Top 99 Quotes & Sayings by Chris Sununu

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Chris Sununu.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Chris Sununu

Christopher Thomas Sununu is an American politician and engineer who has served as the 82nd governor of New Hampshire since 2017. A member of the Republican Party, Sununu was a member of the New Hampshire Executive Council from 2011 to 2017.

We will never stop emphasizing that New Hampshire is open for business, open for workers, and open for opportunity.
A top priority of my administration has been to strengthen laws for crime victims and their families.
By reducing the highest business tax rate in the developed world, something that we have shown, right here in New Hampshire, is a huge boost to competitiveness that creates new jobs and higher wages.
If we can't put our kids on the school bus and know they are safe, nothing else matters. — © Chris Sununu
If we can't put our kids on the school bus and know they are safe, nothing else matters.
I stand with crime victims, members of the law enforcement community, and advocates for justice in opposing a repeal of the death penalty.
When it comes to economic opportunity, environmental stewardship or just our 'Live Free or Die' quality of life, Every Day Is a Holiday in the great state of New Hampshire.
Streamlining New Hampshire's regulatory framework is a key priority of my administration.
Our nation's tax code is a broken mess of rules and regulations. It rewards special interests, punishes success and holds back millions of Americans seeking better jobs, higher wages, and greater opportunities.
As a parent, I know that the State has no greater responsibility than protecting the safety of our children.
My administration is committed to ensuring Granite Staters have access to clean water.
We are committed to helping more people get into the workforce, as it is critical not only for individuals but also for our economy as a whole.
We will not let bureaucracy stand in the way of governing.
We must ensure a favorable climate for our state's business community to prosper while enticing businesses outside our borders to make our state their home.
Increasing patient access to more affordable, FDA-approved generic and biosimilar medicines is a proven and tested solution to lowering prescription drug costs. — © Chris Sununu
Increasing patient access to more affordable, FDA-approved generic and biosimilar medicines is a proven and tested solution to lowering prescription drug costs.
Expanding access to robotics programs for students has been a significant focus of my administration.
Republicans and Democrats have long recognized that our corporate tax system hamstrings business, reduces investment, and creates unfairness. Some corporations pay massive tax bills to the federal government while others use tailor-made deductions that enable them to pay close to nothing.
My administration is committed to advocating for policies that promote New Hampshire's seniors and their caregivers.
To permit a private or industrial actor to knowingly pollute our groundwater is unacceptable, and I do not believe in passing the buck to our children and grandchildren.
Live free or die is not just a slogan on a license plate. It is the very essence of who we are.
We will not let government bureaucracy stand in the way of helping small businesses.
We are a no sales tax state. That applies across the board, to our citizens and those in other states. Period.
Our veterans deserve nothing less than the best care. Period.
We put no greater trust in our government than when we turn on our faucet expecting clean water, and I applaud the Drinking Water and Groundwater Advisory Commission for their hard work in addressing this critical priority.
When crazy comes knocking at the door, you gotta slam it shut.
We have to ensure that New Hampshire remains the best place to live, work and raise a family for all Granite Staters, and the Millennial Advisory Council is a big step in the right direction.
I live primarily on chocolate chip cookies and coffee, and I'm prone to singing Katy Perry songs at the top of my lungs in the car. I'm an unapologetic fan.
Those struggling with addiction deserve nothing less than our best and we will not fail them.
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a leap forward to a fairer and less confusing tax system.
If you try to come into our state and force our businesses to collect a sales tax in manner that violates our laws or the United States Constitution, you will be in for the fight of your life.
No employee should be forced to pay any union in order to keep their job.
Recovery Friendly Workplaces are an opportunity for New Hampshire to help change the culture around addiction by engaging employers in being a proactive part of the conversation by providing tools, resources, and opening up access to treatment.
New Hampshire has one of the oldest housing stocks in the nation, which puts us all at a heightened risk of lead poisoning.
As an environmental engineer who spent the early part of my career cleaning up groundwater contamination, I know firsthand the challenges of cleaning up contaminants and the risks posed to human health if we fail.
Government cannot guarantee much, but it can and should guarantee freedom of opportunity.
Pretrial detentions of any length can have devastating consequences for a defendant and their families, and therefore should be imposed with great care.
Work requirements offer opportunities to lifting individuals out of poverty, empower them with the dignity of work and self-reliability while also allowing states to control the costs of their Medicaid programs. They also assist people to gain the skills necessary for long-term independence and success.
As Governor of New Hampshire, my top priority is the safety of our citizens.
We have a long history of making smart long-term investments in New Hampshire. — © Chris Sununu
We have a long history of making smart long-term investments in New Hampshire.
When victims of crime find the strength to come forward and engage in the criminal justice process we must ensure that they have basic rights and protections in place.
Equal protection under the law mandates that similarly situated criminal defendants be treated equally, regardless of financial means.
Our State Constitution says that 'the people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State.' Working together, we will do everything in our power to prevent other States from violating this principle by imposing arcane sales and use tax obligations on New Hampshire businesses.
In a system where 'innocent until proven guilty' is the ultimate maxim, a person who is charged but not yet convicted of a minor crime should not be sent to prison merely because he or she lacks the financial ability to post bail.
Many people who have come to know me as the governor of New Hampshire understand that I tend to be a little quirky.
We believe that the government's job is to create doors of opportunity for you, your family and your business. Then we get out of the way and let individuals have control of their path to success.
New Hampshire is proudly on the forefront of national safety infrastructure.
Virtually everyone agrees that the marriage of a 13-year-old child is unconscionable.
Every family, regardless of their means, should have the opportunity to make sure their children are as healthy as possible.
Discrimination - in any form - is unacceptable and runs contrary to New Hampshire's Live Free or Die Spirit. — © Chris Sununu
Discrimination - in any form - is unacceptable and runs contrary to New Hampshire's Live Free or Die Spirit.
If we really want to be the Live Free or Die State, we must ensure that New Hampshire is a place where every person, regardless of their background, has an equal and full opportunity to pursue their dreams and to make a better life for themselves and their families.
Regardless of fuel type or technology, every major energy project must face the challenge of siting infrastructure.
Victims of crime deserve equal constitutional rights - the same rights as defendants. No more, no less.
We will not stop until our schools are the safest in the nation.
It is a priority of my administration to continue New Hampshire's long tradition of Environmental Conservationism.
If New Hampshire is going to be serious about optimizing our energy system, we must have a siting process that is fair, predictable, and communicative.
Short term political calculations of the past must give way to long-term investments for the future.
As part of the regional metro-Boston area, southern New Hampshire offers all the benefits typically associated with major metro areas yet maintains the advantages of being in a truly enterprise-friendly state: access to a world-class workforce, a pro-business, low-tax environment, and a streamlined regulatory environment.
New Hampshire is a great place to live, work, and raise a family, but there is always more that can be done to help those who are struggling.
There is no doubt that the most heinous crimes warrant the death penalty.
New Hampshire is deeply appreciative of our state's firefighters who put their safety at risk and are often exposed to chemicals and substances that increase their risk of cancer in order to keep their neighbors and our communities safe.
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