Top 99 Quotes & Sayings by David Harbour

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor David Harbour.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
David Harbour

David Kenneth Harbour is an American actor. After spending years playing supporting roles on film and television, he gained global recognition for his portrayal of Jim Hopper in the Netflix science fiction drama series Stranger Things (2016–present), for which he earned a Critics' Choice Television Award in 2018. For this role, he also received two Primetime Emmy Award nominations and a Golden Globe Award nomination.

I was diagnosed as bipolar.
I'm terrified of the ocean. I think it's beautiful and magical, but I never go in. That deep, dark water, with no understanding of what goes on behind it - I think that's a metaphor for a lot of things.
I grew up doing regional Shakespeare, and when Hamlet sees the ghost of his father, there's something about that that you don't really do in film anymore. — © David Harbour
I grew up doing regional Shakespeare, and when Hamlet sees the ghost of his father, there's something about that that you don't really do in film anymore.
When you push and pull heavy things, your body thinks it's going to die, and so it's like, 'I better get bigger, in case we do that tomorrow.'
I am a dude who is meant to be on a couch in New York City thumbing through magazines.
One of the most beautiful things about Shakespeare's Hamlet is when he stops in the middle of the play to ask, 'To be or not to be?' Then, right at the end, he decides to 'let be.' The first season of 'Stranger Things' was Hopper asking whether 'to be or not to be' and the second is to 'let be.'
There is a lot of good television out there, stuff that is better for you than 'Stranger Things,' that, critically, people would be like, 'This is an important show,' but I would press you to find a show that's more watchable. That's hard to do.
Life really is too short.
One of my impulses in acting has always to make people feel less alone.
Some people get very successful for something they're very cynical about - like Alec Guinness in 'Star Wars.' He thought it was ridiculous. Whereas for me, I'm so proud of 'Stranger Things.' I'm so proud of everyone's work in it. And it's become so successful. So for those two to meet is incredible.
I'm a man. I'm not gonna wear dad jeans or whatever you call them.
People are three-dimensional. They're not good or bad. They're not righteous or unrighteous. They are a million different things.
At the end of the day, what I try to bring to villainous characters is a sense of humanity. — © David Harbour
At the end of the day, what I try to bring to villainous characters is a sense of humanity.
The fact that I got famous and became a sex symbol around my normal, frumpy, love-handled self is so gratifying - and, dare I say, culturally gratifying as well.
I tend to find that movies have become so slick that I have trouble identifying with the characters.
One of the things about having played a lot of villains is... I don't have the same experience of someone who maybe has been a leading man since they were 22 and therefore looks at certain things in a character to romanticize themselves. I actually very much embrace the bad stuff.
I love taking people on that journey, which I feel like can open them up to seeing human beings a little more complexly. People that you originally don't like, maybe they have reasons for the way they are, and maybe we can start to understand each other a little better as opposed to being quick to judge and dismiss people.
I did a movie with Jamie Foxx that was kind of action, and, you know, Jim Hopper's a little bit action; he does throw a good punch.
That's all I've ever wanted to do is to feel like what you're doing moves someone, and that ultimately, maybe they can make a different choice in their life that may be better, right?
I have one thing to say about the mental asylum. I've romanticized two things in my life, and both have fallen short. One is being in a mental asylum. Really, really not as fun as you think it is.
If you want to really get in shape and get strong, there's these things called 'sleds.' You take a weighted sled, and you just push it across the floor, and then you drag it back. And, basically, if you do that for 20 minutes a day, you'll look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you put enough weight on it, it's the hardest thing in the world.
The one thing I can say about the 'Stranger Things' cast that I don't often feel when I do television and movies is that every single actor on that show that I've interacted with is a good-hearted person.
Myself, I suffer from loneliness. And I think we all feel alone. I'm looking for stories that help people deal with loneliness and help them if they are monsters: they don't have to undertake monstrous actions. And maybe they're not monsters.
I'm just trying to give the best human expression that I can to any particular genre, which could be comedy, could be drama, could be horror, could be thriller.
People are more complicated than you give them credit for.
I was sober for, like, a year and a half, and I was 25, and I actually did have a manic episode, and I was diagnosed as bipolar.
What I'm dealing with in 'Hellboy' is a lot different, bigger in a certain way. It's very Shakespearean. It's demons and witches and stuff like that. But it has a similar core to a dude who's trapped in horrible circumstances who's just trying to be a good guy.
