Top 258 Quotes & Sayings by Denis Leary - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Denis Leary.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Some people expect me to be funny all the time, and I'm not necessarily funny all the time.
If you do good work, it tends to stick around. People still come up to me and say, 'The Ref' is my favorite Christmas movie.'
You can't teach somebody how to be funny. You're either funny, or you ain't. — © Denis Leary
You can't teach somebody how to be funny. You're either funny, or you ain't.
I think it's a shame when you come across young actors and musicians who haven't had the time to learn their craft. It doesn't matter if it's acting or music; you really have to learn how to do it from the bottom up because unless you have a great work ethic... fame is a terrible thing to have.
Having dealt with a lot of real firefighters, I know there are a lot of guys who, for lack of a better term, become addicted to the grief because it has kept them connected to these guys that they felt responsible for having lost.
I bought my daughter a Chihuahua and I fell in love with it. So now I carry Coco around with me all the time.
I studied acting in school and then, of course, couldn't get an acting job.
The biggest battle for a lot of people who come out of the theater, which is where I was trained, is that they can never forget that a camera is pointed at them.
It would be great if firefighters across the country had the guarantee that they would be making enough money to support their family right from the get-go, but that's not the case.
Temptation's something you have to deal with even if you're not famous. It's harder when you're famous because it's a lot more in your face, and that makes it a little more difficult to walk away from sometimes.
I guess you get pigeon-holed in Hollywood, but I'm ok with that because I've been able to do a lot. I started in the theater, then I went to stand-up comedy, and then when I went into the movies to do comedy and drama and big movies and small movies.
With any actor, if you know your character well enough, you'll know pretty much what he would say under any circumstance, or whatever situation might rear its head.
The Social Wishlist on Facebook is a great example of everything right about social media. — © Denis Leary
The Social Wishlist on Facebook is a great example of everything right about social media.
Once you have a firefighter in your family, your family and the families from his crew become one big extended family.
I've always had a thing for Catwoman. Michelle Pfeiffer or Halle Berry in tight leather pants, with the boots - I'm pretty good with either one.
I obviously identify with the anti-authority figure. I've pretty much always had problems with authority, ever since I was a kid. But, yeah, it's not identifying, I think it's more a part of my natural DNA that I question anybody who has a plan. Everybody's got to have an angle; that's the way I grew up.
I'm not really a Spider-Man fan. I'm more of a Batman guy.
I remember 9/11; we had 'Comics Come Home' about a month after those events. That night, even the comedians were concerned. Would the audience be ready to laugh? It was a release for everyone.
I always hated the Grateful Dead. Never even bought a Led Zeppelin album.
I did 12 years with nuns, you know. So I came out of it going, like, 'I think Jesus is all right.' The rest of it I think stinks to the high heavens.
I think daycare is great for people who have to work two jobs. My problem is with people who are dropping kids off at daycare because they want to go out and spend the day golfing or getting their nails done. You know what I mean? That's not why they invented daycare.
My dad was very much a John Wayne kind of guy, but he was also a great guy, great sense of humor, a real dedicated dad. I don't think he ever missed a hockey game I was in.
Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it.
I'm really good at laundry, and I have no problem cleaning the kitchen.
Kathy Bates is sexy. It's partly because of her talent, but she's got a great face, and a great laugh.
Jon Stewart is exactly the same guy he's always been, only with money. He knows that the moment he really believes he's important, the funny goes away and he becomes Bill O'Reilly, except shorter and Jewish.
Nobody can make more fun of me than I already make of myself.
Certain movies like 'Wag The Dog,' we used improv on every scene that we did. Pretty much, we would shoot from the script and then some stuff that we came up with in rehearsal, and then we'd have at least one or two takes where we completely went off the script and just flew by the seat of our pants.
The thing with movies is, because you have so little time, I always feel like there are more things we could've done with the character. If we'd done a sequel to 'The Thomas Crown Affair,' what would that have been like? But for the most part, you try not to think of that, because it's just going to break your heart.
Most people don't know how underpaid and often ill-equipped urban fire departments are across North America.
I wanted to be a hockey player. Where I grew up, the basketball courts were rarely used. I was terrible in school and actually said, 'I'm going to be a hockey player.'
Technology is changing, so the viewership is getting broken up. My kids watch everything downloaded; they have no idea what the numbers or the names of the channels mean, except 'FX makes the show that I see on my computer.'
First of all, I have to have trucks because I live most of my time on a horse farm, so I've gotta have trucks. It's in the northeast; I've got to have pickup trucks to move snow, number one. Number two, just if I'm driving, I don't have to have an SUV, but I want a big car.
The best thing about series TV is that everyone you work with is hand-picked, as compared to working on a film.
I really, really like 'Eastbound & Down.' It's one of the few things that makes me laugh. It's almost too funny to get an award.
When I was a teenager, you couldn't get straight pants. Then in '76, when punk started to hit, it was a revelation that you could find straight pants again.
I really like 'Batman.' Not the TV show, but the dark 'Batman.'
I don't really have a lot of fun playing just straight good guys. It's not my thing. It's like Tom Hanks territory. — © Denis Leary
I don't really have a lot of fun playing just straight good guys. It's not my thing. It's like Tom Hanks territory.
I'm pretty much a chocolate guy. I'm up for any type of chocolate. Any chocolate.
My career plan at this point is 'Ice Age 5' through '10,' and even '12,' and 'Spider Man' - you know, basically I'd be Emma Stone's dad for the rest of my career. I really don't have any problem doing that.
In addition to my cousin, there were 30 or 40 guys I grew up with who became firefighters as well. So, I've been around firefighters all my life.
Doing the same character over and over, it gets boring.
How many whales do we really need? I figure five. One for each ocean.
You can have good writing, but a great actor will make it feel and sound like great writing. You can have great writing, and mediocre actors will make it feel mediocre. Without the actors, you have nothing.
I actually like talking.
No woman can be completely happy at any one moment in time. They're always anticipating the next thing to argue or complain about.
In my experience in series TV, if you have a good crew and a great cast, it's going to be a great group - similar to the theater where it's a bunch of people who are really talented and go to work each day and challenge each other, and if you are lucky enough to get a hit then it's five or six or seven years of this kind of work.
If you see me doing a new stand-up special, it probably means I've been out of work for a while. — © Denis Leary
If you see me doing a new stand-up special, it probably means I've been out of work for a while.
I don't want a president like me! I suck, okay. I want an elitist, smart guy.
Here's the problem with Easter. The Catholic Church needs to pick a date because it keeps moving. And I think the reason they always have Easter moving to different dates is to catch us.
I would have to commit a crime and have cops chase me. That would be the only way to get me to jog five miles.
Hockey's my favorite sport.
There's not going to be a 'Rescue Me' movie. Not a chance.
What firefighters and people in our military and cops do is separate from what the rest of us do; basically these people say, 'I'm going to protect all these strangers.'
There's no male Oprah.
Most movies suck, even the independent ones. Hollywood is like baseball: Hit three good ones out of 10 and you're a Hall of Famer.
I'm no day at the beach. And if it is a beach, it's Hampton Beach. Ever been there? It's not nice.
Usually when you watch a film, you're just sort of biting your nails about things you could have done differently.
I think we're going to carry the 'Ice Age's up to 'Ice Age 15,' which means basically they'll be in the present decade.
People saying, 'Life didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.' Welcome to the club. I wanted to be the starting center-fielder for the Boston Red Sox, for chrissakes!
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