Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Gordon Hayward

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American basketball player Gordon Hayward.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Gordon Hayward

Gordon Daniel Hayward is an American professional basketball player for the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Hayward has previously played for the Utah Jazz and the Boston Celtics.

There are some smart people here in Boston. We're a sports city here and everybody loves competition. Esports is another outlet for that.
Dennis Lindsey - if there's anyone who's most responsible for the winning culture in Salt Lake, it's him.
Basketball's all about speed and quickness. — © Gordon Hayward
Basketball's all about speed and quickness.
There's not too many 5-10 basketball players that make it, let alone play college and make it to the NBA.
When I got to Salt Lake City, in the summer of 2010 - I know it's a cliche, but man, it's the truth: I was just a kid.
Some days are diamonds. Some days are stones. Sometimes you have a couple of stones in a row.
Dream big, anything's possible once you have that dream. You just have to work at it every single day.
I've certainly had shooting slumps in the past. It's nothing new. You go through stretches like that.
I think video games have been instrumental to me as an NBA player.
I bought 'NBA 2K11' just to see myself. It was creepily similar and it's cool to say that you're in a video game, but I'm just not into it that much. I'm more into first-person shooters and real-time strategy games.
It's hard to work out consistently and intensely in your house.
There's nothing that can replace being on the court with your teammates. Just a feeling that can't be duplicated. But for me to have a distraction like video games where I can hang out with friends, still compete through that. I mean that's something I'm for sure thankful for, for sure helps me get away.
I'm not a huge '2K' person. I've always have rather played sports than play that video game that's a sport. — © Gordon Hayward
I'm not a huge '2K' person. I've always have rather played sports than play that video game that's a sport.
Being a professional athlete, people respect the fact that I respect eSports professional gamers.
My wife let me have one room in the house that I can do whatever I want with so I got my dual monitors set-up here and my PC and I'm good to go.
Whether it's some last-second move within a move that he's adding, or switching up his timing the smallest amount, or using the rim as a shield in all of these creative ways... it's hard to explain, but what Kemba is able to do around the basket is unique.
Most people won't play basketball with NBA players, because you have to be in the NBA, but you don't have to be a pro to play against pro gamers. There's a chance they could load in and play the same game as them.
The one thing I've never been into are the sports games. I don't know, I just don't like playing those as much.
Butler was like 20 minutes from my house, so I was pretty much at home. I never had my own apartment and made my own meals for myself and all that.
I'm a competitor, I just love to compete, and playing video games is a way to compete and have fun with your friends.
League of Legends' players are so toxic. I can't imagine being on a team in the NBA where they were as toxic as they are in 'League of Legends.'
I look at myself as one of the best in the league. Period.
I work every day on skills, and I don't think you can ever work enough on that.
No athlete on earth is as good at 'League of Legends' as I am.
Any time you can say you play the sport you love for a living, it's pretty cool. You can't beat that.
I've always liked the competitive games. It's hard for me to play games that are just kind of casual. It gives me another outlet for competition, and that's what 'Fortnite' does.
Everybody around the world is starting to understand there is a lot of money that can be had in esports.
You know how boxing does those pound-for-pound rankings? If the NBA did that, I think you'd see Kemba right there among the very top few guys.
The 'Halo' series is my favorite. Me and my friends actually played in tournaments and won some money doing that when we were younger.
I love to play the game of basketball so to sit there and not be able to play, it gets kind of frustrating.
That's life in the league for you, though. I mean - that's life for you, period. Things don't always happen in a straight line. There's usually going to be a zig here, a zag there, that catches you by surprise. And then it's on you to adapt.
They say that Salt Lake is a great place to raise a family - and I know that sounds like something people just say. But you spend enough time here... and you realize that it's true.
I was on a competitive 'Halo' team, and we would enter tournaments for money.
Growing up, video games allowed me to feed this competitive drive while still hanging out with my friends and being a kid.
Contra.' 'Duck Hunt.' 'Double Dragon.' If these phrases elicit any sort of emotional response inside of you, we have something in common. I get the warm and fuzzies just saying those names out loud. Some of my best memories growing up were playing these games with my dad.
That's been kind of a mantra for me my entire career and something that I think every coach throughout most of my basketball career has told me: I've got to continue, every night, to try to stay aggressive and assert myself.
Certainly, there's nothing like playing basketball.
When you're at the house, there's a lot of distractions and a lot of things that can take you away from your workout. — © Gordon Hayward
When you're at the house, there's a lot of distractions and a lot of things that can take you away from your workout.
The mental strategy that goes into planning your next move and what your opponent is going to do are skills you need to be successful playing basketball - and playing 'StarCraft II.'
I would say, when you're playing video games that involve competition against somebody else, you have to be able to understand what's going on and react in the fastest time possible to either - if it's a capture the flag game, capture the flag, if you're trying to take out the other team, take them out. Same thing in basketball.
I've had some bad haircuts in the past.
My wife has changed my appearance a bit.
My mom didn't let me play 'GoldenEye' so I had to play at a friend's house.
I lost a year in my prime of my career.
When I first left Indianapolis, I was only 20 years old and moved out to Utah and had no friends or family there. I had my teammates but I was the youngest player and everyone had a family so video games and being able to play them with my friends, it was like I was hanging out with them.
When I was growing up, I had to read for 30 minutes a day.
A large chunk of my free time during high school was spent in my basement playing 'Halo.' That was all I wanted to do. School dances? For the birds. It was Master Chief or bust. And I wouldn't change anything.
You need to know what you're talking about before you can go and criticize it. — © Gordon Hayward
You need to know what you're talking about before you can go and criticize it.
I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember.
Growing up, I played every sport I could play, so I didn't have much time, but when I wasn't playing sports, I was definitely playing video games. But my mom used to tell me that I could only play video games for two hours a day and then they would turn off the Internet so I couldn't play online.
I'm a competitive guy, and I love the competitive nature of video games.
If you can read the play before it happens, and make the pass before the player's gonna be there, you're gonna be successful.
My dream was always to be in the NBA. I just happened to be better at tennis in high school. But I loved basketball, that's why I stuck with it.
Ocarina of Time.' If that phrase elicits any sort of emotional reaction inside of you, then we really have something in common. When that game came out, I was just reaching the age when N64 was in its prime.
To me, that is the best part about Twitch. You can watch the best players play every day, and pick up the same strategies that they have.
I started playing tennis when I was five years old.
I've always been a video game fanatic.
Personally, I think watching streamers play is the best way to get better, other than practicing yourself. So I watch Ninja, Tfue, Dr. Lupo. It's easy to watch what they do, and try to emulate it.
I've truly grown up in Salt Lake. I've become a man, and I've become a professional.
Pro-gamers are really sports stars themselves.
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