Top 148 Quotes & Sayings by Douglas Booth - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English actor Douglas Booth.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
External beauty is a bizarre thing to me.
When you're forced to watch something in school, you never really enjoy it; you sort of rebel against it in a certain way.
The 'boy next door' parts I get offered, I don't find interesting. — © Douglas Booth
The 'boy next door' parts I get offered, I don't find interesting.
The grittier, the dirtier, the worse I can look, the happier I am. It takes the pressure off.
Sexuality is such a small part of the make-up of someone; it's not who they are.
I only want to work with interesting filmmakers.
I looked on IMDB, at the message boards there, and someone had posted something about a sheep having more talent than me.
When I was younger, I looked a lot older than I was. They have these working laws in England where you have to be 16: if you're over 16, you don't have to be restrained by working hours and things like that. In America, it's actually 18.
Even to this day, when someone says something derogatory about Boy George, it still upsets and offends me. Part of me will always be quite attached to him.
Yeah, 'Requiem for a Dream' - it'll put you off a lot of things, that film, that's for sure.
Articles always end up being about my appearance. I had a conversation with Jude Law: he told me people's obsession with looks goes away after a while.
I turned down one of the big young adult franchises.
I saw 'Othello' at the National Theatre in London, and it was so stunning. I was so moved. It's beautiful. — © Douglas Booth
I saw 'Othello' at the National Theatre in London, and it was so stunning. I was so moved. It's beautiful.
To be able to experience a thousand different lives within my lifetime is something that always appealed to me. I wasn't content with just being one person for the rest of my life.
I would hope I was raised polite and charming.
It's very important to hold on to what you want. In front of you is very easy fame and very easy money.
I think I'm low-maintenance.
I tried to forget about playing Romeo in 'Romeo and Juliet' and just think about him as a normal guy, as a normal character, and just try and approach him the same I would every other character.
I grew up in London, and that's where I spend most of my time. Unless I have a really good reason not to be, I'll always be in London.
'Noah,' for me, wasn't a decision about taking on the Bible. It was about working with Darren Aronofsky.
Romeo and Juliet were stunning and beautiful, but a lot of the other characters surrounding them were caricatures.
I have always wanted to work with Judy Dench, and that hasn't happened yet, so that would be fun.
I suppose 'Worried About the Boy' was a brave choice, but only in the sense that if I didn't get it right, my career would be over before it had begun.
I don't feel like I've ever kissed any of the people I have done for acting. That moment didn't exist for you; it existed for that person.
I don't necessarily want to hear about my talent or my greatness as an actor.
I saw 'The Fountain' because my friend came over one day and said, 'This is my favorite movie I've ever seen. Please watch this,' and I watched it, and that was amazing.
I get bored quite easily, so I like to keep my mind entertained by challenging myself.
I think Hollywood is interesting. As an actor, Hollywood would be a horrible place to go if you weren't actually invited.
I remember someone saying to my mom that it must be so glamorous to have a child acting in movies. They had no idea how hard it was for her.
When you're forced to watch something in school, you never really enjoy it, you sort of rebel against it in a certain way.
I looked pretty crazy but at the time, you don't think anything of it. You think, "I've got an amazing job. I'm working and this is cool." I remember I was being fit to go to a premiere for something at Burberry and Christopher Bailey, who designs the clothes there, saw a picture of me and I looked weird. I had short black hair, hardly any eyebrows, I looked very very thin and he went, "We need to put Douglas in a campaign." So four days later, I was shooting a Burberry campaign because he had seen me looking crazy from the show so that was kind of funny.
I had friends who ran off to become ski instructors or worked in cool bars, and I often envied them, but I know I'd quickly become bored with that kind of life. I always need to push myself.
Some people can very easily switch off and be guilt free, not that what I'm doing is about guilt, but they can completely disconnect and not care because it doesn't affect them. I've always really cared about what happens and felt a certain responsibility.
Have you seen Cowspiracy? It takes a lot more land to feed a meat eater than to feed a vegan or a vegetarian. It's something I'd love to get into but it's very hard to persuade people to stop things they've been doing for a long time. So maybe it needs to start with the next generation. Everyone needs to raise their children with a bit more responsibility.
I'd imagine a great date would be to go skiing. Imagine going skiing. Go ski with someone, if they can ski.
I think we can't feed the amount of people that are on this planet the way we are doing it.
