Top 147 Quotes & Sayings by Ehud Olmert - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Israeli politician Ehud Olmert.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The State of Israel, in partnership with Project Better Place and Renault-Nissan, is set to become the first country in the world to initiate the mass deployment of electric vehicles.
I have to make sure that I am doing the right thing. I can't afford to make any mistake.
Israel is prepared for a compromise. The majority of Israelis understand this compromise will be serious, will be meaningful, and will be painful. — © Ehud Olmert
Israel is prepared for a compromise. The majority of Israelis understand this compromise will be serious, will be meaningful, and will be painful.
If the Gaza ceasefire proves stable, Israel will not remain in the Strip.
Abu Mazen has deprived himself of all the practical authorities of government.
I've been mayor of the city of Jerusalem, which is perhaps, in some ways, more complex and more difficult than a ministerial position.
The values of democracy, brotherhood, and freedom that constitute the building blocks of American society are also shared by Israeli society, together with the faith in man's power and ability to change and influence his surroundings.
I trust the integrity of the British government and the British soldiers.
It is impossible to think of a world in which America was not there in the honorable service of humanity.
Israel is grateful that America believes in us.
In Israel, we are sorry for the loss of life of Turkish citizens in May 2010, when Israel confronted a provocative flotilla of ships bound for Gaza. I am sure that the proper way to express these sentiments to the Turkish government and the Turkish people can be found.
I'm not in the most comfortable position, but I think my government is very stable, perhaps more stable than any government in modern Israeli history.
The dreadful terrorism perpetrated by Palestinian terrorist organizations has affected thousands of Israeli citizens, has destroyed families, and has tried to disrupt the lives of the citizens of Israel.
I have reached a conclusion that when we have to make a choice between greater Israel or a Jewish democratic state - and we have to make this choice, it is inevitable - then my choice is a Jewish democratic country.
We must give up Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem and return to the core of the territory that is the State of Israel prior to 1967, with minor corrections dictated by the reality created since then.
There is nowhere I encounter greater understanding for Israel's existential issues than in the Oval Office. — © Ehud Olmert
There is nowhere I encounter greater understanding for Israel's existential issues than in the Oval Office.
The enemies of peace have not disappeared.
The United States is a superpower whose influence reaches across oceans and beyond borders.
I would never agree to an exclusive Muslim sovereignty over areas that are religiously important to Jews and Christians.
I was not interested in being minister of defense or minister of foreign affairs.
Emerging from embattled and humble beginnings, the Jewish state has exceeded all expectations for its success and prosperity.
Palestinian violence is not a response to the capture of the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinian nationalism's roots are not so shallow.
I can tell you that if I'd had an opportunity to meet with King Abdullah of the Saudis - which I have not - he would be very surprised to hear what I have to say.
The situation of any leader in the Middle East is not easy.
Maaele Adumim is part of Israel. Gush Etzion is part of Israel.
There is always a human being behind the titles and the status.
The history of the Zionist enterprise is well-known: surrounded and outnumbered by hostile neighbours, the nascent Israel was forced to defend itself against invasion and certain destruction.
As mayor of Jerusalem, I wanted the government to invest the necessary funds in order to unite the city in an effective manner with full rights for the Palestinians living in Jerusalem, so the world would say, 'Okay, it can work.'
Before I became prime minister, as mayor of Jerusalem, I became world-renowned because of my fight for the unity of Jerusalem.
I never took a bribe. This is the truth, and there is no other.
There is an alliance between Israel and the United States, and it has never been stronger than at the time of George W. Bush.
Palestinians want Israel to return back into boundaries, the width of which is 12 km., that can be cut into pieces within minutes.
I believe that there is no path other than the path of peace.
Mofaz was elected to head Kadima since the party had been shattered.
Everything that can strengthen Abu Mazen is favourable.
From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.
Turkey is not an enemy of Israel. I have worked closely with the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
When I addressed international forums as prime minister, the Israeli people expected me to present bold political initiatives that would bring peace - not arguments outlining why achieving peace now is not possible.
I understand the importance which the Palestinian society attributes to the issue of prisoners. — © Ehud Olmert
I understand the importance which the Palestinian society attributes to the issue of prisoners.
Assad is the president of Syria. He enjoys fairly effective control over his country.
Yasser Arafat never wanted to make peace with Israel.
Israel has said many times - and I also said this to German television in an interview - that we will not be the first country that introduces nuclear weapons to the Middle East.
I'm entirely free of any suspicions or complaints about the Obama administration. I think the Obama administration is very friendly to Israel. I know a lot of the people in the administration, and they are committed to Israel.
We are the greatest experts in the world in criticizing our country, but no one loves his country more than the Israelis. No one.
Arafat is the greatest instigator of terror.
Abu Mazen has got to do only one thing: to fight terror. That's what he needs to do.
As long as there are no negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel is and will continue to be in a difficult situation.
International economic and political sanctions on Iran, as crucial as they may be, are only an initial step, and must be dramatically increased.
Dictates are futile, and mutual accusations are nothing but useless word games.
The Goldstone Committee was formed in April of 2009, after I was not prime minister. So it was a new political situation.
Historic scores cannot be settled, and scars cannot be obliterated. — © Ehud Olmert
Historic scores cannot be settled, and scars cannot be obliterated.
I don't like this terminology that you have no choice. You always have a choice.
Barack Obama's journey to the White House has impressed and inspired the entire world.
Don't fall in love with everything that you may have read and everything that you may have heard from any political leader, including myself.
I want to lead. I want to change. And I'm going to do it.
There is no need to get caught up in any apocalyptic prophecies that have no basis in reality.
When it was not very comfortable, politically, for me, I said things which lots of people didn't like, some of them may have liked. I said my beliefs, my truth, and my convictions, and that's how I am going to continue to do in the future.
I always admired the tolerance of my family - you know, that they tolerated my dissension for the family consensus.
Abu Mazen told me he does not want to change the demographics of Israel.
Already at the time of Israel's birth, Ben-Gurion extended his hand in peace to the Arab nations. His hand was rejected, but it remains extended.
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