Top 67 Quotes & Sayings by Fela Kuti

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Nigerian musician Fela Kuti.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Fela Kuti

Fela Aníkúlápó Kuti, also known as Abami Eda, was a Nigerian multi-instrumentalist, bandleader, composer, political activist, and Pan-Africanist. He is regarded as the pioneer of Afrobeat, an African music genre that combines West African music with American funk and jazz. At the height of his popularity, he was referred to as one of Africa's most "challenging and charismatic music performers". AllMusic described him as a musical and sociopolitical voice of international significance.

When I was young we weren't even allowed to speak our own languages in school. They called it 'vernacular,' as if only English was the real tongue.
The art, the greatness of the music, the experience of the music is what I'm about. I think most African artists have destroyed their artistry by commercialization, and I don't want to belong to that bag.
My message was 'Think African. Make schools read African history.' — © Fela Kuti
My message was 'Think African. Make schools read African history.'
It is a false belief to think you can own somebody, I'm out of that now. The man should understand he does not own the woman, and the woman should understand she does not own the man.
No, I didn't hear about 'Live Aid.' I was in prison, and we were not allowed newspapers in prison.
The African mind has a lot to contribute, not only to world understanding of the arts, but to an understanding of spiritualism. That is the contribution Africa will make to the world of the future - an injection of sanity into the environment of the universe itself.
When you start to think of revenge, you start to think of hate. I don't believe in hating people. It's a retrogressive thing.
My ideas are threatening to the government.
It's crazy; in the States, people think the black power movement drew inspiration from Africa. All these Americans come over here looking for awareness. They don't realize they're the ones who've got it over there.
The rhythm, the sounds, the tonality, the chord sequences, the individual effect of each instrument and each section of the band - I'm talking about a whole continent in my music.
Art itself is knowledge of the spiritual world. Art is information from higher forces, by those who are talented. I'm not jiving.
When I do things, I do things honestly.
Marriage is a terrible institution, it creates such a regression of the mind. — © Fela Kuti
Marriage is a terrible institution, it creates such a regression of the mind.
People thought I was trying to say that women had no say, no rights. I was not saying that. I was saying that women had a role, a duty. When they want to have a say in government - though in Africa they are not expected to do that - they are not discouraged. They can do what they want to do.
Jazz was the beginning of rhythm music, which developed into rock and roll. But what the jazz musicians lost because they were so far from their homeland was the intricate rhythms of African music.
Even death doesn't worry me, man. When my mother died it was because she finished her time on earth. I know that when I die I'll see her again, so how can I fear death?
I've studied my culture deeply and I'm very aware of my tradition.
My music has never been a failure.
Without Tony Allen, there would have been no Afrobeat.
My country will be a symbol of free human society.
I'm not your average politician. I believe in higher forces.
A police uniform is just a piece of clothing sewn by the same tailors who sew your clothes.
I realized that you cannot think European and want to write or create something African. You have to think African in everything.
An African man should not do anything called housework or cooking.
If I became president now I would immediately pass a law that makes every citizen a policeman or a soldier.
American record companies seem to feel I am antiwestern, anticapitalism, anti the kind of society they like. They think I'm a troublemaker.
America needs to hear some good sounds from Africa, man. The sanity of the world is going to be generated from Africa through art.
Being African didn't mean anything to me until later in my life.
By the time I finished school, I found out I wasn't qualified to study anything but music.
Music must awaken people to do their duty as citizens and act.
My mother was the most wicked mother ever seen in life when it came to beating. Oh-la-la! Every time I would say, 'This is the end of me.' Oh, how she would beat me.
My mother wasn't any better than my father.
In America we talk about South Africa, but I tell people that apartheid is nothing compared to what is happening in my country where black oppresses black.
I would never run away from my country. Even at the point of death, I doubt I would move out, because what is the point of leaving your own country?
I believe in pan-Africanism. This means that in many things - the judiciary, sports, economics and trade - we want Africanism to be involved, which is basically more freedom for the people.
I've suffered quite a lot, to the point where I've experienced death. Years before I wasn't fit to die, but I understand life better now. Death is nice, death is beauty.
Classical music gives musicians a kick. But African music gives everyone a kick.
Spiritually speaking, every human being has a destiny and a duty to perform. — © Fela Kuti
Spiritually speaking, every human being has a destiny and a duty to perform.
Our prisons are very bad. When I was in Ikoyi prison, people were dying every day. They were carrying bodies out of the prison every day.
The human spirit is stronger than any government or institution.
Western music is Bach, Handel and Schubert. It's good music, cleverly done. As a musician, I can see that.
I'm playing deep African music.
If a female wants to do a man's job, no one will stop her from doing it, but women have duties to perform as mothers.
I think I'm going to lead my people one day. I'm sure of it.
I don't tell lies about anybody. That's why i win all my wars.
You cannot sing African music in proper English
Music is a weapon of the future / music is the weapon of the progressives / music is the weapon of the givers of life
To be spiritual is not by praying and going to church. Spiritualism is the understanding of the universe so that it can be a better place to live in. — © Fela Kuti
To be spiritual is not by praying and going to church. Spiritualism is the understanding of the universe so that it can be a better place to live in.
If it is not fit to live in, then our job is to make it fit.
99.9% of the information you get about Africa is wrong
I want peace. Happiness. Not only for myself. For everybody.
I refuse to live my life in fear.
My people are scared of the air around them, they always have an excuse not to fight for freedom.
That is my best friend because it is a gift of the creator to Africans. It is a spirit. Marijuana has five fingers of enhances all your five senses.
Music is a spiritual thing, you don't play with music. If you play with music you will die young. You see, because when the higher forces give you the gift of music...musicians hip, it must be well used for the gift of humanity.
The secret of life is to have no fear.
To be honest and truthful in all endeavours is an experience, not a regret
A radical is he who has no sense...fights without reason...I have a reason. I am authentic. Yes, that's what I am.
I must identify myself with Africa. Then I will have an identity.
With my music, I create change...I am using my music as a weapon.
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