Top 171 Quotes & Sayings by Chuck Norris - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Chuck Norris.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Federal policy tells us to fill 50 percent of our plates with fruits and vegetables. At the same time, federal farm subsidies focus on financing the production of corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, sorghum, dairy and livestock.
I really believed that Mike Huckabee had a vision for our country, and the more I was around him the more I was impressed by this man.
Whether we are famous or not, we all need God. We also need other people. — © Chuck Norris
Whether we are famous or not, we all need God. We also need other people.
Despite what Washington thinks or does on this 15th anniversary, we the people will never forget those who perished and the lessons learned on Sept. 11, 2001.
My biggest worry is that Obama says he's going to tax the upper 5 percent by raising their taxes by 20 percent. But among that 5 percent are the corporations that are hiring middle-class Americans.
I haven't always been warmly welcomed for holding my conservative positions in Hollywood. Then again, I've never been very good at being politically correct either, on or off screen. So why start now?
Taking in too much added sugar from highly marketed sugary foods and drinks displaces healthier foods in the diet.
Unfortunately, in the entertainment field, sometimes you start believing your celebrity. You have a strong tendency to drift from the Lord, which I did. I did drift for a number of years.
Nutritionists have known for some time now that in order to get people to change what they eat, we need to provide them with more access to affordable, healthy food as well as information on how to cook and prepare it.
From Julia Child to 'The Galloping Gourmet' and the Food Channel and Cooking Channel, our fascination with the spectacle of cooking has been a mainstay of TV entertainment.
If your child is starting a new school, walk around your block and get to know the neighborhood children.
We either go one direction, left, which would be socialism. Or right, which would be people trying to make the money themselves.
I like Ben Stein. I think he's funny, creative, and an insightful commentator on a host of issues. — © Chuck Norris
I like Ben Stein. I think he's funny, creative, and an insightful commentator on a host of issues.
The fact that doctors tend to treat people as individuals, guided by the need to ensure patient confidentiality, can reinforce this pattern of seeing the changes and challenges aging brings on through our heads and our bodies, rather than as a shared experience.
Getting kids into the kitchen preparing the food they and their families will eat results in them viewing food in an entirely new way. If given the right ingredients, that act alone can raise the standards of the quality of the food both they and their family eat.
From 1964 to 1968, I won many state, national and international amateur karate titles.
If America's Founding Fathers espoused openness to religion, creationism, and the Bible being taught in schools, then it beckons the question, Why don't we?
There is one thing on which most athletes and experts seem to agree. If you want to be an elite athlete, good nutrition at a young age is an important place to start.
Veterans are generally reluctant to seek mental health care.
Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, John Wayne - these men had the code of the West.
Ads sway kids' preferences. Star athletes spokespeople sway kids' preference.
A small behavioral change can also lead to embracing a wider checklist of healthier choices.
The Apostle Paul did what he had to do to spread the message of God. I realize that that is what I have to do; I have to bite the bullet and overcome my shyness.
I'm a people's actor, not a critics' actor, and I always have been.
Martial arts was really the first thing in my life that I followed through on and accomplished a degree of proficiency for.
I've been very fortunate to be able to use my series as a platform to show a good message for the kids.
When children are exposed to advertisements for unhealthy food, they will, in turn, consume significantly unhealthier rather than healthy calories as a result.
I watched Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech before Congress, and I saw a man who loves his country with all his heart and soul. I also saw a strong leader, which is absolutely crucial for the safety of the Israeli people.
Long ago made it a principle of my life to cultivate a positive frame of mind, to strive to project it and to share it with those I meet. It is a principle that has served me well.
America isn't ready for President Hillary Clinton. It should never be.
In 1968, I fought and won the world middleweight karate championship by defeating the world's top fighters. I then held that title until 1974, when I retired undefeated.
My mom was essentially a single mother raising three boys. If anyone could have had any reason to give up, it was her. But she didn't, and neither did we.
It's important to remember that because these athletes exercise so beyond what even a normal active person would, they generally must also supplement their diet.
