Top 57 Quotes & Sayings by Chris Sullivan

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Chris Sullivan.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Chris Sullivan

Chris Sullivan is an American actor and musician. He stars on the NBC drama This Is Us, for which he received two Primetime Emmy Award nominations.

We can never underestimate the emotionality of 'This Is Us.' Just when you think you don't have another tear to cry, we will find a way. We will find all of your tears. We will dig down deep, and we will yank them out, whether you like it or not.
James Gunn runs his set like a 12-year-old's birthday party. Every day, he is so excited to come to work.
I think the best part about music is that you can do it anywhere at any time and it's always with you. — © Chris Sullivan
I think the best part about music is that you can do it anywhere at any time and it's always with you.
Everybody has to take curveballs as they come in life and hopefully have the ability to adjust their plans.
When a show starts out, you're immediately trying to identify your goodies and baddies, and trying to place people in your mind where you think they belong.
Michael Rooker is like the Merle Haggard of the acting world. Never a dull moment.
The experience with 'The Knick' is a singular experience. That experience taught me a lot about acting and about being on camera for extended periods of time to try to create a character arc that travels.
You can't develop full relationships with anybody unless you're fully honest about who you are.
There are a lot of reasons why marriages don't continue.
I try to keep myself in a decently light headspace.
Joy and happiness don't strengthen relationships - difficulty does.
At my real wedding, I wore traditional Celtic garb - a kilt.
I think, along with the great joy and excitement of having a child, it seems to be that the common themes are also a lot of doubt and fear and uncertainty about being a parent - and about how you might not live up to those expectations.
The holidays are a time of reflection, and I think it becomes really clear in people's minds around this time of year what they want to get out of life, who they want to spend their life with, and what kind of person they want to be.
Sylvester walked up to me and was like, 'Mind if we get a photo?' obviously because I was in all this crazy makeup. I was like, 'No, Sylvester Stallone, I don't mind if we get a photo.'
I kind of love that British style: two seasons of tight, compact, good television. The more episodes you have, the thinner the episodes get. — © Chris Sullivan
I kind of love that British style: two seasons of tight, compact, good television. The more episodes you have, the thinner the episodes get.
Art is supposed to hold up a mirror to its audience and ask, 'What do you believe? What do you think? What do you feel?' and if you look at a painting and it makes you feel nothing, that's a feeling as well.
Frugality was my side hustle. I was really good at it.
When you're first pregnant, you don't want to talk about the idea that a miscarriage or premature birth is possible. The difficulties of things like that kind of get swept under the rug, and when they happen to us we are blindsided and think we are the only people going through it.
The word 'Namaste' means 'the light in me reflects the light in you' and I think the thing that makes people attractive are the people who shine their light and the people who can recognize that light in others.
Making a killer breakfast burrito? I got game. Washing the car? Love it. Doing the dishes? I love it more than washing the car.
As we've learned on a logistical level, anything is possible in the 'This Is Us' world.
Taserface is loud. Taserface is the defensive lineman on your high school football team. He's a very loud individual who enjoys pushing people around.
Generally speaking, talk to any stand-up comedian, the people in this world who are the brightest and have the biggest smile often are struggling with a lot of things under the surface.
When you're a six-foot-four, two-hundred-and-fifty-pound dude, you're not the romantic lead.
I try to make sure the projects that I choose are something that will teach me something new, either about myself or about my art.
When it comes to relationship compromise, it's a fine balance between doing something for your own happiness, and finding happiness in being of service to another person, in whatever way that ends up being.
The key to a good relationship is how you repair the stress fractures.
I think there is a time in every person's life where they have to let their parents go and figure out what being a parent means for themselves.
I think in telling a good story there has to be ups and downs with any character, and you can't just have everything go swimmingly and you can't just have characters who are supposed to be in a romantic relationship just getting into an argument every episode.
Decide what to go be and be it.
No matter what the relationship is, if it's a healthy relationship, there is a swing back and forth to anchoring each other, grounding each other and to helping each other process the difficult times.
As you'll find in 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2,' I'm not actually a space alien.
The interesting thing about depression and anxiety is that, it's not always wholly negative things that bring them on. Often times, those heavy swings of emotion can be brought on by just anything that is overly emotional.
I joke that the beard does 40 percent of the job.
I certainly like to swing the pendulum and try new things and to do things that are different from the last thing that I did.
Taylor Goldsmith and I hit it off big time, and so we started writing some songs together. — © Chris Sullivan
Taylor Goldsmith and I hit it off big time, and so we started writing some songs together.
Love is an action verb, and romance is the result of those actions.
The interesting part about being an artist is that the ways in which you express yourself are not always readily available.
Obey your purpose above all else.
I've certainly gone through my fair share of anxiety and depression.
Romance means making yourself vulnerable.
I didn't grow up in the Catholic church, but I went to a Catholic high school and a Catholic college, and the Jesuit priests are not saints floating around campus.
There is a lot of things to be outraged about these days, and I think that getting outraged about an actor on a television show who may be wearing a costume that makes him larger than he is, might be low on the list.
Our hair and makeup team at 'This Is Us' had made me a mohawk to wear. I couldn't apply it correctly.
We live in a time of extremes. People think that, on a scale of 1-10, if they're not at a 10 for happy, they're not happy.
I know people who have had near-death experiences or who have experienced terminal illness and come through the other side.
In the past, I have assumed the word 'vulnerability' equates with the word 'weakness' and 'This Is Us' shows us that it is in fact the opposite.
The goal for me, always, is to have fun, and to kind of intentionally be unexpected and go against the dress code a little bit.
For me, the costume is 50% of everything. It informs posture, it informs flexibility, it informs the way you walk, it informs what the character is capable of doing, at any time.
Eventually, it slowly built up, a small job to a slightly bigger job to a slightly bigger job to the third season of NBC's 'This is Us.' — © Chris Sullivan
Eventually, it slowly built up, a small job to a slightly bigger job to a slightly bigger job to the third season of NBC's 'This is Us.'
We currently live in a culture where outrage is a bit of a hobby for some people. If they're not outraged about something, they're totally bored.
Along with any great joy comes a good deal of anxiety and nervousness.
I've always dressed very loudly.
Snake Plissken walks in the room, any young actor is going to be a bit speechless.
I think that New York City in the year 1900 was a very difficult place to survive.
The goal of art is to inspire people to look inward.
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