Top 219 Quotes & Sayings by Ezra Pound - Page 4

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American poet Ezra Pound.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
And in the mean time my songs will travel, And the devirginated young ladies will enjoy them when they have got over the strangeness
Yet the companions of the Muses will keep their collective nose in my books And weary with historical data, they will turn to my dance tune.
As a bathtub lined with white porcelain, When the hot water gives out or goes tepid, So is the slow cooling of our chivalrous passion, O my much praised but-not-altogether-satisfactory lady.
You have been second always. Tragical? No. You preferred it to the usual thing: One dull man, dulling and uxorious, One average mind- with one thought less, each year.
The Garden En robe de parade. - Samain Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall She walks by the railing of a path in Kensington Gardens, And she is dying piece-meal of a sort of emotional anaemia. And round about there is a rabble Of the filthy, sturdy, unkillable infants of the very poor. They shall inherit the earth. In her is the end of breeding. Her boredom is exquisite and excessive. She would like some one to speak to her, And is almost afraid that I will commit that indiscretion.
where the dead walked and the living were made of cardboard.
Usura slayeth the child in the womb It stayeth the young man's courting It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth between the young bride and her bridegroom
Haie! Haie! These were the swift to harry; These the keen-scented; These were the souls of blood. Slow on the leash, pallid the leash-men!
The age demanded an image Of its accelerated grimace, Something for the modern stage, Not, at any rate, an Attic grace. — © Ezra Pound
The age demanded an image Of its accelerated grimace, Something for the modern stage, Not, at any rate, an Attic grace.
The book shd. be a ball of light in one's hand.
Almost any fool can paint an academy picture, and any imbecile can shoot off a Kodak.
Song in the Manner of Housman" O woe, woe, People are born and die, We also shall be dead pretty soon Therefore let us act as if we were dead already. The bird sits on the hawthorn tree But he dies also, presently. Some lads get hung, and some get shot. Woeful is this human lot. Woe! woe, etcetera.... London is a woeful place, Shropshire is much pleasanter. Then let us smile a little space Upon fond nature's morbid grace. Oh, Woe, woe, woe, etcetera.
I have tried to write Paradise Do not move Let the wind speak that is paradise. Let the Gods forgive what I have made Let those I love try to forgive what I have made.
Art is to be admired rather than explained. The jargon of these sculptors is beyond me. I do not precisely know why I admire a green granite, female, apparently pregnant monster with one eye going around a square corner.
My pawing over the ancients and semi-ancients has been one struggle to find out what has been done, once and for all, better than it can ever be done again, and to find out what remains for us to do, and plenty does remain, for if we still feel the same emotions as those who launched a thousand ships, it is quite certain that we came on these feelings differently, through different nuances, by different intellectual gradations. Each age has its own abounding gifts yet only some ages transmute them into matters of duration.
With Usura With usura hath no man a house of good stone each block cut smooth and well fitting.
I dunno what my 23 infantile years in America signify. I left as soon as motion was autarchic -- I mean my motion.
The eyes of this dead lady speak to me For here was love, was not to be drowned out. And here desire, not to be kissed away. The eyes of this dead lady speak to me.
'Tis the white stag, Fame, we're a-hunting, bid the world's hounds come to horn!
install me in any profession
Save this damn'd profession of writing,
where one needs one's brains all the time. — © Ezra Pound
install me in any profession Save this damn'd profession of writing, where one needs one's brains all the time.
The thought of what America would be like If the Classics had a wide circulation Troubles my sleep (Cantico del Sole)
There is no topicmore soporific and generally boring than the topic of Ireland as Ireland, as a nation.
It is better to present one image in a lifetime than to produce voluminous work. Image...that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.
Fit for kings, formal gardens afford an earthly Elysium and the odd impression that we mere men might actually control nature for a time. — © Ezra Pound
Fit for kings, formal gardens afford an earthly Elysium and the odd impression that we mere men might actually control nature for a time.
No picture is made to endure nor to live with but it is made to sell and sell quickly with usura, sin against nature, is thy bread ever more of stale rags is thy bread dry as paper.
What counts is the cultural level
The man who fears war and squats opposing My words for stour, hath no blood of crimson But is fit only to rot in womanish peace
Sumer is icumen in, Lhude sing cucc. Groweth sed, and bloweth med, And springth the wude nu, Sing cuccu!
A crowd pagan as ever imperial Rome was, eager, careless, with an animal vigour unlike that of any European crowd that I have ever looked at.
I once saw a small child go to an electric light switch as say, Mamma, can I open the light? She was using the age-old language of exploration, the language of art.
Poetry is about as much a 'criticism of life' as red-hot iron is a criticism of fire.
I think an alliance with Stalin's Russia is rotten.
As for literature It gives no man a sinecure. And no one knows, at sight, a masterpiece. And give up verse, my boy, There's nothing in it.
Quiet this metal! Let the manes put off their terror, let them put off their aqueous bodies with fire. Let them assume the milk-white bodies of agate. Let them draw together the bones of the metal.
Artists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists. — © Ezra Pound
Artists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists.
The ant's a centaur in his dragon world.
Go to the adolescent who are smothered in family-- Oh how hideous it is To see three generations of one house gathered together! It is like an old tree with shoots, And with some branches rotted and falling.
I ask a wreathwhich will not crush my head. And there is no hurry about it; I shall have, doubtless, a boom after my funeral, Seeing that long standing increases all things regardless of quality.
Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea.
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