Top 4395 Quotes & Sayings by Frederick Lenz - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Frederick Lenz.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The reason you study with a teacher is primarily for the empowerments, for someone who is enlightened to transfer power to you. What is most important is that the student uses that power intelligently and wisely.
There are seven primary centers, junctions, within the subtle physical body. These are called the seven chakras.
You stop growing when you stop listening. — © Frederick Lenz
You stop growing when you stop listening.
The night before Atlantis sank beneath the waves forever, the members of the MysterySchool set sail from their doomed continent in twelve boats, headed for twelve different points on the globe.
You become someone else when you meditate. It isn't just a little technique. If you really pursue it, you change radically - you evolve.
In meditation all the fake dull thoughts that you think, all the ridiculous philosophies, the necessities, all the things that won't matter a bit when you are dead - fade away.
Those whose primary concern is to destroy others are at the lowest level of development. Those who are only interested in their own satisfaction are farther along. Those who both do things for their own satisfaction and the satisfaction of others are even father along. Then there are saints who just constantly live for the welfare of others.
Sring is the mantra of beauty. Traditionally it is connected with Lakshmi, the Indian goddess of beauty. Chant "Sring" slowly, elongating each sound. As you do, you will see the consciousness of beauty of everywhere.
Tantra is the perception of the oneness and the perfection of all things. Not just the perception of light, but the perception of darkness, seeing God in both beauty and horror.
Chakras really are dimensions. We think of them as objects, but they're not really. They're dimensional access points, whereby we can enter into different levels of mind, and that happens automatically.
You can get stuck in being wise. You can get stuck in having a developed will. It is very hard to get stuck in being happy. It is too lucid a state of mind.
You're a refraction of the one light. You're a waveform of light. You're a fractal, a pattern that continuously changes.
I was very drawn to music of all types, from Beethoven to Jimi Hendrix. There were musicians and composers who obviously were expressing a vision that was beyond the mundane.
There's this cave and all humanity is in it and there's this terribly bright light at the other end and everybody's afraid of it. — © Frederick Lenz
There's this cave and all humanity is in it and there's this terribly bright light at the other end and everybody's afraid of it.
Reincarnation is a cyclic process. There are endless levels of creation, different universes. In each one something similar is taking place, the evolution of spirit through matter.
They had the same fears that you have, the same aggressive tendencies and the same attachments, but they were freed in time because they believed.
You will gain energy by meditating deeply, by speaking the truth, by learning to be still and by avoiding the crowd, most of the time, not all of the time.
Be conscious of the way people take your energy and learn how to stop it. Accept that this goes on. Observe how you feel around other people.
The kundalini energy rests in potential at the base of the spine. It is possible to take that energy and allow it to move, to unleash it, from the base of the spine up to the third eye.
You reincarnate forever because you exist forever. You can't die. You can't be born, your essence that is. You are on a big wheel.
There is an art, a science to gaining power. There is a natural force or inclination in all of our beings to accumulate power. The problem that we come into is conditioning.
As the years progressed, my spiritual evolution seemed to increase in speed. I stepped outside this world, the selves reordered. The combination, the aggregate of beings that I was, dissolved in the white light of eternity.
Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini very easily. It is problematic though, because a woman also picks up negative energy, it affects her more.
Nature soothes us. Nature heals us, and something more, the woods are a place of power.
In enlightenment you have to convince a teacher not only that you are worthy of teaching, but then that they should show you some of the secrets.
In the process of self-discovery you will learn to be kind when you could be harsh. You will learn to forgive, mostly yourself. You will learn to be patient because you may have to wait quite a while to become that which you will eventually be.
Who do you suppose invented computers? Speaking in terms relevant to you, in terms of earth history, let alone other worldly history, the computer, of course, came from Atlantis.
Everything that you see here, in other words, is a reflection of a higher reality.
The way we gain wisdom in meditation is not by explanation. If you go into the planes of light, you will come out of the meditation knowing things ... things that are inexpressible.
