Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Ed Davey - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British politician Ed Davey.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Climate change threatens serious economic disruption to us all with serious implications to global stability and the impact it will have on the whole of humanity.
My job as energy and climate change secretary is to both power the country and protect the planet. Nuclear power delivers on both of these objectives.
We want the NHS to be able to recruit the doctors and nurses it needs. And we want British businesses to be free to hire the best workers from anywhere in the world.
Even before the Windrush scandal, it was clear Britain's immigration system was in desperate need of reform. — © Ed Davey
Even before the Windrush scandal, it was clear Britain's immigration system was in desperate need of reform.
The truth is that E.U. citizens contribute far more to our economy and public services than they use.
There was a time before my O-levels when I remember thinking I used to study hard and work hard to please my mother, like most young children. And then I realised I'm doing this for me.
I'm all in favour of talking to other parties, always have been, always will be. I'm a pluralist, talk to them, see what we've got in common, work together, fine.
You don't need to be a John Maynard Keynes to understand that if Britain leaves the European market, a border will have to be put in place - and that would break U.K. obligations in a treaty lodged at the United Nations.
Offshore oil and gas has proven to be a vital strategic resource for the United Kingdom. Not only has it contributed to Britain's energy security over decades, but it has supported hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country and contributed hundreds of billions of pounds in taxes to the economy.
We have ensured through the 2013 Energy Act that low-carbon energy resources have a secure future in our energy mix. Wind, tidal, nuclear, biomass and CCS all have a major role to play.
The Liberal Democrats are proud pro-Europeans, and internationalists - and always will be.
I'm determined to use all of my powers to make sure that Britain leads the way in sourcing the energy we need from low carbon sources.
We will always be committed to promoting as close a relationship with the E.U. as possible.
I am one of those from the green movement who recognises the low carbon benefits of nuclear generation.
It's crucial we make the case for institutions like Nato and the E.U. as foundations for the peace and prosperity we have enjoyed for decades - and which too many people appear to take for granted.
The reality is that no country's actions alone will create the impact required to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius - we all need to be part of the solution.
The union that is the United Kingdom has been extraordinarily successful. Our British family has cooperated brilliantly, working together with shared goals and values, to make a unique four-country multinational success.
For me, the most ironic aspect of the Brexit debate has been right-wing Brexiteers speaking loftily about parliamentary sovereignty, when they have never backed MPs having a fuller involvement in how our country is run.
The very idea that human beings are held in bondage is sickening.
Climate change is a complex challenge, and one that will not be easily solved.
British leadership in Europol has made the law-enforcement agency far more effective, and we have been influential in making human trafficking one of its top priorities.
I am not a natural fan of Mr Tillerson's political instincts. Indeed, there maybe few things I would agree with Rex on: for example, he vouched his support for the war in Yemen, approved of Assad's regime, and has pushed for tax cuts for American big business.
Solar power - the costs have dramatically fallen, far faster than anyone has speculated. It's probably one of the greatest steps forward in human history.
Tackling climate change is not a luxury for the good times: for good and bad times it has become a necessity - but necessity is the mother of invention.
Liberal Democrats are proud to be the main U.K. political party leading the Remain campaign. Being pro-E.U. is in our DNA: internationalism, tearing down walls rather than building them, is at the heart of who we are as a party.
The homeless often lose trust in people: in the hospital doctors, who had no choice but to discharge them back on to the streets, and in the family members from whom they have become estranged. Their past use of the NHS can make it difficult to patch together a full medical history.
As a carer for my disabled son, I understand just how hard caring is, at the best of times. I know how important it is for families to get the support they need.
We want to encourage foreign students to come to our universities - to study, research and teach.
No-deal Brexit could be Boris Johnson's biggest deception yet - worse than the Boris bus or the lies that had him sacked as a Times journalist or as a spokesman by the then Tory leader, Michael Howard.
Energy is one of those things that brings Europe together in terms of our security needs, affordable energy and climate change. — © Ed Davey
Energy is one of those things that brings Europe together in terms of our security needs, affordable energy and climate change.
Brits, Indians, Frenchmen and Belgians fought side by side in the trenches of the Somme and on the fields of Ypres.
For Liberal Democrats, the political choice between the hard Brexit menus offered by Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt might seem about as tempting as arsenic verses strychnine.
Home-produced energy enhances our energy security and boosts the economy.
Slavery is perhaps the greatest affront to the fundamental principle of individual liberty.
We must face up to the long-term failures of Britain's approach to immigration and make the argument for an effective, compassionate and liberal alternative.
Well, there's always risk in long-term investment.
Climate change threatens the wellbeing of every person around the world and can only be addressed through a global response to reduce emissions.
Britain must be the champion of international law.
Liberal Democrats cherish freedom of movement.
There is no good time to break the law.
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