There are certain societal laws that are just accepted, things that are arbitrary. I think the fun thing about psychotics is that they question that. It can be very freeing... like, my ego or my individuality trumps society's law.
Netflix sees people as users or subscribers or customers. Historically, networks have seen people as viewers.
I'm normally a pretty loquacious, kind of fun person.
I think people feel like other people are very different from them... And that people who are different from them are actually sort of unworthy of the same rights or empathy. I don't understand that.
I'm terrified of the unknown, which is a driving force for me. I like this idea that the things that terrify us also draw us in.
I'm around 6'4' and 240 pounds. So I rarely feel that intimidated by other men. But I've got to give it up to Terry Bradshaw. That guy is a complete bulldog.
One of the things I've been interested in my whole career is exploring masculinity and what it means to be a man. The sensitivity of a man, but also the violence and power that goes along with it.
I feel like the most human among us are the weirdest among us. Those voices can be the most creative and the most special. You look around at your parents, your friends, your aunts and uncles, and you realize nobody is normal.
All I've ever wanted to do as an actor was move people.
At the end of the day, my biggest fear in life is that I'm gonna wind up being an actor who plays the dad on a TV show like 'Full House' or 'Small Wonder' or something - I'm, like, the desexualized dad in the show 'Alf.'
With 'Deadpool' and 'Logan,' they are trying to do different things. — © David Harbour
With 'Deadpool' and 'Logan,' they are trying to do different things.
I don't even know what memes are, I'm, like, an old person, so I don't really know what a meme is.
I did this movie, 'A Walk Among the Tombstones' - I truly play a horrible, horrible individual in that - and I would occasionally go to the theater and watch what people's responses were, and they would laugh. He makes jokes, and people would respond to him in a human way. Then I've really done my job if I've humanized a really horrible person.
What makes someone sexy in my mind is who they are. It's not necessarily how they look.
I don't want to do procedural: I want to do longform.
I think one of the worst notes I think I've ever received was Ang Lee on 'Brokeback Mountain.' He came in on coverage, and he was like, 'More, more handsome.' I was like, 'I'll try that.'
The perils of success at a young age is being afraid to make a mistake.
I loved 'True Detective' so much in Season 1, and then when the Season 2 monstrosity came around, I was like, 'What is this show? What have you done to this show?'
I do feel like anything benefits from character logic. That can be from the dumbest ad to the greatest Shakespearean drama to the silliest 'Saturday Night Live' sketch. There is a certain specificity in detail, which you can get when you're paying attention to stuff like that.
The interesting thing about my career is for years I was trying to do that thing of getting in shape and looking cool - I would look at myself in camera angles and think how my chin looked the best and all this stuff. And I really couldn't get that much work.
With a lot of projects, you never know if it's going to be executed properly. And also, you never know if people are going to respond to it. — © David Harbour
With a lot of projects, you never know if it's going to be executed properly. And also, you never know if people are going to respond to it.
When that Twitter account came out, @HopperDancingTo, and they put me to all these different songs, I thought that's pretty much one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I watched that for a couple hours straight, him dancing to George Michael and all these stupid songs.
Social media should be more like a cocktail party than anything else. You can have your fun jokes, and you can also express yourself and your beliefs. It's a conversation, not a sledgehammer.
I'm always fascinated emotionally in the moment that someone pulls a gun, even a cop. That action - I don't know that I, personally, as a human being, could do it.
In a sense, human beings are human beings. Their feelings of aloneness, of brokenness, their feelings of hurt and disappointment, are universal. It's the ways they choose to act on their feelings that separates them.
Those Duffer Brothers really know how to tell a story, and I think it makes you want to watch. 'Stranger Things' is remarkably watchable.
People who are deep thinkers, who have sort of a weird way of looking at the universe, are wildly attractive to me.
In this business, certainly it's a lot crazier for women than it is for men, but there's such a thing where there's a lot of judgment on the way you look and on your body.
I feel like Shakespeare is so epic, in a way that sci-fi genre stuff is epic, it transcends the mundane, and it takes you to this place of real passion and real beauty.
I think that storytelling, at its essence, allows us to feel like we all suffer the same insanity or a similar insanity of existence: that nobody escapes scot-free. We're all going to wind up - at the best-case scenario - 80, 85, 90, broken, in pain, and feeling like it was all a dream and not really understanding the point of any of it.
The fact is, for years, I had been trapped in a certain narcissism and a desire to have a certain body and look sexy.
I want to bring love handles and eating sandwiches back.
When I was in 8th grade, I saw Branagh's 'Henry V' in the Paris Theater, and it changed my life.
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