have put all their cards on black.
I definitely have a spiritual outlook. I don't usually read self-help books, but I read a great book by a guy called Wayne Dyer, 'The Power of Intention,' which I loved. I'm not a religious guy, in fact I'm probably agnostic but I thought what this writer had to say was really powerful.
Ever since I saw sexy Beast I've been trying to get the cockney thing down.
Maybe the realisation of the full human potential is the utopian thing. Maybe that is our collective struggle, is to find a way to get there. But right now it seems like we're duplicating what was written in the Bible, a millennium ago, which is "An eye for an eye." Revenge policy; "If you hit me, we'll hit you back worse"; ad infinitum.
I think it's not fair to the uniqueness and wonderfulness of the individuals, that we can complement one another greatly, but we are not the source of each other's happiness, especially if you don't know who the hell you're talking to.
It's the fear of not being as good as you want to be. If you give over to that fear, it will sabotage you. As much as I can, I try to use that fear to guide me.
When I was 18 I was an emotional wreck and I couldn't imagine having to deal with some kind of fame.
It's not always the case that things will fall into your lap or that life will be great, but it's all about perspective and having a positive outlook. If something goes wrong you say: "That happened for a reason, what can I learn from that and how can I grow?"
The more you are positive and say: "I want to have a good life." The more you build that reality for yourself; by creating the life that you want. — © Chris Pine
The more you are positive and say: "I want to have a good life." The more you build that reality for yourself; by creating the life that you want.
Ignore the naysayers. Really the only option is, head down and focus on the job.
The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.
Not a fan of spiders. I saw the movie 'Arachnophobia' which was single-handedly rated in the top three worst choices of my life.
No one can survive on their own. Thinking you can is ridiculous, especially going into the middle half of the 21st century. To think you can do it alone is just ridiculous.
It feels great to not be the acne-ridden outsider that I felt like when I was in high school. It's a lot more fun being alive now than it was then, I'll say that much.
I don't actually drive trains. I'm an actor.
Life is a beautiful thing. But you're always striving to be better in your art, striving to be heard. And obviously in a movie business, it's striving to be noticed and appreciated.
I'm always surprised reading my old journals. There's this idea that life is hard now, but then I'll reach that moment where it'll change. But there's no summit. It's a constant climb.
In adolescence, it's 'How do I fit in?' In your 20s, 'What do I want to do?' Your 30s, 'Is this what I'm meant to do?' I think the trick is living the questions. Not worrying so much about what's ahead but rather sitting in the gray area; being okay with where you are. If you can find the parity between 'Where am I going?' and 'What's my purpose?' you've got two pretty solid pillars for your coffee table.
My brain's not sharp enough to come up with a witty comment.
I'm certainly not the lead of the film 'Wonder Woman' and I don't have a problem with that. — © Chris Pine
I'm certainly not the lead of the film 'Wonder Woman' and I don't have a problem with that.
When I got the job I thought about her a lot. Not only was I getting a great job in a really good movie, but it was with Lindsay Lohan. She's so famous and I don't have any of that, I have never experienced that kind of intense scrutiny that she's under, so of course I wondered what it would be like acting opposite her. I can tell you that it's like being with The Beatles. You cannot fathom the kind of attention she gets. It's mind boogling.
My nipples could cut glass.
Even now, I'm better around people who are uncomfortable with themselves, the misfits.
Everything is just make believe. They're just different versions of make believe. I love the period of this movie [The Finest Hours]. I love the '40s. I love the '50s. I love the style of the clothes. I love how the women looked. I love the dances. I love the music. I love the amber of the lights and the cars. I'm in love with all of it.
I had horrible acne when I was a kid. I felt like a complete and utter ne'er do well and someone who didn't fit in and wasn't handsome. So, I understand implicitly, and with a great amount of empathy, a man or human being that feels that way.
Fear runs our lives a lot of the time. You can face it head-on, or you can hide in your bunker.
I think the desire to be with someone beautiful...I just had such a different experience growing up. To be in a position where you're lauded for things that you don't own - and don't think of yourself as - it's so bizarre.
I am critical of myself like everyone else. You go to a movie theater and you are forty feet high. I had bad skin as a teenager and I am a shy person, but I think I am in the perfect business to fight my insecurities. You have to learn to love yourself and say 'I am pretty cool' instead of being so critical. You can easily fall into the trap of doing that.
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