The power that enables us to transform our awareness is the release of kundalini. All yoga, either directly or indirectly, all Buddhism, relates to the release of the kundalini energy.
I would encourage you to follow the pathway to enlightenment, to learn to meditate, to practice mindfulness, and not to really care what anybody thinks about you, including yourself.
Meditate. Look at the candle flame - or whatever object you have chosen to gaze upon - with intensity.
The important thing to remember is to follow the path of light. As the fictional character Yoda, from Star Wars, correctly pointed out, once you start down the dark path to power, it's very difficult to leave that path.
Self-giving means that we have to understand the nature of giving. When most people give, they give expecting a return on their investment.
If you think of others in a jealous way or if you become angry, immediately pause for a moment. It's going to pull you down and send negative energy. At that moment, pause and correct yourself.
The real test on the path of love is are you willing to give up everything for your love?
The thousand petal lotus of light, the crown center, really does not become operative until one is on the verge of enlightenment itself. Then you really don't have to meditate on it. The thousand petals gradually light up.
That's why their realization is not integrated and complete, and they must go through many, many lifetimes very often before that acceptance will take place. — © Frederick Lenz
That's why their realization is not integrated and complete, and they must go through many, many lifetimes very often before that acceptance will take place.
Fear which has been embedded in your mind since you were a tot doesn't go away easily - it's conditioned in. And because we have fear, we fail to fulfill and realize our potential as human beings.
When you have grown accustomed to sitting and meditating, try to stop your thoughts. That's the bottom line in meditative practice.
I'm not suggesting that everyone should meditate, far from it. Meditation is for very few individuals. I'm speaking of something that is a powerful experience.
We don't always walk from one state of mind into another. We might just oscillate back and forth for a whole lifetime within the polarities of a certain state of mind.
The primary energy that is active in all things is kundalini. Kundalini energy is the energy of awareness. It can be used to modify awareness.
Focus on one point and hold your attention there. The mind will waiver, you'll think a million thoughts, but each time you do, bring your mind back to the point of concentration, seeing it visually.
Becoming enlightened doesn't mean everything works your way.
In the case of the brujos, the sorcerers in Mexico, the Spanish Conquest forced them to develop their second attention.
Just like there are different roads that lead to different places, so there are different levels of awareness that lead to different places and we shift in and out of them. These are the ten thousand states of mind that we study in Zen.
Some people like destroying for the hell of it; they love destroying beauty; they try to feel those people and then crack the egg.
Whether it's a fully enlightened Christ or Buddha, or just a more aware Martin Luther King, Kennedy or Gandhi, what did they do with them here? They shoot them, crucify them, and get them out of the way because people are afraid of truth.
Computer science really involves the same mindset, particularly artificial intelligence. — © Frederick Lenz
Computer science really involves the same mindset, particularly artificial intelligence.
There is a world of deaf, dumb and blind people out there, who are shuffling through their lives, not knowing how wonderful life can be. They have their moments, but they are very unconscious.
I saw more truth and sensitivity in art than I did in many of the people in this world.
The essence of all reincarnation is to have the best lifetime now that you've ever had, no matter what's going on.
It is necessary to learn how to do a systems analysis of your life, to learn about the effects of places, people, jobs. There are millions of things that go into the study of meditation.
Human beings going to their jobs and living their lives are unconscious. They don't know what's going on. They don't know why you are born or why you die.
Purity is developed through caring. You need to care about light and the matters of light, truth, religion and spirituality.
Don't stand out. Be in a room and remain unnoticed.
It wasn't until after living in California for many years that I realized that you don't believe what anybody says, ever. Whatever they say, they're just making a movie - they just like the way they sound.
Personal power changes or shapes consciousness, and that is kundalini. Kundalini exists within us. Some people have more of it, some dimensions have more of it.
There is always going to be pain. There is always going to be pleasure. But what is not always going to be there is balance, happiness. That is a personal decision.
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