Top 353 Quotes & Sayings by Elton John - Page 6

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English musician Elton John.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I've watched other people singing, I've become a much better singer. I've become a singer that plays the piano instead of a piano player that sings.
Some men kneel and pray, I like women and I like wine.
I'll even pay sometimes for a woman that's ugly. — © Elton John
I'll even pay sometimes for a woman that's ugly.
Lawdy Mama, those Friday nights when Suzy wore her dresses down tight.
To forgive and be forgiven, if it's the last thing I do, then in death's release I may find the peace that in life I never knew.
It was Scotty Moore's guitar riff [in "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You"] when he was doing The Steve Allen Show that got me into rock music.
I didn't have sex until I was 23 and that was with a man. I made up for lost time after that in a hurry. I wish I could have had sex when I was, like, 14, 15 or 16 because that's such an exciting age to have sex.
After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hour glass and made the angels moan.
Poor cow, you'll get your dumb man. You'll see your whole life coming at you in the back of his hand.
I grew up in the Fifties and early Sixties, which were still quite conservative, and I wasn't given any information about sex or anything like that... I went out with girls at school because one had to. I didn't experiment with sex for quite a long time.
I tried to commit suicide one day. It was a very Woody Allen-type suicide. I turned on the gas and left all the windows open.
We can't keep thinking of gay people as being ostracised; we can't keep thinking of Muslim people as being [ostracised] because of the fundamentalism that occurs in Islam. Muslim people have to do something about speaking up about it. We can't judge a book by its cover.
Well, I quit those days and my redneck ways. — © Elton John
Well, I quit those days and my redneck ways.
People who mock rap and say, "I don't like it," they should go and check out Kanye [West] in the studio rapping, or Marshall, Eminem, when he's in the studio. It's a phenomenon. Don't knock it until you've seen it. It may not be your cup of tea, but don't ridicule it.
I don't whistle at you down the street. I would if I could, but I can't whistle you see.
I've always enjoyed and loved playing live. I relish and cherish it more than anything else because you never know what the performance is going to be.
It's awful to be afraid of sex, but I'm afraid that's what the '50s did to people. It was just sex is disgusting, it shouldn't be talked about. Nudity is disgusting, we just don't talk about those kinds of things.
We have a society where every hit maker and TV presenter is gay.
I've reached the stage of my life where learning is so important to me. I go through the past enough when I play my old songs on stage. And I don't mind doing that. But I want to think about the future.
I am in deep shock. I have lost a beloved friend [George Michael] - the kindest, most generous soul and a brilliant artist. My heart goes out to his family and all of his fans.
What we should be doing as musicians is trying to bring people together.
People say, "You should write lyrics" and I say I'm quite happy not to, because I like being part of that process where you write your version of what someone else's lyrics are saying to you, and that enjoyment has never changed.
My mother encouraged me and was very great about me being gay, but she always encouraged me to follow my musical dreams, which I'm very grateful for.
I’ve never had a writer’s block, but still I think: Is it going to happen this time? You never know what you’re going to get; you just put your fingers on the keys and hope.
I suspected my homosexuality, but I'd never acted out on it because I was afraid of sex. It's awful to be afraid of sex.
He'd been drinking in a bar downtown, when he thought he heard a choir of angels singing in the Tiki Lounge. And that's when he got religion.
Rock and roll came in and changed my life and changed the whole music scene forever, and then I grew to love R&B and Motown and all black music, gospel music. But I never dismiss any form of music. I listen to everything.
Holy Moses, let us live in peace. Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease. There's a man over there, what's his colour I don't care, he's my brother, let us live in peace.
On a street of right and wrong in every inch of sadness, rocks and tanks go hand in hand with madness.
Some kneel and lie to God.
A couple of sounds that I really like are the sounds of a switchblade and a motor bike.
And there are men behind bars who pray for the light and there are men in the suburbs who pray for the night.
Onstage it was always comfortable for me because that's where I felt at home. Offstage it was a different situation. I was still shy offstage and unfortunately, my shyness and my inability to communicate and really have great conversations or be part of the gang - in inverted commas - led me to the drug addiction, which, you know, blighted my life for 16 years because I thought by doing that it would make me join in.
To fight the violence we must be brave, hold on strong to the love God gave.
I really don't need the public's money. I'd like to have something on the internet with charitable donation optional, where anyone can download my music for free. — © Elton John
I really don't need the public's money. I'd like to have something on the internet with charitable donation optional, where anyone can download my music for free.
Don't let the sun go down on me.
When a rumor doesn't go away it's not a rumor
Tina Turner gave me the highway blues.
Until I can visualise what the lyrics are about and see the story or whatever, I can't hear the melody.
I can't think of anything until I've got printed words in front of me. I never wake up in the middle of the night with a song in my head.
Simon Cowell and I are great friends and we wind each other up. Rod Stewart and I do the same thing.
There is such a thing as good interference from your record label. I don't think I get enough interference from my record label.
We are all God's people; we have to get along and the [religious leaders] have to lead the way. If they don't do it, who else is going to do it? They're not going to do it and it's left to musicians or to someone else to deal with it.
I just think you shouldn't expect people to pay money to see someone sing live and then lip-synch.
On Keith Richards: He's like a monkey with arthritis. — © Elton John
On Keith Richards: He's like a monkey with arthritis.
What record companies do these days is drain the blood dry of an album, take six singles off it, and harm the longevity of artists' careers by doing it.
I've always been a fan, so my enthusiasm has always been great, but it's never going to be the same as it was from 1970 to 1975. You cannot repeat that, but you can get inspired by searching, by being mystified.
I find that so many of my peers of my age don't listen to anything new. But I love the new. I love the energy of the new, the energy of the new act. The young are so important. The young give you the energy, and if you don't notice the young, and you don't give them credit and you don't listen to all sorts of music, then you're missing out on something.
Dave and I as a couple seem to be the acceptable face of gayness, and that's great. I've got to use that power to try and do what I can - or we have - to try to make the situations in Russia and Poland better.
He's been dead for so many years, but I'm still trying to impress him. That's what gave me my drive. 'Look at me, Dad, I've succeeded.'
I am totally against the war but violence is part of mankind and it's going to happen, but as musicians I think we've got to step up and say 'come on'.
Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees as an artist.
Children are extremely important. They are the future of the world.
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