Top 252 Quotes & Sayings by Elvis Presley - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer Elvis Presley.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
That's why I hate to get started in these jam sessions. I'm always the last one to leave.
Those people in New York are not gonna change me none.
I've been getting some bad publicity - but you got to expect that. — © Elvis Presley
I've been getting some bad publicity - but you got to expect that.
I've never written a song in my life. It's all a big hoax.
I'd just like to be treated like a regular customer.
You look like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel. But I got wise, you're the devil in disguise.
The image is one thing and the human being is's very hard to live up to an image.
There's no job too immense, when you got confidence.
The road to love is full of danger signs.
Friends are people you can talk to... without words when you have to.
Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you're hating part of yourself.
Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them.
My philosophy of life is simple: I need someone to love, something to wait and do something.
I don't like people who are in politics for themselves and not for others. You want that, you can go into show business. — © Elvis Presley
I don't like people who are in politics for themselves and not for others. You want that, you can go into show business.
I've come too far, and I don't know how to get back.
Somebody does somethin' stupid, that's human. They don't stop when they see it's wrong, that's a fool.
Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never.
Do what's right for you, so long as it don't hurt no one.
I love only one girl, one in every town.
Music should be something that makes you gotta move, inside or outside.
I ain't no saint, but I've tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God...I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world.
Talent is being able to sell what you're feeling.
When I first saw you with your smile so tender, my heart was captured, my soul surrendered.
Don't criticize what you can't understand, son. You never walked in that's man shoes.
If you let your head get too big, it'll break your neck.
Love had surely made us all and hate would surely make us fall.
I am not the King. Jesus Christ is the King. I’m just an entertainer.
Do something worth remembering.
You've got to follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead.
I've had a pretty good lesson in human nature. It's more important to try to surround yourself with people who can give you a little happiness, because you only pass through this life once, Jack. You don't come back for an encore.
A little less fight and a little more spark, close your mouth and open your heart.
Fame and fortune, how empty they can be.
When I was a child I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I have ever dreamed has come true a thousand times.
Whatever it is, go back and do it again.
Happiness is knowin' you've done a good job, whether it's professional or for another person.
When your intelligence don't tell you something ain't right, your conscience gives you a tap you on the shoulder and says 'Hold on'. If it don't, you're a snake.
It's not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it's who you are.
There is a season for everything, patience will reward you and reveal all answers to your questions.' 'Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.
Gospel music is the purest thing there is on this earth. — © Elvis Presley
Gospel music is the purest thing there is on this earth.
I’m so lucky to be in the position to give. It’s really a gift to give.
Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do 'em all together, I guess.
If you cry when you're in love, it sure ain't no disgrace.
Sad thing is, you can still love someone and be wrong for them.
Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave 'em all over everything you do
To judge a man by his weakest link or deed is like judging the power of the ocean by one wave.
Never wait for tomorrow, what if tomorrow never comes?
I think most people have a natural instinct to rebel.
Sharing money is what gives it its value.
A little less conversation, a little more ACTION. — © Elvis Presley
A little less conversation, a little more ACTION.
Envy someone an' it pulls you down. Admire them and it builds you up. Which makes more sense?
Before you abuse, criticize, and accuse walk a mile in my shoes.
People think you're crazy if you talk about things they don't understand.
We're trapped in a world that's troubled with pain. As long as a man has the strength to dream, he can redeem his soul and fly.
We can't build our dreams on suspicious minds.
The only thing worse than watching a bad movie is being in one.
You only pass through this life once, you don't come back for an encore.
When things go wrong, don't go with them.
I don't mind being controversial. Even Jesus wasn't loved in his day.
Live each day, as if it we're your last. It's written in the stars, your destiny is cast.
In public, I like real conservative clothes, something that's not too flashy. But onstage, I like 'em as flashy as you can get 'em.
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