If the government decides to become a tyrannical government, our guns are to protect us against that.
In 'Expendables 2,' there was a lot of vulgar dialogue in the screenplay. For this reason, many young people wouldn't be able to watch this. But I don't play in movies like this. Due to that, I said, 'I won't be a part of that if the hardcore language is not erased.'
It makes good sense for planners everywhere to provide more facilities in general that are aimed at older folks.
It's official: The biggest back-to-school bullies are anxiety, worry and fear.
Many things influence a person's eating habits. Knowledge of what is considered healthy and what is not would be one, but I doubt it would make it to the top of the list. — © Chuck Norris
Many things influence a person's eating habits. Knowledge of what is considered healthy and what is not would be one, but I doubt it would make it to the top of the list.
I believe Huckabee should have run again in 2012. Everyone was begging for him to do so. He beat Romney in 2008, and I believe he would have done it again in 2012.
Let's face it: so much of what we consume is not driven by knowledge but by basic craving and impulse. The process of what we eat starts in our heads. And no one is more in our heads than a food industry that spends billions of dollars in marketing its message in every means possible.
As the graying of the country continues its march forward, many retirees are now relocating to dense urban centers for the cultural and social opportunities, access to public transportation, and the ability to shop nearby for food and household needs without depending unduly on others.
You can benefit from even a small amount of added movement each week and uncomplicated exercises like walking. Some will always be better than none; to start, do that to which you're comfortable committing.
Parks represent an efficient, cost-effective way to improve public health.
I gave my life to the Lord at 12. I was baptized at 12.
When I got into the film business, my aim was to adopt a positive persona, of a guy who fights against injustice. And it saved me, because my acting was atrocious to say the least!
Truthfully, I'm proud of each of my films in a certain way.
God bless and help all the victims and patriots of 9/11, from the families of Flight 93 passengers to those who were in the Pentagon and Twin Towers as well as others who have fought and presently fight the war on terror.
Commonly, athletes will bolster their dietary intake with everyday vitamins such as magnesium and iron as well as more exotic products such as whey protein, creatine, carnitine and branched-chain amino acids specifically aimed at improving performance and recovery time.
I truly believe that the people who have a negative view of Trump will be pleasantly surprised when he becomes the leader of our country. I also believe he will make positive changes that will benefit the people who need it most.
There's no reason we can't all live harmoniously together, and that's what I would say to the head of Iran. — © Chuck Norris
There's no reason we can't all live harmoniously together, and that's what I would say to the head of Iran.
You can always tell a person's real character and personhood by those who closely surround him, especially if they're family.
What Olympians eat can vary tremendously depending not only on the events they're competing in, but also their body type and lifestyle outside the Olympic arena. Their diets are affected not only by the demands of their sports, but by everything else in their lives, things that are almost impossible to accurately measure and factor in.
With ISIS encroaching on the U.S., and its tentacles in all 50 states, according to the FBI, and MS-13 recruiting young migrants coming into our country from Central America, now is the time to secure our borders and save the future of America. I believe only Trump has a plan and passion to do it.
I'm not a hunter.
They say imitation is the best form of flattery. That is particularly the case if you're a U.S. presidential candidate and pundits are likening you to a conservative giant like Ronald Reagan.
I'm a very religious person.
There's a lot to be done; I just see a total moral decay in our society.
Trump wants a wall between Mexico and the U.S. as well as a temporary ban on all Muslims, especially those coming from terrorist countries, among other tightened securities.
If Obama raises my company's taxes by 20 percent, how am I going to be able to survive as a company? Well, if I've got 30 employees, that means I'm going to have to lay off 10 employees so I can be able to keep up with the health and benefits and pension plans for my other 20 employees.
Many of you may remember that I supported Mike Huckabee for president in 2008. He was doing great, beating out Mitt Romney, when some shenanigans were pulled by bringing in Fred Thompson as a candidate to compete against Mike for the evangelical and conservative votes in South Carolina.
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