Top 142 Quotes & Sayings by Colin Kaepernick - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American athlete Colin Kaepernick.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If I got a football scholarship, I was going to be a football player.
I think that's something that's hard for this country to address, is what the real issues are and coming to the point where we can admit that these are issues. Once we admit that, we can deal with it, we can fix them, and we can make this country and these communities a better place.
I never weighed myself when I was at my lightest because I didn't want to know. — © Colin Kaepernick
I never weighed myself when I was at my lightest because I didn't want to know.
Jim Tomsula is going to be great coach for us. Players' coach. Always around the guys. Someone that's willing to listen to what the players say and has their intake.
The SFPD has had a lot of issues, and I think one of the issues that needs to be addressed is the racist text messages that have been passed back and forth between PD members, not only talking about the community, but also talking about colleagues that work in the same department as them.
I don't look at film that closely about my mechanics of where's my elbow at.
I'm not too big on feelings.
I've had times where one of my roommates was moving out of the house in college, and because we were the only black people in that neighborhood, the cops got called, and we had guns drawn on us. Came in the house, without knocking, guns drawn on my teammates and roommates. So I have experienced this.
The NFL is a performance-based business, so you should have to perform to earn some of your money. At the same time, I realize that my success isn't just because of what I do out there.
I think I'm very good at reading coverage and knowing where I want to go with the ball before the ball is snapped.
To me, when people say, 'Oh, you're a freak athlete,' it's bittersweet. It's a huge compliment to say, 'O.K., you have physical abilities that are kind of above and beyond.' But at the same time, I feel like it diminishes the mental side of the game.
To me, I'm going out there focusing on competing, not worrying about cardio or anything like that.
I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone.
I don't play for job security. — © Colin Kaepernick
I don't play for job security.
I'll always be a fan of coach Harbaugh. Not too sure about Michigan.
I have great respect for the religion. I know a lot of people that are Muslim and are phenomenal people.
I wouldn't say there is one specific designer I rock. It's more of the look of the shirt and what occasion and where I'm wearing it to.
You have to train hard and be strong while staying flexible and limber, so I'm trying to find that balance.
You're going to hurt, yes. You're going to have tweaks and problems. But you're a football player; you can play through those.
I'm not your typical quarterback. I don't like when people say, 'Quarterbacks aren't supposed to run,' or, 'Quarterbacks aren't supposed to work out a certain way.'
It is funny to me that because I can run, because I'm athletic, people tend to see that as my only asset.
People are dying in vain because this country isn't holding their end of the bargain up as far as, you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody.
Quarterbacks can still have good bodies. I'm always conscious of the stereotype. I want to change what people think. There's a lot more to it than what you see on the field.
You have full-field view when you're watching the film. Eye in the sky, it's a lot easier to look at it that way than when you're back behind center.
I'm here to play football.
I think, between the tattoos, the way I dress, the way I talk, people don't think it should go together with a franchise quarterback or someone that's leading the team or representing the organization.
People are terrified of them to the point where Trump wants to ban all Muslims from coming here, which is ridiculous.
I think the biggest part of my game that's underestimated is the mental part of it.
I haven't seen a quarterback play a perfect game yet.
I felt the way people talked to me was like, 'It's OK to be No. 2 in the NFL, a backup,' and things like that. That's never been my approach.
My parents told me from the time I can remember that, 'Yeah, you're adopted. But this is your family.' I can remember my mom, she tells me this story: when I was little, I was looking at her, and I was like, 'Why isn't my skin the same color as yours?' She was like, 'Oh, you're adopted, but I wish I had pretty brown skin like you.'
My dad, being a businessman, constantly talked to me about carrying myself in a certain way and treating people with respect. And I think that's something that's carried over throughout my life. It's how I deal with certain situations.
I have great teammates around me who make plays.
To me, tattoos are a way of people being able to express themselves and have other people look at them and get a little insight into who they are, without ever even saying a word to them.
I never felt that I was supposed to be white. Or black, either. My parents just wanted to let me be who I needed to be.
Once you're on the field, you're playing. You're not worried about anything other than doing your job to help your team.
Once I get into the locker room, I turn on stuff to get me hyped up. Mainly, it's a lot of rap music.
Victor Cruz just got his deal with Givenchy - amazing. I was so excited for him. That was amazing. So I think there are great opportunities for a lot of athletes out there.
As far as jeans and shirts, I rock a lot of different things. — © Colin Kaepernick
As far as jeans and shirts, I rock a lot of different things.
There's people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. People are being given paid leave for killing people. That's not right. That's not right by anyone's standards.
It’s not really pressure, unless you’re not prepared.
America stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it's not happening for all right now.
I just want to improve game to game and try to get better.
God has brought me this far. He has laid out a phenomenal path for me. And I can't do anything but thank him.
I'm going to speak the truth when I'm asked about it. This isn't for look. This isn't for publicity or anything like that. This is for people that don't have the voice.
We have to unite. We have to unify and make a change.
If intimidation is your game plan, I hope you have a better one.
There are a lot things that are going on that are unjust. People aren't being held accountable for. And that's something that needs to change.
If we reach common ground, and can understand what everybody's going through, we can really affect change. And make sure that everyone is trated equally and has the same freedom.
I watch a lot of cartoons. I watch a lot of "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Phineas and Ferb." — © Colin Kaepernick
I watch a lot of cartoons. I watch a lot of "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Phineas and Ferb."
I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for the USA. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That's not happening.
You have Hillary Clinton who has called black teens or black kids super predators, you have Donald Trump who's openly racist. We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn't make sense to me because if that was any other person you'd be in prison.
People are dying in vain because America isn't holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That's something that's not happening.
You have people that practice law and are lawyers and go to school for eight years, but you can become a cop in six months and don't have to have the same amount of training as a cosmetologist. That's insane. Someone that's holding a curling iron has more education and more training than people that have a gun and are going out on the street to protect us.
Pressure comes from a lack of preparation.
If you want to understand what I'm thinking further, come talk to me. It shouldn't be something that should be hidden. These conversations need to happen and can bring everybody closer.
I can't look in the mirror and see people dying on the street that should have the same opportunities that I've had. And say 'You know what? I can live with myself.' Because I can't if I just watch.
There are things that have gone on in thr USA for years and years and have never been addressed, and they need to be.
Being an NFL quarterback there's a lot of advantages that come with it. There are a lot of doors that open when you're a quarterback but at the same time there's a lot of scrutiny. There are a lot of things you can't do as well.
There is police brutality. People of color have been targeted by police.
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