Top 1470 Quotes & Sayings by Deepak Chopra - Page 23

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American speaker Deepak Chopra.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Happiness can be woven into every aspect of life once you make new choices.
If you're studying for an exam you're not thinking about the results. If you're always worried about the results, you can't study a lot. So to be engaged and detached from the outcome is excellent. Excellence is behavior. I mean, isn't that what martial arts is about? And that's what meditation is about, that's what, in many ways, sports are about.
Look at the world as a reflection of your inner state. — © Deepak Chopra
Look at the world as a reflection of your inner state.
Today is a good day for war to end.
Pay attention to that unchanging part of yourself. It is perfect. At the source of life, and only there, one finds peace, harmony, and the undisturbed contentment of bliss.
To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life. And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God, the second is to serve other human beings, because we are here to do that and the third is to express your unique talents and when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time.
The essence of wisdom is to see that there is always a solution once you realize that the mind, which seems to create so much suffering, has infinite potential to create fulfillment instead.
Religion is believing someone else's experience, spirituality is having your own experience.
Most people talk about fear of the unknown, but if there is anything to fear, it is the known.
The reason why life is a sleep & dream for most people is because their awareness is caught up with past or future & not with what is.
Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the earth.
You cannot be brave if you do not have a coward inside you.
You cannot stand anywhere in the universe that is outside of yourself. — © Deepak Chopra
You cannot stand anywhere in the universe that is outside of yourself.
You are not a prisoner of your thoughts. You have the ability to control what you are thinking.
When we heed the call of our deepest desires, we fulfill our true destinies.
Knowledge has organizing power inherit in it. It is simply enough to know.
Without transcendence, life has no beauty.
This moment - the one you're experiencing right now - is the culmination of all the moments you have experienced in the past. This moment is as it is because the entire universe is as it is.
Who am I? is the only question worth asking and the only one never answered. It is your destiny to play an infinity of roles, but these roles are not yourself. The spirit is non-local, but it leaves behind a fingerprint, which we call a body. A wizard does not believe himself to be a local event dreaming of a larger world. A wizard is a world dreaming of local events.
The trees must breathe so I can breathe.
Favour fresh, real food. You can be assured that you are offering your body anti-inflammatory nutrician.
Don't you realize," Merlin said to his pupil, "that the history of the universe has brought us here to this second?
When you let go of the need for any and all outcomes life becomes a creative magical adventure.
A psychologically healthy person can, in fact, be defined as someone whose desires actually produce happiness.
Craving security is the cause of insecurity. Freedom is knowing that the only point of arrival is now.
The power of intention is a critical factor in all areas of life. Simply by intending to create synchronicity in your life, you can nurture that result.
Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never even have imagined. The coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.
A verse from the Veda says, 'What you see, you become.' In other words, just the experience of perceiving the world makes you what you are. This is a quite literal statement.
From a pure heart anything can be accomplished. If you ask what the universe is doing, it is eavesdropping on your every desire.
We go where our deepest desires take us.
In the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, from the prison of past conditioning. Uncertainty is the fertile ground of creativity and freedom.
it’s as if the universe has a sense of humor, since at a deep level it’s impossible not to lead a spiritual life… the universe is living through you at this moment. with or without belief in god, the chain of events leading from silent awareness to physical reality remains intact.
The choices you make today design your future
My head monk asked how it was walking. I said it hurt without shoes. And he said, 'It hurts on the foot that's down, but the one that's up feels really good - so focus on that one'.
The more intimately you come in contact with your own Being, the simpler things look and the easier they are to deal with.
An intimate relationship is one that allows you to be yourself.
One's attention has to penetrate the chaotic activity, pass through all the layers of subtle thought, and at last emerge into silence. This is the basic process of transcending.
What people think of you is none of your business. — © Deepak Chopra
What people think of you is none of your business.
In God's eyes, walking on water is no more miraculous than the ability of hemoglobin to bond with oxygen inside a red blood corpuscle.
He (God) is right and always has been, because in reality God is only love.
Losing touch with spirit does nothing to the field of creativity, which is beyond harm; but it can do much to damage a person's chance in life.
Space and time are not objects of perception, but qualities of awareness
There is a restless kind of consumer shopping for partners, as if the "right one" can be found by totting up a potential mate's pluses and minuses until the number of pluses matches some mythical standards.
The universe is alive and conscious, and it responds to our intent when we have our intimate relationship with the universe and see it not as separate but as our extended body.
When we transcend our own thoughts, we get in touch with the womb of creation.
The Universe is a mirror of consciousness.
My favorite: Spirituality is a domain of awareness.
The path to love is our spiritual destiny. — © Deepak Chopra
The path to love is our spiritual destiny.
Time is an experience in consciousness. It is metabolized as our biological clock. Changing our experience of time can reverse aging.
Begin to see yourself in all other beings.
Any decrease of anxiety is a step toward love.
Access to your true essence will give you insight into the mirror of relationship, because all relationship is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.
Inertia is comforting, and Americans will be extremely reluctant to make any change that might affect their high standard of living.
If all of the steps of surrender are present, then a great Rembrandt or Monet will evoke love because the artist is simply there in all his naked humanity.
Churchgoers feel righteous, responsible, and obedient to God's will. They view anyone unlike themselves as devoid of values, and therefore unworthy of God's love. By denying God to all those who have strayed from the path of righteousness, the devout are unwittingly taking on themselves a role that belongs only to God.
One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom, and bliss.
Your fellow man is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless.
The highest intention comes from love and compassion ... when our intentions come from a place of love and compassion then we have the power of the universe.
I think the highest forgiveness is to accept that creation is thoroughly tangled, with every possible quality given outlet for expression. People need to accept once and for all that there is only one life and each of us is free to shape it through the choices we make. Seeking can’t get anyone out of the tangle because everything is tangled up…it’s much easier to keep up the fight between good and evil, holy and profane, us and them. But as awareness grows, these opposites begin to calm down in their clashes, and something else emerges- a world you feel at home in.
You are no more in your body than Beethoven is inside your radio.
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