Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Claudia Winkleman - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English entertainer Claudia Winkleman.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I don't like ads: I'm too susceptible. I find myself in the supermarket buying Ronseal, and I don't even have a shed.
Ads are cool.
It's deep in the south of India and next to Goa, but thankfully the folk who like Goa haven't worked out that Kerala is a lot nicer and just next door. You do feel that you are discovering somewhere entirely new in Kerala. It makes you feel like you are on a totally different planet.
I was a sucker for glamorous women in shoulderpads eating fancy things like eggs benedict. — © Claudia Winkleman
I was a sucker for glamorous women in shoulderpads eating fancy things like eggs benedict.
My husband thinks I'm insane.
I don't like anything too perfect, or anyone who looks like they have just stepped out of a salon; that's not for me.
Look, I just read out loud for a living. Most of my friends are doctors or lawyers, people I went to university with, they're on the train at 7 A.M. and don't get home until 7 P.M. They work bloody hard, and they're allowed to be overwhelmed. I don't think I'm allowed, really.
I had a go with Botox but looked both scared and surprised at the same time. I don't like to be either.
On 'Richard And Judy' I dressed up as an orange for Fruit Awareness Week.
I'd like my children to remember all the cuddles and bedtimes, and that I worshipped them unconditionally.
I go to bed with as much makeup on as I can so I look cooler in my dreams.
I love PG Wodehouse.
I never take my makeup off.
I can't stand people who say they've got 'Africa fatigue.' — © Claudia Winkleman
I can't stand people who say they've got 'Africa fatigue.'
I've never felt the need to show that I am either clever or tall because I'm not.
I am box-set girl; I buy into those big American series like 'The Sopranos' and 'Heroes.'
You've never met anyone who likes Christmas more than me. I go quite Liberace. My kids have all got stick-on antlers.
I am allergic to sweating. Seriously I get in shape by lying down.
I'm confident without make-up on and I only wear it for work.
When I want to feel especially grateful, I think about the early days dressing up as an orange for Fruit Awareness Week.
I don't think I'd get employed if I did pastel eye and a side parting. People would say: 'Get someone else for the job!'
I used to spend hours reading the Sunday papers, but then I had 900 children so I don't any more.
Once, when I was 14 I thought easily the most glamorous thing was white eyeliner inside the eye and then heavy lip liner round the mouth. I think I looked repellent.
I never go to parties. I never go to premieres. You can't play that game, because it's short-lived and you want a life.
I find it alarming that people are so convinced they're the best at anything - presenting, hairdressing, getting dressed.
I like cookery shows much more than my husband, so I put them on the minute he goes away.
Even when my mum used to edit the paper she would come home, put us to bed and then go back to the office. She must have been exhausted. She worked on Sunday papers so I always had her on Mondays. I loved Mondays! She would always be waiting for me outside school. I remember feeling very loved.
I'd love to spend a month in China.
I don't believe in Chap Stick, I'm going to say that right now. Carmex can sometimes feel like too much of an attack. It's just too much sometimes. — © Claudia Winkleman
I don't believe in Chap Stick, I'm going to say that right now. Carmex can sometimes feel like too much of an attack. It's just too much sometimes.
My twenties were painful. You had to go out to nightclubs. I love not having to pretend to enjoy those things anymore.
If I could grow my fringe down to my shoulders to cover my entire face and occasionally peer out to answer questions I would. It's my beauty security blanket.
I don't have any secrets; I don't believe in secrets.
I don't work very hard. I dye myself orange and I read out loud in the months from September to December when 'Strictly' is on.
I grew up not worrying about my looks.
Uggs are great.
I've never knowingly taken my make-up off. The stuff you see me in I first put on in the 70s.
I watch 'Question Time' religiously.
The only thing I'm obsessed with is sleeping. I'm really good at it and if I don't do it I'm horrible.
I think I was born aged about 86. — © Claudia Winkleman
I think I was born aged about 86.
I love that ageing rocker look, dressed in black and looking like you slept in your make-up.
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