Top 76 Quotes & Sayings by Ed Schultz

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American entertainer Ed Schultz.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Ed Schultz

Edward Andrew Schultz was an American television and radio host, political commentator, news anchor and sports broadcaster.

When Bernie Sanders was announcing that he was going to be a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party in Burlington, Vermont, I was the only cable host between FOX, MSNBC, and CNN that was there to cover it live.
Trump gives public service a bad image. It's not about flash, it's not about wealth, and it's not about hairstyle. It's about doing something for people and being an advocate for the community you represent.
Sometimes, when I open my mouth, all hell breaks loose. Other times, I feel like a voice in the wilderness and I wonder, 'Does anybody get this?' — © Ed Schultz
Sometimes, when I open my mouth, all hell breaks loose. Other times, I feel like a voice in the wilderness and I wonder, 'Does anybody get this?'
I'm not your quintessential liberal.
I think Donald Trump is a racist.
In Russia, Vladimir Putin is viewed as a progressive Democrat.
We have to be very cognizant of the fact that 90 percent of the electronic media in this country is owned, operated, programmed, and controlled by conservatives. They made a concerted effort during and before the Reagan years that they were going to get the microphone.
I was pretty much a warmonger and a pretty greedy guy. I always wanted to make as much money as I possibly could and felt the downtrodden didn't deserve a break.
The Left has been frustrated because President Obama has allowed the Republicans to run all over him.
There is evidence Rand Paul has a real problem with women reporters.
Many times, I was told what to lead with on MSNBC. Many times, I was told what I was not going to do.
Radio is about emotion.
I was the first reporter in the country to get a U.S. Senator on the air during the 9/11 attacks - I was broadcasting from the Hart Building.
I'm prairie-dwelling, pro-union, pro-health care, and pro-education. — © Ed Schultz
I'm prairie-dwelling, pro-union, pro-health care, and pro-education.
Many mines in the world are unsafe. They are dangerous as hell.
They ought to be focused on saving healthcare. They ought to be focused on making sure we don't privatize Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. That's where the Democrats ought to be.
I've never really figured out why the media covers the media, you know?
Since when is it against the law to meet with people from another country?
I support collective bargaining everywhere.
How did a prairie-dwelling, red-meat-eating, gun-toting former conservative become the hope of liberal radio? It all started with this annoying habit I have of speaking my mind.
I've always wanted to go on 'The View!'
I'm not going to apologize for my success. How I live is no secret.
It took a few years before I realized there was life after football.
I do think that every super power on the globe has a very poor record on human rights.
The president of the United States, Barack Obama, deserves the benefit of the doubt and our support in his decision to use military force in Libya.
Nothing replaces hard work. The harder you work, the luckier you get.
If you do a cable show, you have a radio show, whatever, if you're fat and you've got red hair, look, they're going to pick on you.
I lined up with the Republicans because they were antitax, and I wanted to make a lot of money.
If you're going to have an exchange of ideas, the only thing you can do is to meet people face-to-face in front of a crowd who may think differently than you do. I mean, that's what democracy is about, isn't it?
Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I - I show pictures of my airplanes.
I don't agree with Trump on everything.
I admit that I'm fat.
There's so much in the media that's not the truth.
The Republican effort to make the September 11th attack on Benghazi into a scandal is really about one thing and one thing only: Hillary Clinton.
If we start attacking advertisers because of what somebody said - it's the wrong thing to do.
I'm not prepared to be governor of New York. I'm a radio guy; I do a radio show. A radio show is entertainment. You need to move it along. When does a politician move anything along?
I guess when I got to MSNBC in 2009, I brought Bernie Sanders to cable probably more than anybody else.
RT completes the picture of the events in the U.S. and around the globe, giving viewers access to a range of stories, voices, and opinions and a real opportunity to speak their minds.
I think you can be in disagreement with a president you support without being disrespectful or nasty or snide. — © Ed Schultz
I think you can be in disagreement with a president you support without being disrespectful or nasty or snide.
Big money and corporate interest drown out a lot of voices.
I hunt and fish, and I don't fly on Lear jets, and I don't smoke Cuban cigars.
There's all kinds of envy out there on the Left.
Oh yea, I was a conservative. I was probably hard-line, preoccupied with how much money I would make and how far I would go. But I began seeing a lady who directs a homeless clinic in Fargo. One of our first get-togethers was to a Salvation Army dinner, where I met some jobless Vietnam veterans. It started my transition, opened my eyes.
Viewers don't want you to walk the fence - they do want a point of view - and that's what we bring.
You can do TV and radio without the personal insults.
I think the United States has a nasty human-rights record.
Whether you like it or not, Santorum is as good as President Obama with a crowd.
I feel very comfortable about being fair to Trump. I think I've been very fair to him.
Not to get too grandiose about it, but I really believe I'm saying things a lot of Americans want someone to say. — © Ed Schultz
Not to get too grandiose about it, but I really believe I'm saying things a lot of Americans want someone to say.
Full disclosure: the Russians did not tell Hillary Clinton, 'Don't go to Wisconsin.'
The righties connect with Joe Beercan better than the Democrats do.
I never shop - my wife takes care of all of that.
I think that you have to get out there and get with the folks and push the flesh and be connected to viewers and listeners.
I'm a liberal - and I'm not running from that word!
All Americans want what is best for America!
Money is not a measure of a man's character or success in the arena of public service.
Nobody is going to tell Ed Schultz what to say.
Squelching debate by branding it un-American is dishonest, dangerous, and, in itself, hateful.
When it comes down to the devil in the detail of dealing with the issues... and making real change, Trump, you don't have it. You've never had it.
We never see any journalism or documentaries on the oceans and what we're doing on this Earth and how it affects the oceans and how important they are. I'm intrigued by it. It's almost an untold story.
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