Top 98 Quotes & Sayings by Heather Mac Donald

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American editor Heather Mac Donald.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Heather Mac Donald

Heather Lynn Mac Donald is an American conservative political commentator, essayist, attorney, and author. She is a Thomas W. Smith Fellow of the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of the institute's City Journal. She has written numerous editorials and is the author of several books.

I think a lot of people are clueless about the degree of hatred of whites.
In the 1970s colleges were under the reign of a very odd form of literary theory called deconstruction or post-structuralism.
Western classical music had long known syncopation. But no one had felt compelled to snap his fingers to music before American jazz and musical theater, which sent a previously undiscovered current coursing through the body, demanding outlet.
I don't understand how people of intelligence can reconcile what I see as constant proof of divine indifference to human outcomes with a reverence for God. To me it's a mystery.
Well, identity politics is everywhere. — © Heather Mac Donald
Well, identity politics is everywhere.
Received left-wing wisdom holds that the police cannot lower crime, only massive welfare spending and the redistribution of wealth can.
Proactive policing has saved tens of thousands of minority lives since the mid-1990s.
One of the greatest accomplishments of Western civilization is the development of the scientific method and the scientific disposition, which entail the development of falsifiable hypotheses about the world and the unwillingness to take unverified and untheorized claims about the world as truth, simply because someone states that they are true.
Anyone who is willing for an instant to credit the claims of astral influence is a walking demonstration of the tragic failure of science education.
Every voice with a national bully pulpit that is willing to take on the lies of the anti-cop Left is still vitally important.
The important thing to understand about eliminating racial preferences in college admissions is that doing so does not lower the number of minority college students, it just redistributes them to schools for which they are actually qualified, rather than catapulting them into academic environments where they will inevitably struggle.
Lowered crime is a precondition to economic revival, not its consequence.
The persistent belief that we are living through an epidemic of racially biased police shootings is a creation of selective reporting.
The most urgent task of any college is the transmission of knowledge, pure and simple.
Any female who thinks that she needs a female in front of her in order to learn as much as she can, or to envision a career in a particular field, has declared herself a follower rather than a pioneer - and a follower based on a characteristic irrelevant to intellectual achievement.
Well, the 80s was when it started in my view. That is when you got radical multiculturalism that hit. — © Heather Mac Donald
Well, the 80s was when it started in my view. That is when you got radical multiculturalism that hit.
Trade protectionism has an American lineage dating back to the Founders; that lineage is distinct from white nationalism.
As products of the victimology university enter the workplace, they are bringing their ideology with them.
Big-city police chiefs feel more pressure from race activists than from the hard-working residents of high-crime areas, who fiercely want more policing but have no spokesmen to defend their interests.
A federal government with enough money to buy iPads for local gym teachers is not a federal government that has been cut to the bone.
There's an ideology that's taken hold of universities, that has taken hold of elite establishments, that is committed to the myth of endemic white racism.
If the American people or Congress agrees with the illegal-alien lobby that deportation is morally abhorrent, the immigration laws should be changed.
Without question, women can act with bravery, foresight, and tactical intelligence.
Federal transfers are not even a zero-sum proposition; they are a negative-sum proposition, leaking value at every step of the way, thanks to the costs of collecting federal tax dollars, then trickling them back out to the states' own costly bureaucracies via federal paper-pushers who write and oversee grant programs.
Human-resources departments in corporations across the country are pervaded by the view that the corporation's white-male employees are incapable of fairly judging females and underrepresented minorities without large dollops of diversity training.
Too many high-school graduates are reflexively going to college as it is, without a clue what they are doing there or how to take advantage of higher education.
But in fact it makes a lot of sense to have a Blue Lives Matter movement because officers are putting their lives on the line every day.
Mandatory stints in the private economy before college enrollment could do wonders for study skills.
Females have always been the biggest consumers of spiritual hoaxes such as astrology, crystals, seances, and other metaphysical claims about the world that rest simply on assertion rather than scientific proof.
President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions want to change the false Black Lives Matter narrative, but it doesn't look like they will have many allies among liberal mayors and their police commanders.
The Democratic Party now is an extension of this poisonous identity politics on college campuses and to be honest, I can only hope it continues because American by and large are not buying it.
Multiculturalism and academic feminism started disparaging works of genius on the basis of their authors' sex and race.
The far Right's identity politics are the mirror image of that dominant left-wing ideology, which sees the world exclusively through the lens of race and sex.
A lot of Hollywood kids went to my grammar school growing up. I'm completely unmoved by it.
I think that some part of society is worried that the racial achievement gap is not going to close. And so we've become obsessed with trying to find instances of racism to explain it.
Federal consent decrees - agreements between the federal government and a local agency to change how that agency operates - are burdensome, costly, and rarely justified.
Companies want to be able to hire employees with an elite university diploma to make their personnel lists look impressive.
European operetta and German singspiel provided the American musical its combination of spoken dialogue and song; the inclusion of dance traced a lineage to French baroque opera. But what a difference!
The pressure to take irrelevant characteristics like race and sex into account in academic science is dangerous enough. But Silicon Valley continues to remake itself in the image of the campus diversity bureaucracy.
The more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
American students arrive at college knowing almost nothing about history, literature, art, or philosophy. — © Heather Mac Donald
American students arrive at college knowing almost nothing about history, literature, art, or philosophy.
If we grant immigrants moral agency, we assume that they are capable of abiding by the law, and that they are legally responsible when they do not.
This ideal of the Socratic academy is so reasonable that it may seem foolish to quibble with it. Of course, students should engage with ideas that they disagree with rather than silencing anything that challenges their worldview.
Moreover, Hispanics' sympathy for big government represents a cultural predilection as well as an economic one.
Obamacare's terrifyingly cumbersome, competition-hostile apparatus for controlling medical costs is one of its most obvious flaws.
Race and gender quotas, whether in publishing, the media, or scientific research labs, are becoming more extreme and more ineluctable.
I don't have a fondness for movies, which leaves me stranded when it comes to cocktail party chat, but I prefer language and books.
It has always been a sign of desperation that racial-preference supporters argue that the government can honor the constitutional mandate not to discriminate on the basis of race only by discriminating on the basis of race.
Official scientific organizations have all turned obsessively to the diversity agenda.
Chivalry is one of the great civilizing forces, taming men and introducing social graces and nuance to what would otherwise be a brutish social world.
No cabinet official has delivered on Donald Trump's key campaign promises more resoundingly than Attorney General Jeff Sessions. — © Heather Mac Donald
No cabinet official has delivered on Donald Trump's key campaign promises more resoundingly than Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Police departments are under enormous political pressure to hire based on race, despite existing efforts to recruit minorities, on the theory that doing so will decrease police shootings of minorities.
Unless you think hard about political questions in our culture, you are liberal by default. You have to think your way out of liberalism.
Students regularly act out little psycho-dramas of oppression before an appreciative audience of diversity deanlets who use the occasion to expand their dominion.
The Obama Justice Department put more police departments under federal control for alleged systemic bias than any previous administration had.
A riot's unchecked destruction of livelihoods and property is certainly newsworthy, threatening as it does the very possibility of civilization.
Questioning someone who is acting as a lookout for a burglary might not result in an arrest, because there is not enough evidence of a crime in progress to support one, but that intervention will likely avert the break-in.
Before you can challenge a received narrative about the past, you should be expert in its established contours.
It is not the case that I can predict your views knowing that you are a white male. I cannot predict your views if you are a black female, and it is height of both arrogance and condescension to think that somebody can be type casted on the base of.
A core plank of left-wing academic thought is that gender and race are 'socially constructed.'
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