Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Harrison Barnes

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American basketball player Harrison Barnes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Harrison Barnes

Harrison Bryce Jordan Barnes is an American professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the North Carolina Tar Heels before being selected by the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the 2012 NBA draft with the seventh overall pick. Barnes won an NBA championship with the Warriors in 2015.

When you win a championship, you can't always rely on that for the rest of your life. You want to try to go out there and win a better one.
Even though basketball takes up most of my time, I try to pursue intellectual interests whenever I can.
I am drawn to leaders who set out to make positive changes in their communities. — © Harrison Barnes
I am drawn to leaders who set out to make positive changes in their communities.
Putting on that powder blue uniform was truly a dream come true for me and my family. Because I was so personally connected to UNC basketball, I had a particular understanding of what responsibilities came with the opportunity that was presented to me.
Staying low, not dipping the basketball, being efficient on my jabs and movements - paying attention to these things helped me grow and made me the player I wanted to be.
From the small town in Iowa where I grew up, to Chapel Hill where I went to college, to the Bay Area and now to Dallas, I've been lucky to get to meet a wide variety of people, each with their own beliefs, dreams, habits and ways of looking at the world.
Being in the NBA and able to connect with fans through social experiences is great.
Basketball is my first love, but it's not my only one.
Growing up, I used to go to the Fred Hoiberg camp all the time. I used to have so much fun there - just me and my friends going to these camps, having fun playing around.
I'm in the gym every single day.
I've been a role player on a championship team, and I've learned a lot from that.
There's going to be a time when the ball stops bouncing and you have to move on to something different, whatever that is.
You know, seeing the analytics explosion in the NBA. It wasn't something I was really into in college but in the NBA everything is numbers and how you can be more efficient, so that led to me trying to make my body more efficient, and obviously Fitbit was at the top of the line for that so it made sense.
Being able to play sports in a school or public environment was everything for me - basketball, soccer, track. — © Harrison Barnes
Being able to play sports in a school or public environment was everything for me - basketball, soccer, track.
I think as I've gotten older, I've realized the more important details. Yes, you're going to make money. Yes, you're going to do all these other things, but playing the game that you love every single day, that's the most important thing to me.
My goal from an early age was always to play in the NBA.
I've always wanted to partner with a family business because their stories inspire me. One of my biggest hopes is that the family will invest in me, educating me about their business, and imparting many other valuable lessons. This process of helping an owner transition her business to trusted hands really excites me.
The opportunity to intern at Facebook was an unbelievable experience. Just to see how they operate and the attention to detail to every single product they have was a learning experience.
Just because I shoot a lot of threes doesn't mean I can't still get up.
The relationship between police and African-Americans has probably always been strained.
The longer you stay in college the better a brand you build.
The NBA is a business.
If you're guarding a guy like Carmelo, obviously you have to stay close to him because he can get hot.
I love being around Dirk. Off the court, he is hilarious. Like, one of the funniest dudes I've ever been around and I don't think people realize because, you know, they see him on the court as an absolute killer.
History is so deep, especially black history, so I have a lot to learn.
Interacting with different people who have different stories sparked my curiosity about what makes people not only good at what they do, but also good, period.
I don't know if taking on Facebook is going to be a good career move for me.
As an athlete, I'm always thinking about habits and goals and how to achieve the things I want to achieve.
Coming from the sports world, I'm interested in the secrets of team culture and chemistry.
I've improved my ballhandling.
I always wanted to be on the same court as Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
When I moved to Dallas, I had two big goals. The first, of course, had to do with basketball. I came here to work hard and earn the respect of the fans. The second goal was more personal. I wanted to put down roots in Dallas. That was one of the upsides of signing a four-year deal.
I love to get involved with the community by doing programs that promote literacy and education.
My mother chose 'Jordan' as my middle name, as a nod to her favorite basketball player.
Ever since I was a kid - growing up in a small town in Iowa, going to Chapel Hill for college and then to the Bay Area - I've been interested in how communities come together to solve their differences. And I've always been drawn to politics and social change.
You want to know what you do best.
I think winning a championship, for me, it put things in perspective. You can either be a great player on a so-so team, or you can be a role player on a championship team, or, in an extreme case, a great player on a championship team.
When I got to the Bay Area, everyone was talking about 'Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley,' so I just wanted to go and learn more about it. — © Harrison Barnes
When I got to the Bay Area, everyone was talking about 'Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley,' so I just wanted to go and learn more about it.
Coach Kerr is cool, I got a chance to spend a lot of time with him and talk to him not only about basketball, but adjusting to the Bay Area as well as his experiences and my experiences.
It is pretty cool to see how quickly things can change.
I didn't have cable growing up. The only games I saw were the NBA on Sundays and the NBA Finals.
People see Michael Jordan as a great basketball player, but he's a great businessman, too.
If you mess around, and you don't take every game as seriously as possible, there's going to be a time you get to the Finals and say look, 'We're not sharp right now.' At that point, there's nothing you can do.
Anytime you want to get into religious or political views, that can instantly polarize people.
As we know, one of the dark sides of social media is online harassment.
One thing about me: I don't try to live out what ifs.
I remember throughout middle school and high school how excited my mom, sister and I would be when a UNC game was on TV. It was required viewing.
When I was growing up I spent a lot of time at the Boys and Girls Club so I try to partner a lot with them to promote reading in the summers.
You've got to just be productive, do what you need to do on the court whether its ball movement, isolation, whatever type of system you're in, and do the best that you can do.
You know, when we talk about leadership - in sports, politics, business - we talk a lot about success but not a whole lot about failure. — © Harrison Barnes
You know, when we talk about leadership - in sports, politics, business - we talk a lot about success but not a whole lot about failure.
I love reading. I've had the chance to meet some of my favorite authors, that's been really cool.
I mean you look at apps like Uber, Postmates, Instacart, things that have revolutionized how quickly we can do stuff. I can be on a flight and schedule groceries to be delivered to my house and a car to pick me up when I land. It is nuts. And it is something that I will always be interested in.
I've grown in maturity because I understood from an intellectual standpoint how serious Covid-19 is and all the effects it was having on our society.
For as long as I could remember, I've wanted to play basketball at the University of North Carolina. Funny thing is, there was a long period of time when I wasn't sure how much they wanted me.
You have to commend the players who've stepped up and used their voice, who've been courageous, and when it came to Colin Kaepernick, had to sacrifice tremendously to get their point across.
Food accessibility is a health crisis that has always affected underserved communities.
Because of my profession, I'm interested in team culture and how that can bring out the best in its players.
You can never not make your voice heard - there's always more we can all be doing.
I'd heard Dallas described as a 'big, small town' before, even before I moved. As a kid from an actual small town in Iowa, I was never sure what to make of the description.
I know there is an opportunity to make some money and have a life-changing effect on me and those things are great. I don't take those things for granted whatsoever, but my focus is really on my craft.
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