I love to ride horses. I've ridden since I was a kid so I got to do some riding, which was a lot of fun. But most of the stunts were left to the girls. It's the girls rescuing the guys mostly. So it was kind of really kick-ass, girl power. It was wonderful to watch. It was particularly sexy. They would come in and just slay in these choreographed pentagram of death fight scenes. It was pretty impressive.
For the moment, whenever I read, it is normally scripts. You start a book and then you think, 'I should be reading these five scripts. — © Douglas Booth
For the moment, whenever I read, it is normally scripts. You start a book and then you think, 'I should be reading these five scripts.
When I do go to L.A., it is usually for a reason - to meet with a director or something - but I'm always so happy to go back to London.
I think it's more important to seek the truth than to try and be perfect, to be honest.
I want to be challenged, I want to keep challenging myself - whether or not it's changing yourself physically or just pushing yourself to a certain extreme. I get bored quite easily so I like to keep my mind entertained by challenging myself.
I love movies. That's still my favorite form of escape, and I usually end up going alone. I love to go and sit in the theater by myself, no distractions.
I don't think I've reached perfection by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe someday I'll become a perfectionist.
I've had friends who have come away who've said, "I shouldn't have become such close friends with the director." You always want to get on with the director, but I personally prefer a relationship where you respect them - you get on really well with them, but they're boss, as it were. It's about trusting your director, for better or for worse. They're the one's seeing what's coming out on the monitors, so you have to try and trust what they say.
I like to cook Vietnamese pho or vegetarian curries. I need to cook more but I need somebody to cook with.
I love Leonardo DiCaprio. He just makes really great films with great directors. He has great relationships with directors but also has a great social awareness. I think he balances his work with his responsibilities to his world, the environment, things like that very well. I'm very impressed by him and I admire him a lot. And other actors like Joaquin Phoenix, I just look at him and marvel at his unexpectedness, just his work really.
What is life unless you're having a good time? I don't really have a plan; I just try to dip my toes in different ponds.
I've said I won't eat meat until the whole world can eat it responsibly, which is going to be hard. It's becoming more and more fashionable to eat more and more meat and they've just made it fashionable to eat meat in the east in China, which is a massive population.
I live alone so I always just eat out. When I'm in another relationship, then maybe we'll start cooking together. — © Douglas Booth
I live alone so I always just eat out. When I'm in another relationship, then maybe we'll start cooking together.
Nothing's been changed overnight. It's like watching your cat grow: you see it every day, so you don't really see it change, you wake up one day and it's a bloody great thing. Your friends come round who you haven't seen for a couple months and they're like, "Oh my god, your cat's grown so much again." And I'm like, "Has it?" But when you're living it... I just find that my life has subtly changed bit by bit, so I don't ever really notice it too much.
Ultimately I'll probably end up going out with an actress again. But an architect would be cool. They need to do something creative. I'm attracted to talent. But it would maybe be healthier if it wasn't in the industry.
The negative about acting is that you have to spend a great deal of time away from your friends and loved ones.
Travel is best when it's as unplanned as possible so that you get that real sense of adventure. The film 'Thelma and Louise' really encapsulates that - their travels are unplanned and spontaneous and therefore full of excitement, escapism and optimism.
I knew I wanted to do something creative. I am dyslexic, so I really struggled in school. I knew I was never going to sit behind a desk or do something involving numbers.
I wanted to become an actor. I went to Guildhall School of Music and Drama, which is one of the main drama schools in London where you go when you are older. But I was doing the junior one when I was a kid. And some friends there had agents. I was fourteen and I was like, "I want an agent! It sounds awesome!" I had no idea what that was. I thought those guys looked like men in black. They were hanging around in suits all the time. So I luckily got a very good agent in London and started auditioning. And then when I was 16, I got my first film and I've been working ever since.
I've always had a social awareness. My favorite channel on TV is BBC News 24. For a while, I had to have it on repeat in my house. I've always been interested in what's going on in the world.
As an actor, Hollywood would be a horrible place to go if you weren't actually invited.
Being blinded by young love. I remember the feeling, when I first fell in love - you don't see the world the same way that other people see it. You don't see the same boundaries.
As a kid, I used to run around our garden waving a stick and pretending to be a million different people. That's why I became an actor, really.
The most romantic things are very small, kind gestures from people you love.
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