Top 32 Quotes & Sayings by David Hawkins

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a philosopher David Hawkins.
Last updated on September 8, 2024.
David Hawkins

David Hawkins was a professor whose interests included the philosophy of science, mathematics, economics, childhood science education, and ethics. He was also an administrative assistant at the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos Laboratory and later one of its official historians. Together with Herbert A. Simon, he discovered and proved the Hawkins–Simon theorem.

Truth is verifiable only by identity with it and not by knowing about it.
The decision to overlook the seeming inequities of life instead of reacting to them is a choice.
All of us must cross the line between ignorance and insight many times before we truly understand. — © David Hawkins
All of us must cross the line between ignorance and insight many times before we truly understand.
God is both manifest as the Totality and Allness of Creation and simultaneously unmanifest as the Godhead, the Infinite Potentiality and source or 'void-ness' prior to form.
You can't do a good job unless you're keen on it yourself.
To fail to properly contextualize content has historically been the basis for the slaughter of millions of people in every century throughout human history. To ignore context is the greatest source of catastrophe for every generation of man, and it continutes on in the present time with the same catastrophic consequences. There is no greater lesson that needs to be learned to reduce human suffering and bring ignorance to an end.
All of the Great Teachers throughout the history of our species have merely taught one thing, over & over, in whatever language, at whatever time. All have said, simply: Give up weak attractors for strong attractors.
The goal of society in general is to succeed in the world, whereas the goal of enlightenment is to transcend beyond it.
The body is like a companion, a friendly pet that follows one around...One can continue to own the body and be responsible for it without identifying with it as one's identity.
Victory over others brings us satisfaction, but victory over ourselves brings us joy.
The joy of God is so exquisite that any sacrifice is worth the effort and seeming pain.
That which is injurious loses its capacity to harm when it is brought into the light, and we attract to us that which we emanate.
The G-8 has clearly rejected the failed U.S. policy of voluntary programs to address global warming.
You can memorize your way through a labyrinth if it is simple enough and you have the time and urge to escape. But the learning is of no use for the next time when the exit will be differently placed.
The capacity to recognize significant factors in a given situation is limited by the context that arises from the level of consciousness of the observer.
We need to explore the relationship between means and ends. Purposes grow out of situations. One may find the pursuit first and then this brings the purpose.
It was apparent that all of mankind is actually motivated by inner love, but has simply become unaware; most people live their lives as though they're sleepers unawakened to the perception of who they really are.
The best companies are able to realize earnings in cash, not through calculations that belong in fantasyland.
The effect on human consciousness of the experience of the Presence of God is subjectively transformative and identical throughout human history. It leaves a timeless mark that is verifiable as a calibration of a recorded level of conciousness.
One makes a gift of one's life and endeavors by sanctifying it with love, and devotion and selfless service. When seeking to uplift others, we are uplifted in the process. Every kind thought or smile therefore benefits oneself as well as all the world.
The main obstacle to our development is our lack of knowledge about the nature of consciousness itself.
We have to cross the boundary between knowing and not knowing many times before we achieve understanding.
Love is not a quality of 'God'- is it God's very Essence. It is the ALL-encompassing Reality of the Never-Ending Present. It is the Core of Your Existence.
The intention manifests when the condition is appropriate. — © David Hawkins
The intention manifests when the condition is appropriate.
One is not the victim of mentation but instead is the very originator by virtue of intention to extract projected value. With this understanding, one is free from being dominated by the false "I" of the experiencer.
All things radiate forth an intense aliveness.
...just being ordinary in and of itself is and expression of divinity; the truth of one's real self can be discovered through the pathway of everyday life.
We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.
Every thought, action, decision, or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, inter-balancing energy fields of life. In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone.
Beliefs are the determinants of what one experiences. There are no external 'causes.'
Healing invokes the power of compassion, both for yourself and for others... At this point, the healed may become a healer.
To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source.
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