Top 166 Quotes & Sayings by Elvis Costello

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British musician Elvis Costello.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Elvis Costello

Declan Patrick MacManus OBE, known professionally as Elvis Costello, is an English singer-songwriter and record producer. He has won multiple awards in his career, including Grammy Awards in 1999 and 2020, and has twice been nominated for the Brit Award for Best British Male Artist. In 2003, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked Costello number 80 on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.

I found with this record I had to really be strong-willed, because in the past I've tended to tinker and add a thing or take a thing away, and nearly always been wrong.
Life for me is about movement.
I get very frustrated by this term 'genre exercise.' I mean, what exactly is that? Genre is not really relevant when you are writing a song; hopefully you are doing it to explore something, to create something, and I don't agree that any of my albums are genre exercises.
You need a platform upon which to release an orchestral record, otherwise it's just going to be an obscurity. — © Elvis Costello
You need a platform upon which to release an orchestral record, otherwise it's just going to be an obscurity.
Living a very long time would be a very scary thing.
Well, I've had a lot of different experiences in music over the years. And not everything you do can satisfy everybody's idealised version of you.
I don't think I was ever particularly mean. I can certainly think of some idiotic exchanges I've had. I was accused of destroying pop music, like Wagner destroyed opera - a guy in Germany started ranting that at me.
You do have to be a bit careful with your voice. It is an instrument.
There was not a lot of rock n' roll in the house. Our parents didn't think it was very groovy, and I tend to agree with them. If you grew up with Charlie Parker, Bill Haley wasn't very hip.
I've been lucky to listen to lots of different types of music.
It's what I do. I don't deserve any awards for this, it's just music. It's just writing songs. You sit down, you write a song, you record it. You tour and play the songs live, dress them up a bit differently, or dress them down.
My ultimate vocation in life is to be an irritant.
My family calls me Declan. But most people call me E.C. I think it comes from my dad. It's an Irish convention. You usually call the first child by the initials.
I've had an unusual life. A life far removed from most people's experience. — © Elvis Costello
I've had an unusual life. A life far removed from most people's experience.
Obviously the people that I admired, like the Beatles, were really into rock'n'roll, but it was already a little past rock'n'roll when I started listening and making my own choices about music.
I know that when I make a record like The Delivery Man as a contrast to even Il Sogno, this is going to reach a wider audience, because it communicates in that very direct way.
I've worked hard, every single day since I left school. I think I have a Protestant work ethic.
Obviously I got known for some other songs early on, and some of those were rock'n'roll songs. Some of them were melodic pop songs. And I've done lots of different things, as you know, but every so often I get drawn back.
These are the sort of things that push you on in music - the curiosity, a passion for new ideas.
And over the last ten years, after my work with the Brodsky Quartet, I had the opportunity to write arrangements for chamber group, chamber orchestra, jazz orchestra, symphony orchestra even.
Really the only thing holding a lot of records together is the personality of the singer, and the will to write all of these different things.
You have to face the fact that I have no reputation as a composer; I have my reputation as a songwriter and a performer-and that opportunity came this summer, when I was invited to perform at the Lincoln Centre festival in New York... three nights.
We're all just animals. That's all we are, and everything else is just an elaborate justification of our instincts. That's where music comes from. And romantic poetry. And bad novels.
Well, T Bone's had a remarkable career as a producer since the time that we first worked together. He was dividing his time between recording and producing when we first met, and touring. We toured together and we were great friends.
I've never felt British. I'm just not interested in national identity. I don't know why.
I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
It's a petty thing, but I wouldn't join the Scouts when I was a kid, 'cause you had to swear allegiance to the queen. I'm just not a royalist. I think it's idiotic, a hereditary principle.
Maybe I just never learned my harmony part, because what everybody says sounds odd to them sounds perfectly natural to me.
There are many critics who have an idealised version of where my strengths lie.
But there are things in Il Sogno that the methods of The Delivery Man could never achieve.
I'd been to Memphis before, but we stayed out of Memphis early on in the late 70s for obvious reasons. People were very sensitive about Elvis Presley, and my stage name obviously would be provocative to some people in that area at that time.
Mention Hubert Sumlin, as well, because Hubert's a great man, and again, you know, I don't play the guitar very good, but when I'm playing this kind of music, I always have him in my mind. I wish I could play like Hubert.
I find it to be the ultimate backhanded compliment when you are compared against yourself.
Women hear rhythm differently than men.
I'm a working travelling musician, but just on a bigger scale.
There's no such thing as an original sin.
The Internet is overrated. It's much smaller an innovation than people think it is. I don't think it's changed the way anybody makes music.
Very similar experience happened last year when we released this album, North. It was on Deutsche Grammophon, it was very, very honest. It was the most honest record I've ever written.
People tend to repeat the same quotes at me that I said when I was 23. And of course, you say things then, and sometimes they're ill-advised. — © Elvis Costello
People tend to repeat the same quotes at me that I said when I was 23. And of course, you say things then, and sometimes they're ill-advised.
Smokey Robinson writes the heartfelt songs, whereas it was my job to write the songs about weakness and failure in love.
Happiness isn't a fortune in a cookie. It's deeper, wider, funnier, and more transporting than that.
People become so deeply attached to the sound of one period that they blow a fuse when you move on. I've heard people complain bitterly about recordings they haven't even heard.
And I don't feel any form of music is beyond me in the sense of that I don't understand it or I don't have some love for some part of it.
Songs are more powerful than books.
I find humming is very useful.
I believe that music is connected by human passions and curiosities rather than by marketing strategies.
And obviously, when I started out, I had a little bit more curiosity than some, and went seeking out the original artists, or in some cases searching up country music.
'Content' is a word that has never sat well with me. Like 'maturity'. They are two words I've never liked. I think they imply some sort of decay. A settling.
Sometimes I write notes that I have difficulty singing. — © Elvis Costello
Sometimes I write notes that I have difficulty singing.
I think when I was younger I was not very good at writing love songs that didn't have a twist.
I've always felt writing a song was a bit like going on location. That's true in an almost literal sense. Where you are seeps in somehow.
When in doubt, play track 4 - it is usually the one you want.
Music is more like water than a rhinoceros. It doesn't charge madly down one path. It runs away in every direction.
As I walk through This wicked world Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity, I ask myself Is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred, and misery? And each time I feel like this inside, There's one thing I wanna know: What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love, & Understanding?
Don't wear your heart on your sleeve when your remarks are off the cuff.
I wish you luck with a capital F.
Was it a millionaire who said, "Imagine no possessions"?
I can't say anymore than I love you. Anything else would be a waste of breath.
You can be addicted to misery the same way as you can be addicted to drugs.
There are five things to write songs about: I'm leaving you. You're leaving me. I want you. You don't want me. I believe in something. Five subjects, and 12 notes. For all that, we musicians do pretty well.
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