Top 105 Quotes & Sayings by Dimitar Berbatov

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Bulgarian athlete Dimitar Berbatov.
Last updated on July 24, 2024.
Dimitar Berbatov

Dimitar Ivanov Berbatov is a Bulgarian former professional footballer. A striker, he captained the Bulgaria national team from 2006 to 2010, and is the country's all-time leading goalscorer. He is regarded as one of the greatest Bulgarian players of all time.

When you know how to read football, it is easier for some players.
I am a striker, and people expect strikers to score goals. But I don't see myself as a striker.
Nobody wants to play bad football in a game; everybody wants to win, and every player wants to show how good he is. But, you know, sometimes you simply have a game where nothing is happening.
Ronaldo is brilliant, Messi more my kind of player. He sees the game so clearly. He can score, create; he's the complete player - the best ever, probably. — © Dimitar Berbatov
Ronaldo is brilliant, Messi more my kind of player. He sees the game so clearly. He can score, create; he's the complete player - the best ever, probably.
Young players try and imitate the best players like Ronaldo. They try to imitate the hair, the clothes, the cars, the tricks. I try to tell them how hard Cristiano Ronaldo trained in training and after training. He only wanted to be the best. Everything else came after.
I don't smile all the time, but I smile inside.
Like Nemanja Vidic, I came from a small town in a small country in Eastern Europe, but we had reached the top.
Sometimes you don't play well or you don't score, and in those times, the pressure comes from all around you as well as from yourself.
Every human being is different.
If we win 1-0, I don't care if the goalkeeper scores.
I wanted to win trophies and play for the biggest club, and the biggest club in England is Manchester United.
If every player is on the left, and I am on the right, you need to trust me that I have seen something the other players have not seen.
On the pitch, you can have the feeling that everything is happening for you, from passing to tackles.
I want to teach the young people the way I see football. The way I eat, the way I am in training. — © Dimitar Berbatov
I want to teach the young people the way I see football. The way I eat, the way I am in training.
A player may have a future only if he respects the players who taught and advised him.
For me, it was the right decision to go to United, because going to the top of the mountain was my dream, especially when you come from Eastern Europe, from a small town, and no one's done it before you.
When you train with good players or watch matches on TV, you want to do what they do.
For me, if the ball's in the net, it doesn't matter if it's an overhead kick or just a tap-in.
I cannot speak for other players, but it is always good when the manager comes to ask how you're feeling and makes you feel calm before you play the game.
It doesn't matter how many goals you score; one goal is enough if you don't let one in your net.
Top-level football gives you fame and money, but it takes away a lot, too.
Every team is going to lose; every team is going to win.
I like Lukaku. No matter what harsh judgement he gets, he's a good player - he's powerful and quick - but he needs more support. It's easy to criticise and judge, but he needs support give him a push to boost his confidence.
When I play all the time, I play with a smile on my face, and then I can help my team with my goals and my game and the way I can play football.
Players want to enjoy their football and talk up their performances.
I credit my success to my mother. Her prayers and support are everything to me. I know all she does for me, and I know nothing I do can ever pay back the amount of support she has given me.
I came from a background where we didn't have bread. I know what it's like to live with money and no money.
It's always good to beat a top team like Chelsea.
Sometimes the things I do look effortless, but it's not like that. It's very difficult, but because of my style, I make it look easy.
As soon as I score, my mother texts me, so when I go in the dressing room, her text is there waiting for me to read!
I think every person is different in coping with pressure; every person thinks differently. For me, sometimes it is difficult because people expect so much of me.
I was the Premier League's top goal scorer in 2010-11 and never wanted to be on the bench.
I will dream about winning the Golden Ball until I stop playing.
I am a realistic type of guy. I am my biggest critic.
If Lukaku is not as good as others with his first touch, then give him a ball that he can handle.
I like to play like that, with beauty and grace.
When United wanted me, I was like a horse with blinkers on. I was not interested in anyone else. City offered more money, but the team was weaker, and their history couldn't compete with United.
When I signed for United, I felt like it was a reward for everything that I'd been through in my life.
I don't play for the money. — © Dimitar Berbatov
I don't play for the money.
Sometimes, against the underdog, you can lose because they want it more. It happens to every team.
The small details are important if you want to be a good player.
When you come to a new club, the first two or three days are always a bit hectic.
Football is a simple game. It is not difficult to play football: just pass the ball around.
I am a perfectionist, and I set high standards.
I just want to entertain and make people enjoy the game and smile.
Sport is healthy, but it can be the opposite of that at the top level. You have so many injuries; you put your body through so much. You wake up at 2 in the morning, and you cannot move.
You can find yourself doubting yourself. But that's when you need to keep faith and realise everything is going to be okay. You work hard in training and keep doing the things you're good at.
Because we are a small country, unlike England, Italy, or Brazil, we don't have as many good players.
I have handled pressure and expectation all through my life. I am not scared of it. — © Dimitar Berbatov
I have handled pressure and expectation all through my life. I am not scared of it.
Sometimes self-esteem affects you on and off the pitch. Until you face your next game and you miss an easy chance, for example, then you feel not as great.
I wouldn't say I have felt troubled here at United. I am not troubled. I am lucky. I have loved my time here.
Jose Mourinho knows how to control to big players in the dressing room, to control egos. He's done it all his life and knows how to work it into the team.
I like to play with the ball and have the freedom to move around.
When you're young, you're cocky.
Every coach has their own philosophy for getting the best out of players, and sometimes these can seem strange to the public.
When I set myself a target, I aim to reach it.
To win the league, you don't just need great players, but you need players who have the mentality of title winners.
Obviously, I like to play a lot with the ball.
Those who know me, my really close friends, know that I play for enjoyment and to entertain the fans.
A player becomes great only when he realises he has great team-mates.
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