Top 51 Quotes & Sayings by Ester Dean

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Ester Dean.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Ester Dean

Esther Renay Dean is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Dean has also written songs for many artists, with numerous Top 10 hits, including No. 1 hits for Rihanna and Katy Perry, earning the name "The Song Factory". At the 54th Annual Grammy Awards, Dean was nominated for Album of the Year as a producer on Rihanna's album Loud. Outside of music, she voiced two of the characters in the fourth film in the Ice Age franchise, Ice Age: Continental Drift, and also wrote a song for the movie, titled "We Are (Family)". Dean made her acting debut in the film Pitch Perfect (2012) as Cynthia-Rose Adams, a role she reprised for the sequels, Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) and Pitch Perfect 3 (2017).

I'm the only girl songwriter that fights for a lot of things. I fight for songwriting fees, which record labels want you to shut up about.
My dream is to star in an animated movie and to have a toy made after me.
I'm universal. As much as I can get out a 'Firework' with Katy, I can get a 'Lil Freak' out with Usher. Or a 'Lay It Down' with Lloyd. I can get Caribbean as I did on 'Rio,' then go from there to working with No Doubt.
I write by myself and then deliver the song. Everybody knows, 'Leave Ester alone when she's in her zone.' Give me a studio and the tracks, and I'll call you when the doctor is done.
I'm not looking to be an artist to make money. I'm looking to be an artist. — © Ester Dean
I'm not looking to be an artist to make money. I'm looking to be an artist.
I had so many beliefs against being a singer or what it takes. There was a lot of pain associated with that. The rejection of it all. I lived in a rejection state of mind. Not because of my voice; the mike never rejected me. It was harboring all those bad memories of being broke. It teaches you your worth. Nothing good comes from that.
My nickname is Esta Bell.
I always wanted to be a psychiatrist.
I will make up a crush, you hear me?! I will look at a guy and say, for two months at least, 'I think you're cute.' And then I can be psycho. I will go in my head and make a whole life with him, he don't even understand why I'm mad at him. I'm like... 'cause you came in late last night!' And he's like, 'I don't even know you.'
I'm more than a songwriter. I'm a creative person. Some people you just always see. I won't allow you to see me unless it makes sense. There's a reason to see me.
People keep putting limitations on themselves and creating this reality that soul music is dead. That's only in their reality. It's not true. To me, Adele is R&B. Bruno Mars is R&B. It's just good songwriting and songs. That is going to last.
I'm a songwriter who just wants to bring people great songs.
I just write songs from the heart, and you never know who'll like the songs. I try to make sure that I don't allow anybody's expectation to weigh on me. I have my own expectation of life. I believe in letting people be free.
I see what other people do and what songwriters don't. They don't get out and take care of themselves. Producers turn themselves into a massive brand. Songwriters tend to be under someone else's umbrella. If you're building your own legacy, it can't be under an umbrella.
I'm a very emotional writer. I always need to have a boyfriend. I always need to have some food. I always need to have a heater at my feet, and I drink this thing called Cool Brew, which I found in Louisiana. It's like condensed coffee.
If I'm out of town and I'm in a situation where I have to be creative, it has to be hot dogs because that's my comfort food. — © Ester Dean
If I'm out of town and I'm in a situation where I have to be creative, it has to be hot dogs because that's my comfort food.
I'm limitless, spontaneous and fearless. I can take direction and also give it. And I don't dwell on celebrity.
I've walked on hot coals with Tony Robbins.
It's so funny because if you tweet your lyrics and then you hear it in a song next week, you're like, 'Hey I had that same idea.' I'm very secretive with my music. We have to send emails password protected. Because once that song gets out, you aren't selling that thing.
I always tell people I write songs, but I'm a writer. It's a difference. I can write songs to music, but I can write a story. I can see ideas spark in me.
I normally work like a vampire. Around 8 to 9 P.M., what I call 'the spirits' actually show up, and then I just go in the booth and scream on top of a track. I only sing on the mic. I don't sit down and write anything.
There are lots of people way more talented than me - but I work more, and I wanted it more. I never waited on anyone else.
Acting becomes my real job, writing becomes my second job, and then when I turn 50, I think I'm going to open up an interior decorating company.
Rhianna don't want you to give her what you think that she wants. She needs you to give her something that's fresh. So you have to bend your voice and bend your personality and bend the music to make sure it sounds like it's new to everybody.
My songs are my hookers. I can't worry about how they are going to be treated; they just need to bring home the bacon.
I'm young. You can't just sit there and be satisfied. People are like, "You've got all these number ones!" "Yeah...what else?" It all translates into money, and that's how people think of being successful, but my success, I feel like, is credit - credit for a good job. I haven't even gotten a Grammy, yet I've already decided I want an Emmy.
I did a lot of songs that I sold, but then they never came out and I never got paid for it. You learn real fast that the music industry, in the beginning, you're not going to get paid for a while, and then you start getting the accolades.
The mall is good for hearing new music because you hear music everywhere. I like to walk around the mall and hear what the kids are listening to, or what's the feel of Middle America, cause that's what the mall is.
I don't really start writing until later in the night. I'm a night owl.
I try to reach for the stars because if you say you want something small and it happens, you don't believe it. So I try to say something wild and crazy.
As long as I can stay creative and used my mind, it can be 20 hours a day. I sleep four hours, so I've got 20 hours.
I'm going to become a real professional actress.
I have vision boards, and people think that I put the vision board up and I look at it all the time, but what I do is, when I'm having an emotional time and I'm stressed out or feeling bad, I go to the store and get all the stuff for a vision board. Instead of channeling the negative thoughts or being depressed, I change it around and I start making boards.
I tend to sing opera and showtunes in the shower. I don't know why, but when I get in the shower I turn into this big fat opera lady.
I want to create a management company for people like me so that they don't have to give up the way they present [themselves], they just have someone to help them keep their business afloat.
I feel guilty because I want to act more than I want to write songs. I'm a person who likes to transition; I like to grow. — © Ester Dean
I feel guilty because I want to act more than I want to write songs. I'm a person who likes to transition; I like to grow.
I just like to stay creative. Anything that can keep my mind going.
I like interior decorating. I really like to build houses. And landscaping, I like that.
I have a thing - I call it magic - but I feel like I can write stuff down in the middle of the night and wake up and it happens. I write what I want in my journal.
I wasn't comfortable on stage for years. It was good - 18 shows. I want to do it again.
You have to break your fingers to learn how to play guitar.
Everyone in my family can sing - my momma can sing, my cousins. I was in the third grade and I was that kid who was so bad in school because I could sing.
Artists aren't looking for you to write them something; they're looking for you to give them something new.
I feel like writing songs is cheating on acting. It's weird.
I got really excited about Beyoncé, but it was Beyoncé. I think I was more in awe of how pleasant she is.
Stars can't shine without darkness.
My success, I feel like, is credit - credit for a good job. I haven't even gotten a Grammy, yet I've already decided I want an Emmy. — © Ester Dean
My success, I feel like, is credit - credit for a good job. I haven't even gotten a Grammy, yet I've already decided I want an Emmy.
I'm young. You can't just sit there and be satisfied.
My music teacher was like, "Ester, you need to pay attention in class." I'm like, "No miss lady, 'cause I can sing." I didn't want anybody to change the way I sung. I learned by gospel CDs and by watching my momma sing; I didn't need this teacher to tell me. I wish I had, because then I would have learned how to play the damn piano or something. I would have a couple of more things under my belt if I wasn't so hard-headed.
Acting makes me feel broke again, it makes me feel unaccomplished.
I've done so much songwriting and I know how to do it.
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