Top 220 Quotes & Sayings by Diane von Furstenberg - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Belgian designer Diane von Furstenberg.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The secret to feeling attractive, and to being attractive, is the confidence that comes from knowing who you are and what you believe in.
The biggest mistake a woman can make is not to be herself in public or private.
If you're not sure what to wear, if you don't know how everyone else is going to be, then just be at your most beautiful. — © Diane von Furstenberg
If you're not sure what to wear, if you don't know how everyone else is going to be, then just be at your most beautiful.
The success of every single woman is the inspiration for another.
Building a wardrobe is like building a circle of friends your whole life.... Your own beauty is to be yourself, but of course we need tools and accessories.
My face carries all of my memories. Why would I erase them?
I wanted to be a certain kind of woman. I became that kind of woman.
My goal in life is to be your best friend when you open your closet
You can actually be intimate with the universe.
Now is the time to become a myth.
Sleep is easier to make up than a unique evening.
I've never met a woman who is not strong, but sometimes they don't let it out. Then there's a tragedy, and then all of a sudden that strength comes. My message is let the strength come out before the tragedy.
Use your brains, your common sense, and do not become an object. The way you look is important, but who you are and how you project it is eventually who you will become and how you will appear.
If there is one rule for dressing, for fashion, it’s pretty much the same rule as for everything else in life: Don’t go against yourself, don’t go against your own nature. It’s only going to show.
When a woman becomes her individual most effective close friend existence is simpler. — © Diane von Furstenberg
When a woman becomes her individual most effective close friend existence is simpler.
I always wanted to live a man's life in a woman's body
It's important to leave your face without makeup for a while after waking up...Let your skin breathe a while before applying your makeup, even if it means waking up a bit earlier.
It's not about going to a party. It's life as a party.
The easier your hair is to manage the happier you'll be with it and the prettier you'll feel.
Don't be afraid of your own strength.
For me, traveling and living are the same. How you travel is a symbol of your life.
You know I have never met a woman who is not strong. They don't exist.
You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.
Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it.
Taste is acquired. You may have to unlearn a taste for chocolate or ice cream.
The older you get, the more you should learn to love life and appreciate the beauty that comes with age.
Feel like a woman, wear a dress!
Women never cease to impress and inspire me.
There's design and there's art. Good design is total harmony. There's no better designer than nature - if you look at a branch or a leaf, it's perfect. It's all function. Art is different. It's about emotion. It's about suffering and beauty - but mostly suffering!
I don't care about fashion, I care about women.
Prepare your food attractively and serve it nicely.
You can learn a lot from my mistakes more than my success.
I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.
If you are trying to slip out without waking a sleeping man, zips are a nightmare. Haven't you ever tried to creep out of the room unnoticed the following morning? I've done that many times.
Be proud of yourself. Try to eat well...and when you cheat, enjoy it!
If you're short, don't wear extremely high heels. After a certain age, you shouldn't wear little girls' clothes. That's going against your nature.
Silence, nothing is better.
The secret to a great marriage is having a great husband. — © Diane von Furstenberg
The secret to a great marriage is having a great husband.
In all circumstances, I always look for the light and build around it, with little memory of pain.
We are living in such a troubled world that fashion seems completely irrelevant.'s a very, very mysterious thing. Why all of a sudden do people like yellow? Why all of a sudden do people wear combat boots?
I really have fun making up. I have a good face for making up, good bones. I do the shapings, then the eyes. Then I put on mascara and I do something else. Then I put on mascara again and do something else. Then I put on more mascara and my whole face is completely made up.
I must have books everywhere. They're the soul of a room-they reveal the taste, the interests, and the secrets of whoever lives there.
It's like learning to fall properly. If you can manage not to tighten up you won't hurt yourself as much. The same theory applies to your day, physically and emotionally. The tensions simply can't take hold.
What is style? It is an effortless confidence in being yourself, it is a way of putting yourself together according to your mood and what you want to project. Personal style appears to come naturally for some, but for others it can take a while to find it!
Water is life is love is life is water.
I’ve always been inspired by women, and my mission was to inspire women. I always wanted to become a certain kind of woman and I became that woman through fashion. It was a dialogue. I would see that the wrap dress made those women confident, and made them act with confidence.
Don't let any of your good habits get boring.
You cannot have a healthy body without drinking a great deal of water. But remember, you can't just drink a glass of water and tell a glass of water to please go straight to your skin and moisturize your complexion. Water has to be there all the time, doing what it does naturally in a healthy body.
It's more important to be healthy and of good spirit than it is to be thin, just as it's more important to be an attractive woman than a fashionable one.
I never try to make a major fashion statement but I want to be the friend in a woman's closet. I make dresses that women get laid in. — © Diane von Furstenberg
I never try to make a major fashion statement but I want to be the friend in a woman's closet. I make dresses that women get laid in.
I think living is serious. Living well, accepting yourself, using your talents to the fullest, enjoying yourself, that's all serious and important...But I think makeup and fashion should not be taken that seriously...You should have fun making up for a party. You should have fun wearing a sexy dress. When you're beautiful it should give you pleasure.
Be the Woman You Want to Be.
Clothes can hide you from yourself but a bikini sure can't.
The girls who were unanimously considered beautiful often rested on their beauty alone. I felt I had to do things, to be intelligent and develop a personality in order to be seen as attractive. By the time I realized maybe I wasn't plain and might even possibly be pretty, I had already trained myself to be a little more interesting and informed.
Some fairy tales end with the girl marrying the prince... some start there.
What you eat is everything. What you eat is what you are.
One of the most important things about fashion is to dress as well as you can, look as attractive as you can, and at the same time be comfortable with yourself. Be easy about your clothes; forget about them.
If you're trying to lose weight, you just have to eat less. I mean that.
Absence Is To Love, What The Wind Is To Fire, When It's a Small Fire The Wind Kills It But When It's a Real Fire It Intensifies It
If you're a little hippy and full-bosomed, don't try to remake yourself in the image of a skinny fashion model. It won't work. You can trim down your hips. You should always concentrate on special movements to keep your breasts firm and lifted and young. Hippy and bosomy can be very nice, very desirable. Accept it.
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