Top 213 Quotes & Sayings by Dave Grohl - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Dave Grohl.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Actually, I didn't start sweating until I had children.
The whole slacker generation totally didn't apply to us musically.
No one has any faith in the tape anymore - everyone just relies on computers and considers the hardrive to be the safest option, and I don't. I think an analog tape is something you can hold.
People are so into digital recording now they forgot how easy analog recording can be. — © Dave Grohl
People are so into digital recording now they forgot how easy analog recording can be.
There weren't a lot of career opportunities in crazy-fast hardcore punk, so you didn't have a lot of ambition, just the love and passion to play music with your friends.
I dropped out of high school and I couldn't go to college 'cause I wasn't smart enough, so I'd resigned myself to loading trucks and playing punk rock on the weekends.
In this day and age, when you can use a machine or computer to simulate or emulate what people can do together, it still can't replace the magic of four people in a room playing.
I love to play music. So why endanger that with something like drugs?
It's good to wander into the studio and walk out with something that's better than you'd imagined it to be. If everything was as you imagined it to be, it just wouldn't be as much fun.
Chicago gave me more music than any other city in America.
Some people record onto tape, and then they pay for the tape, and download those onto a hard drive. Initially in a Pro Tools program. Other people go straight into digital, and use no tape at all.
There's something about pulling out a real tape from a shelf and looking at it and knowing that 'Everlong' is on it, or 'Best of You' is on it, and it's really special.
I was ready to quit music. It felt to me like music equalled death.
It's terrifying to play your favorite band's song in front of your favorite band. — © Dave Grohl
It's terrifying to play your favorite band's song in front of your favorite band.
I mean, I never liked being told what to do. It's one of the reasons I dropped out of school.
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn't see any rock & roll bands.
'In Utero' was the first time I'd made an album that reached into the dark side. I remember the conflict and the uncertainty. I remember all those things when I hear 'Pennyroyal Tea.'
Usually, when Nirvana made music, there wasn't a lot of conversation. We wanted everything to be surreal. We didn't want to have some contrived composition.
I don't think of Kurt as 'Kurt Cobain from Nirvana'. I think of him as 'Kurt'. It's something that comes back all the time. Almost every day.
I love everything about my job, except being away from the kids.
I think maybe people see bands and musicians as some sort of superhero unrealistic sport that happens in another dimension where it's not real people and not real emotions. So, I grew up listening to Beatles records on my floor. That's how I learned how to play guitar. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be a musician.
I can understand how some people might resent me for having the audacity to continue playing music, but it'd take a lot more than that to stop me from doing it. I started Foo Fighters because I didn't want to retreat.
I know a lot of people who wouldn't be comfortable with everything that comes with being in a band as big as Nirvana. The thing that I don't understand is not appreciating that simple gift of being able to play music.
And later, if I ever felt that I was getting swept away by the craziness of being in a band, well, I'd go back to Virginia.
When you're thirteen and listening to punk, the aggressive nature of music can sway you to the dark side.
Dude, maybe not everyone loves 'Glee.' Me included. I watched 10 minutes and it wasn't my thing.
Whenever I say I made a record in the garage, people just assume that I have, like, a Lear jet parked in there or something. But really there's old luggage, a couple of bikes. It's big enough to put one minivan in. That's it. No dartboard. I'm so not macho.
I didn't start sweating until I had children. That was one of the first things I realized when my daughter Violet was born - I started getting wicked BO. You know there's a difference between basketball BO and stress BO? This was definitely stress BO. Like, new dad BO.
It's funny; recently I've started to notice people's impersonations of me, and it's basically like a hyperactive child.
I've experienced great things, I've experienced great tragedies. I've done almost everything I could possibly ever imagine doing, but I just know that there's more.
Joining a band without ever having really met the people before, you just want to be musically powerful.
Usually, when you go in to make a record, you have 30 songs, and you record 30 of them, and 12 of them make it to the record.
Neil Young is my hero, and such a great example. You know what that guy has been doing for the past 40 years? Making music. That's what that guy does. Sometimes you pay attention, sometimes you don't. Sometimes he hands it to you, sometimes he keeps it to himself. He's a good man with a beautiful family and wonderful life.
It's a weird thing when you make records. You try to hear it before you make it, so you walk into the studio with this idea of what you expect to happen, and that usually changes. That usually turns into something else, and that's a good thing.
From the time that 'Nevermind' came out in September of 1991 to the time that Nirvana was over, it was really just a few years, and a lot happened in those few years.
Through Kurt I saw the beauty of minimalism and the importance of music that's stripped down.
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn't see any rock & roll bands. I had posters on my wall. I had Beatles records.
I love to play. And fortunately, I don't know a lot of musicians that suck. I know a bunch of really good ones, and they're always up for playing.
If I ever felt like I was getting lost in the hurricane that was storming around Nirvana, I'd just go back to Virginia. — © Dave Grohl
If I ever felt like I was getting lost in the hurricane that was storming around Nirvana, I'd just go back to Virginia.
Never lose faith in real rock and roll music. Never lose faith in that. You might have to look a little harder, but it's always going to be there.
Every band should study Queen at Live Aid. If you really feel like that barrier is gone, you become Freddie Mercury. I consider him the greatest frontman of all time. Like, it's funny? You'd imagine that Freddie was more than human, but... You know how he controlled Wembley Stadium at Live Aid in 1985? He stood up there and did his vocal warm ups with the audience. Something that intimate, where they realize, 'Oh yeah, he's just a f***ing dude.'
Always have the highest bar for yourself. Wake up everyday and no matter how crappy you feel, want to change something for the better. Do something that makes someone happy. Create something that inspires someone. Be someone's light when they are hopeless.
When something good comes your way, you better feel fortunate, because it doesn't last forever.
Nickelback walks into a bar...there's no punchline because ruining music isn't funny.
What we feel most comfortable doing is playing loud, screaming rock songs.
Don't look at the poster on your wall and think 'I could never do that.' Look at the poster on your wall and think 'I'm gonna do that!'
How do I stay humble? Because I'm the best at being humble.
Be someone's light when they are hopeless.
You look up to your heroes and you shouldn't be intimidated by them; you should be inspired by them. — © Dave Grohl
You look up to your heroes and you shouldn't be intimidated by them; you should be inspired by them.
No one is you, and that is your power.
The most important thing for me is my family, and my health and happiness, and making sure everyone's cool.
To women, drummers seem like these adorable, sexy Neanderthals, but lead singers seem mysterious and dangerous. So while the lead singers all want to be David Bowie, floating into parties and being the center of attention, it's the drummers who are in the corner doing keg stands and breaking tables. Usually it's the drummers who get the fun-loving ladies and the singers who get the nutcases.
Just the other day someone threw a bra duct-taped to a tennis ball. I just stood there, playing guitar, thinking how this was totally premeditated. Some girl sat around inventing a way to get her bra onstage from 40 rows back.
That’s one of the great things about music. You can sing a song to 85,000 people and they’ll sing it back for 85,000 different reasons.
You will only be great at things you love to do don't pursue a career in something you hate to do.
I think that if you're passionate about something and you're driven and you're focused, then you can pretty much do anything that you want to do in life.
The human element of making music is what's most important.
If you play a Nickleback song backwards you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forwards you'll hear Nickleback.
There's some things in life that you really consider to be priceless.
It's not until recently that I could even imagine myself as an adult. But these kids today, they look at me like I'm Neil Young. Nirvana is the band their parents listen to.
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